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Everything posted by CyclonicTuna

  1. CyclonicTuna

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    That is actually a known issues that was reported almost directly after Phoenix was released so I'm sure it'll get fixed.
  2. CyclonicTuna

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hello, First of I'd like to say that you guys are doing a beyond stellar job with this mod. So much great content in one package. It has really quite blown my mind. Secondly, I'd like to make a suggestion. Because I noticed that whenever an infantry unit that comes with this mod is prone, and reloads a weapon, they make a pretty unrealistic movement in curving the back up like somekind of snake and grabbing a magazine. I wondered if it wouldn't be more realistic when they roll to their side to reload instead of looking up. Looking up makes sense when standing up or crouching but not when in prone. Keep up the great work!
  3. CyclonicTuna

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Whats wrong with the current ones?
  4. CyclonicTuna

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Hey everyone. Just wanted to say that I just saw the war movie "Fury", and if you're a fan of WarFX you guys should definetly check that movie out. Not only is it a pretty amazing WWII tale of heroism and the horrors of war and just really good acting, but the effects in the movie look amazing aswell, and kind of reminded me of Opticalsnare's amazing mod. That's all :)
  5. CyclonicTuna

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Its a mod.
  6. CyclonicTuna

    F-35C Lightning II

    I just wanna say thank you for you're continued support for the mod. Its probably one of the prettiest mods I've ever seen in Arma :)
  7. CyclonicTuna

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    How long has Dragonfyre been released?! How could I miss this?! Honestly...
  8. CyclonicTuna

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Yeah that's what I meant with render distance, the object draw distance scales with the view distance to a degree. I can't tell wether you're joking or not, but if not what hardware are you packing because 12000 meters seems excessive.
  9. CyclonicTuna

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    I never said it didn't affect preformance, I just said it isn't noticible (to me). I will say however that I don't run Arma on max settings, and I have noticed in the past that the FPS can drop dramatically if you have, for instance, you're viewdistance and render distance set to high when there are FX heavy scenes going on. But in some way that speaks for itself, because Arma is a game that lets you max out settings beyond most of the hardware that is commercially availeble to begin with. If you think you should be able to run the game comfortably with all settings maxed out and the viewdistance cranked up to 12km, just because you've pumped several thousands of dollars in your machine, then you're severely mistaken. The game itself reccomends a viewdistance of around 6000 meters at Ultra settings if I'm not mistaken. However I find it hard to believe that your framerate drops to 15 fps with just 1 helicopter crash, there's something else going on if that's the case. My fps will dip from 55 to around 45 when I run blastcore, but as long as the effects don't pile up to far, I hardly notice it. I think as long as someone doesn't provide their hardware specs you can't deny hardware that isn't up to par as an argument. I mean its not in the interest of comparing dick size its in the interest of finding the source of the problem. You need good hardware to run Arma and you need hardware that trumps that to run Blastcore. I will agree with you though, Arma 3 has horrible preformance issues, but it always has, and people should know what they're getting in for by now.
  10. CyclonicTuna

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Regardless of wether its going to be improved or not, you should know that this mod was never aimed at people with mediocre rigs. You need some high end hardware to get the best preformance. I'm running a GTX680, Core i7 3770K at 3.50 GHz and 16 gigs of RAM on Windows 64bit. Which could be considered as mid-high end hardware, its not the best of the best currently availeble, but its also not to shabby for gaming. I'm not noticing any major preformance drops. Only when turning things up to ridicilous factors with serveral hunderd AI including tanks jets and heli's who are all blowing each other up does my game become unplayable. But if that's the kind of scenario you're after you probably shouldn't be using Blastcore in the first place. Blastcore should run fine as long as you play more realistic scenario's with a couple of hand fulls of support units.
  11. Wait for the authors to fix it, if they can, and if they want to. That's pretty much the nature of the modding community ;)
  12. Well in that case, as long as you installed the mod correctly, its probably an error you can't fix yourself, that was probably caused by a recent patch to the game.
  13. Are you using any other mods, specifically sound mods?
  14. CyclonicTuna

    United States Air Force

    Those are some sexy sounds you've got going there :p. Keep it up!
  15. CyclonicTuna

    United States Air Force

    Wow! You guys are doing stellar work here, keep it up fellas :p!
  16. CyclonicTuna

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Alright well good work, I think if OS want to team up, it would be a good idea to spread te workload a bit.
  17. CyclonicTuna

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Looks nice but the smoke seems a little excessive to me, also perhaps it would be cool to add some ember/sparks that rise from the fire. Always looks cool thrue NVG's :P.
  18. CyclonicTuna

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Well then either BIS is lazy or extremely bad at making animated textures. Regardless, great news once again ;). Happy holidays and a happy new year Opticalsnare!
  19. CyclonicTuna

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    The clouds are a whole diffrent matter all together, textures can't be volumetric.
  20. CyclonicTuna

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    The smoke is not animated though, just rotating textures like the fire and the explosions.
  21. CyclonicTuna

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Well if you go into the editor and blow something up in slow mo, you can clearly see that diffrent textures are being loaded for the flames and the fire, aswell as for the smoke. But at the end of the day I don't really mind, as long as the explosions make sense. I mean, the Arma vanilla explosions are just variations on the same puff of grey smoke. And they're not explosive enough, they slowly fade in and out of existence, and do a very poor job at conveying the violence of modern day war. Explosions are almost instant, that's why they're explosions.
  22. CyclonicTuna

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    I could be mistaken but I believe the RV engine doesn't support animated textures so that's not an option unfortionately in Arma.
  23. CyclonicTuna

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    I've noticed what the problem is now with the attachment of scopes to sniper rifles. For some reason I can only attach scopes for assault rifles to sniper rifles. I can't for instance attach the LPRS scope to the M200. Also I had my windows key desables sow that's why I couldn't get the interaction menu. Still can't command my units though.
  24. CyclonicTuna

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    I've recently downlaoded this mod and I'm enjoying it but I have a few questions. First how do I command my units? When I select units I can no longer use the 1 thrue 0 keys at the top of my keyboard to command them. Secondly, I can't get the interaction menu's with the windowskey and the left ctrl + windows keys. I'm guessing that's how you put in the earplugs and stuff, but I can't get those interaction menu's. And lastly, how to I attach stuff to my weapons. The vanilla way of attaching scopes and other things doesn't seem to work for me anymore. Perhaps it would be an idea to make a PDF or a video in which all the new features are explained and shown because I'm kind of stuck with a lot of things :p Thanks in advance!