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Posts posted by Incubus

  1. Once again OFPR.info has changed their FTP server and not updated links on the site.

    Here is link JerryHooper provided.


    To get to the files there you need to replace the ofpr.info addy with this "ftp://rom043.server4you.net/"

    btw...This is a beta island and section to the NW has no land texture :(.

    not really often here so i missed somehow this fact. thanks Z.

    yes i know its halfmade, just wanna see its worth a try to finish it or its a lagfest...

  2. hi,

    Put a barrel or an object of your choice at the target position, name it i.e target1 and execute the script with [(getPos target1),scud1] exec "\OPR_Scud_B\OPR_Scripts\launch_Nuke.sqs"



    thats exactly what i did with an invisible object, its looks OK now :)

    thanks niki


  3. i have a problem with an OPR Scud script. Addon is here: http://www.fileplanet.com/141014/140000/fileinfo/Operator's-Scud-B-Addon-V2.01

    this is a script from official readme file, how can i use it to auto-launch by AI:

    [<Target position>,<scud launcher>] exec "\OPR_Scud_B\OPR_Scripts\launch_Nuke.sqs"

    i filled it in editor:

    [1926.380737,10908.096680,6.480000,scud] exec "\OPR_Scud_B\OPR_Scripts\launch_Nuke.sqs"

    and i have this errormessage:


    if i NOT give target coordinates like this:

    [scud] exec "\OPR_Scud_B\OPR_Scripts\launch_Nuke.sqs"

    scud launch normally but not hit, of course...

    any idea whats wrong?


  4. 3 days marathon has ended.

    i seen 30+ players during this weekend.

    we played lot of oldies and some well known "new" missions too.

    i wanna thank u for support to Recon, K-TTT and SOD clan. Personally for Jason Bourne[Recon] and Razor[K-TTT] for support.

    and of course all of players who has help to feel ourself good.

    lot of fun on battlefield and on TeamSpeak :)

    NEXT event coming on 10 years old [LOL] servers:

    Be prepare for WW2+Vietnam server madness!

    over 60 missions, from old Hells Circus WW2 to Bronze Eagle's Vietnam

    Omaha, Normandy, Stalingrad, Pacific Midway, Eastern Front, Africa, Nordic War,

    Saigon 1972, TET '68 Offensive, Jungle Fever etc.



    topic here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?127603-WW2-Nam-WW4-server

    sub-page: www.ofpww2mp.webs.com

    also some infos about missions: http://www.nakedsquid.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4635

    @LOLww2 and @LOLnam addons needs ONLY, u can find 'em here: http://www.nakedsquid.com/index.php?navi=downloads&sec=nam

    see our calendar for next OFP events in close future: www.nakedsquid.com


  5. nice to play with u again Z.

    y, i hope couple of active LOL members will show up...

    im also refreshed WW2 and Nam server too, 7-8 missions modified for better play and one brand new uploaded made by BronzeEagle.

    both of our LOL servers are waiting for players on this long weeekend.

  6. We wanna invite you to


    on [LOL] Clowns of War server (, first time:

    THIS FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 10/5, 11/5 and 12/5 (May 10-11-12)

    from 7 PM CET (5 PM GMT)

    planning to play this oldie maps esp.:


    co08 Advance to contact

    co12 Ironstorm II

    co12 Rats

    co12 Morton/Everon

    co14 Massive attack

    co12/24 Dirty dozen

    co12 Farm Bootcamp

    co12 NATO Bootcamp

    co16 Make a hero

    co16 Thin red line


    co12 Day in the life trilogy

    co16 Deathriders

    co20 Ablez files

    co20 Antidote

    co20 Op. Dirty island


    co12 Russian island kicking

    co16 Beach Party

    co16 Desert Run

    co18 Corner to corner


    co08 EZ riders

    co09 Ranger raiders

    co10 Shotgun wedding

    co12 Liberation of Loukov V?

    co12 Airbase Operation Assault

    co12 Oilrefinery wars 2

    co12 USMC Marines

    co16 Kill the boss

    co16 Rescue Rangers

    and of course most played missions in last 2-3 yrs...

    up on admins and players wishez

    enjoy the modified new look of old units by WW4 in ancient missions!

    and the new movements like LEAN, ROLL, CLIMB or HEAD UP on ground.

    LEAN, ROLL: SHIFT + A or D

    CLIMB: 1. weapon to back 2. SHIFT + S

    HEAD UP on ground: SHIFT+S

    dont forget: u'll need all addonpacks for play:

    @[LOL]; @LOLExtras; @LOLIslands; @LOLExtras2; @ww4mod25

    LINK FOR DOWNLOAD ADDONS: http://nakedsquid.com/index.php?navi=downloads&sec=cow


    Incubus and the [LOL]clan

  7. Why I have been banned by lol servers? I have never got into these servers before.:butbut:

    are you sure you have legal copy of the game?

    are you sure your game ID not using by other player who banned from our server?

    are you sure you are banned or you just haven't got all addons installed correctly?

    if your all answers YES to questions above, please write me a PM here (or on our clansite: www.nakedsquid.com)

    with ur game ID and ill check our banlist whos connected with your ID.

    greets: INC.

  8. what's in the addons section lolextra 1+2? Anything good that goes well with ww4?


    yes its pretty good addonpacks, made by my clan and by me.

    incl: BAS, KEG, HYK, AGS, JAM, Mapfact, Chernobyl mod buildings, CBT, Farmland, ICP, and many many more.

    one of [LOL] WW4 COOP server (name: Clowns of War) working with these addons, hundreds of missions made for this packs and still playing with

    since 2004. of course its compatible with WW4 mod.

  9. hi Sanct

    well sorry if someone already wrote that thing but i was 4 months in Austria and really not followed daily ww4 threads

    maybe u know we are playing with ur mod on one of LOL clans OFP server. and in these days we noticed this:

    Everon ACVE APC can't reammo to 100%

    i mean its originally with 3 x 30 nades but when we wanna reammo it only 1 x 30 loaded in.

    can u please add this to ur fixing list? of course if u thinking on next versions or on patches.


    we all love this awesome mod. we made 35+ missions already and lot of converted too.

    since we have added this mod, enemies are smarter, tougher and our old missions are reborned too. thank u again.

  10. hi aldo,

    im just tried the link, downloaded full file and installer is OK too.

    don't know whats the problem, pls try again.

    good luck

    PS: try simply unzip the file with 7zip if no other possibilities :)

  11. Sanc,

    since 7 months we re playing WW4mod v2.5, daily on our server and before on test server.

    lot of missions made and/or converted to LOL server.

    mod is awesome, weaps, units, islands....

    im discussed many times with players they are love this mod. i inserted to ww2/nam addonpacks too,

    so both of LOL servers are using this awesome movements.

    the most liked feature -after AIs behaviour- is the small lift with SHIFT+S when u are on ground.

    let me summarize what need change in next version if possible please (suggested by players and i agree):

    -the BTR. (extreme strong, sometimes nading us with one shot from horizont before noticed its there)

    -can u change the speed of lie movement? its looks extreme slow to me (maybe its normal, but the enemies are pretty hard, so need a bit faster :) )

    -BRDM gunner is out of vehicle but hes unvulnerable.

    -more vehicles and aircrafts(!)

    thanks for ur work again

  12. Hi guys , i'm new , hope this is the right section :p

    I would like to play the Desert Ambush mission in Malden with a my friend but i don't know how to invite him...

    I open "Multiplay" , I create a new internet server , I choose Desert Ambush , I click OK and this appears :

    How can he come in the server ?

    best solution if u both join to our server and if its empty choose this mission above or u can anytime ask admin to choose it for u :)

    server info and addons for some missions:


