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Everything posted by Jelliz

  1. OK, i would suggest if you havent, try the latest beta which can be found in the beta patch testing forum section. If that doesnt stop the crashing, try a older GPU driver (Pre OA release). If these steps dont work, it would be helpful for the BI staff if you could follow these instructions to report the crashes.
  2. Jelliz

    3rd person doesnt work

    And check your difficulty settings...
  3. Would be nice to know if you get a error message or not and if so, what does it say? And the video memory thingy goes something like this: LOW = 256MB MEDIUM = 512MB HIGH = 1024MB (You should use this setting or Default) VERY HIGH = 2048MB Error message? Specs? Same driver as OP? Error message? Question to all: Which Arma 2 patch build are you guys on? Beta?
  4. Jelliz

    Jazzadazza's mission thread

    Hey dude, im having problems getting this to work. I have downloaded and installed these addons: And also the f88 addon since i got an error message stating that it needed it. But i keep getting the same error message.(you cannot play edit this mission since it is dependent on deleted content.AAwinf,f88) Did you make the mission with the same versions as the ones that are hosted? (I am using the hotfix btw) EDIT: just noticed, thanks for the mention in the credits!
  5. http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1723203&postcount=22
  6. Jelliz

    ARMA 2: OA Beta 72716 is up

    The repair at helipad thingy is a domination script, if it doesnt work with the latest beta its something conflicting with the script. Its not a BIS mission so i dont think BIS will look into it..
  7. Jelliz

    Specialist's Missions

    Loved this mission, small scale and quickly done, but the attention to detail (examples: postprocess effect, the scout guiding you to the vantage point, "put out the fire before we go") makes it really stand out. Nice job!
  8. Jelliz

    Add AI command: engine off

    unit engineOn true/false unit action ["EngineOn", vehicle] unit action ["EngineOff", vehicle]
  9. http://www.filefront.com/17215692/convescort.Takistan.7z was making a mission like that myself, got it working, but as usual i got bored of it. But everything you need to use is in there, two triggers and two scripts.
  10. Eventhandler HandleHeal AISFinishHeal lifeState A start, but as i dont have any clue about MP scripting i dont think i can help further.
  11. weird, ive had it working before while deleting all the ruins and clutter in Kumyrna and replacing them with intact buildings. Are you on the latest Arma 2 beta?
  12. place a gamelogic called stupidrock near the rock. Paste the following in the init.sqf:
  13. Pure awesomeness, he deserves a medal!
  14. How i see it, the achievements found in the game(not implemented), looks more like test achievements. I cant possibly imagine that they would have a achievement involving seagulls in a mil-sim. It seems that they have just tested it and decided to leave it out for now.
  15. Jelliz

    Get triggers activated by guns?

    "My stick is longer than urs!!11!!11!!!" Think of the MP lulz to be had, see the potential????
  16. As far as i know, only the Russian and Polish versions of the game are language locked. Czech version should have english as well.
  17. I really dont notice any difference with the skill slider, but using the aimingaccuracy setting you can remove their KORD machinegun sniping. 0.1 or 0.15 is great when you want bullets going all around you, while there still is some risk of being shot!
  18. Jelliz

    Is Placebo even active?

    Fishing trip most likely. Give him some time ;) EDIT: there are also other moderators here, Wolle for example, but im not sure if they can help you with a cd key issue.
  19. Are you running it as an sqf or sqs? If you run it as an sqf you have to place a ";" at the end of each command. Example: If you run it as an sqs then you shouldnt use the ";".
  20. BIS needs labcoats, and crazy haircuts.