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Everything posted by Jelliz

  1. They are grouped, try to ungroup them(F2). But that doesnt make them conflict, it has no effect at all. The simple support module overwrites the secops module.(Or maybe vice versa? Depends on which is initialized first?) Bottom line is, the simple support menu takes up the slots in the communications menu which the secops module also want to use. So AFAIK there is no way to make them work together.
  2. From the changelog, havent tested the beta yet but i guess this is the answer:
  3. Jelliz

    First Downloadable Game But Not Impressed

    Source. Its supposed to work like that, but there might be something stopping it from running automatically. Like anti-virus programs and the like.
  4. ......... Kewl stuff, 10/10.
  5. Jelliz

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Is this where the trolling is happening? Kewl story bro:thumbsup:
  6. i had Tofu and mojitos STEAK AND BEER!!!
  7. Hi troll, nice day for trolling yeah?
  8. No, u must be codemaster specops spy. U did gud job, maeking kewl cmapaign an all, but u busted naow. Did u c wat i did thar? True.
  9. I dont have Operation Flashpoint(the original) anymore(Me + CD's = fail) but i remember something about FADE mentioned in the opening splashscreen, but i cant remember if it was under the codemasters logo or bohemias. No, that there is most likely a false rumour spread by codemasters to make the game seem popular. It is just not believable.
  10. Sounds like the reason for the all the hype, if everyone buys it on release day, CM wont have to spend money on making/buying counterpiracy software. After finding out how crappy it was i guess pirates didnt see the need to waste bandwith on uploading/downloading it anyways...
  11. Jelliz

    the war that killed the women

    For the easy 80's action twist on this: The protagonist(Or player in gaming scenario) is the only man left on earth with viable sperm. The protagonist must fight hordes of doomsday cults screaming "end of the world blablabla", and impregnate the worlds women(In gaming scenario: Solve cute minigames). But the 80's are gone...:(
  12. Jelliz

    Jelliz's missions (SP)

    Latest beta-patch for OA broke the mission "The lost battalion". Updated version uploaded on the filefront mirror, will see to update the Armaholic and the StrategyInformer mirror aswell. EDIT: StrategyInformer mirror updated to v/1.1 All mirrors are now v/1.1. Expect a new mission either before the weekend, or after.
  13. Jelliz

    Jelliz's missions (SP)

    First post updated with Armaholic mirror.
  14. UAV view: Put this in your description.ext: Put this in the camscript: And put this to remove: FLIR: TI effect: To terminate: Found in the zargabad.pbo
  15. Jelliz


    Yes. That is correct.
  16. Jelliz


    Not for the moment, and im almost certain that if it existed, it would break the EULA. (I could be wrong though)
  17. Jelliz


    Polish and Russian versions are language locked, thats why they are cheap.
  18. Woops, voted for MP there, although i meant SP. And i voted for the editor too.
  19. Jelliz

    Jelliz's missions (SP)

    hmmm, i had the effects module causing some errors when i made the mission, but that was quite random. But i never had them show in the radio messages:confused:
  20. Jelliz

    DLC - Chernarus goes to the Snow

    You need a trip to Svalbard ;) Back on topic, +1 to this great idea!
  21. Jelliz

    Arma 2 & OA to Xbox and Ps3

    My guess is that this wont happen, since publishers are reluctant to release games where the player has to actually think, plan ahead, and avoid bullets. Besides that, i would rather have BIS, not being very large studio, focus on the PC as long as it is economically feasible.
  22. Jelliz

    Jelliz's missions (SP)

    New mission up! Download link in the first post.
  23. true SetCamUseTi 2, various modes found here
  24. Jelliz

    Which Idea is best?

    Absolutely agree, i hate the "Gais wit turbans r evil" attitude. There are potential for great stories from the Opfor side, but for some reason people dont like to play those scenarios. They will rather play as the Blufor with all their kewl gadgets. I hate that word, the Takistani militia could really be something else, use different tactics and the like, but nooooo... EDIT: By tactics i mean on a larger scale, with possibly the result of creating "shades of grey", in other words, make the player think "Am i really evil while playing as this guy?".