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Everything posted by Jelliz

  1. Jelliz


    GetMousePosition As discussed in this thread. Ticket here, please vote.
  2. Sitting here looking through the module scripts and looking for something like this for a script i have activated via addaction(Mortar/machinegun/launcher assembling/disassembling for AI teammates), and a "getMousePosition" type function/command would be very useful for this. The script is basically finished, but it is as of now up to the mission designer to select the default position. But recording the mouseposition when the action is activated would be awesome. So, have anyone found something to avoid the communications menu as these will mostly be reserved for the SSM and/or Secops?
  3. Wont work, BAF pbo's are encrypted.
  4. BIS has to maintain the balance between simulation and fun. This is something that the community should do. It can also be scripted by the mission maker. Like for instance, once the group goes from "COMBAT" to "AWARE", a random dance animation can be triggered for about 30 seconds and then back to normal. MEDEVAC i think has already been done as a module, but i dont recall the details as to how it works.
  5. Jelliz

    D3Z Hookers

    Yes french maid very much plz kthxbai.
  6. Jelliz

    How Active is Community?

    Find a squad, then it will be what you wish for it to be:shine: -There are some squads which are very strict and almost real-life military discipline. -There are some squads which are a little more laidback and casual, but still aims for realism and teamwork. -There are some squads which are even more laidback and more casual, and just wants to have fun. Find the squad that suits you, and you wont look at another game. Just avoid public servers.(If you are looking for teamwork that is) Check out the squads and fanpages section of the forum and you might find something. And yes, the community is active. Not like OFPDR ohshi- O.F.P.D.R EDIT: And what Myke says, the community is not superlarge, atleast not with public gaming, but still very much active.
  7. Jelliz

    Steam - never get out of the boat ...

    Why post this in the troubleshooting section without asking for help? Since DM has it working, he would (probably, or maybe not considering his sig:P) tell you what would work and what would not. Instead you just rant about how steam has ruined your life. OP fail. FPDR In b4 teh threadlock.
  8. Jelliz

    DLC- What do YOU want?

    And why shouldnt BIS get paid for their work???? FPDR
  9. Its the Armaverse. XM8 is too cool to not include it. Why would BIS need to replicate reality to the smallest detail?
  10. Jelliz

    Arma 2 in french

    Start the game -> go to options -> game options and select your language there.
  11. Instead of "ARTY_30Rnd_105mmHE_M119", use "30Rnd_105mmHE_M119". Remove the ARTY_
  12. Jelliz

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    Wrong, most people have the BAF DLC, it is really good and you get alot more than what you would get from other companies DLC packages. The poll in this thread would tell you that. What? There are alot of references on the biwiki. What is missing? If it is sample models, they will come in due time. You are in the minority, the loudest minority. And i cant believe that you are not happy with the Lite version of BAF, it is what doesnt split the MP community. BAF is far from expensive compared to what it offers. To me it only costs like 1/17 of a standard Saturday beerconsuming barvisit, and it doesnt give me a hangover.
  13. The Polish and Russian versions was language locked so BIS could sell them cheaper in those countries. No way around that, besides buying the multilanguage(English,Italian,Spanish,German,French,Czech) version or modify the stringtables yourself(Since noone else has released a Polish->English mod).
  14. Jelliz

    Stargate Universe [SG:U]

    They dont have to admit it, it is too obvious. Anywho, they need to kill Chloe. I hate her character. And new dialogue writers, the dialogue is really bad at some points. One comes to mind: In the season 1 finale, Lt. Tamara looks at Varro, who we all can see very well is shot up really bad, and says "He's badly wounded". I facepalmed from the stupidity of adding that line at that time, coming from someone who is supposed to be a medic, not Captain Obvious.
  15. XM8 is awesome, awesome weapons make it past prototype in the Armaverse. M4 as been done to death. A new AK'ish weapon would have been cool, but we have those cool Czech SAsomethingsomething P and V too. When it comes to the AA12, its just one of those guns that has been recently featured in a kewl new blockbuster and everyone wants it. Next film there will be another "superkewl" gun featured and everyone wants that and so on...
  16. The answer is that DLC leaves more money to the developer. When going for the normal market you have to factor in what the publisher wants for publishing and the cost of producing DVD's and DVD covers.
  17. oooOOoooh, XM8. I'll buy it just for that, and the KA-60. And that. :) Sounds somewhat promising. Meh...:j: Does the message at the end mean that BIS will need 6000-7000 units sold to continue the DLC-fest, or am i being pessimistic and interpreting it wrong?
  18. Jelliz

    Picdrop.net anyone?

    Good site. Facebook-liked.
  19. Jelliz

    ArmA II Revamped soundtrack

    It is absolutely horrible that musicians would want to protect their work against people wanting to pervert and resell their music.
  20. Jelliz

    ArmA II Revamped soundtrack

    Posted at 4:20 + Hoping to get permission to release a perverted version of a good soundtrack + Believing he could sell it for 4 dollars a copy I lolled.
  21. Jelliz

    ArmA II Revamped soundtrack

    I will in exchange for a remote controlled computer plz.
  22. Jelliz

    ArmA II Revamped soundtrack

    Thats mostly like taking a picture, open it in photoshop and use the "sharpen texture" tool. Completely useless in my opinion. And how did you calibrate them without the multitracks? . Please watch. You might learn that louder isnt better.
  23. Jelliz

    ION, Inc.

    I'm now talking about competive online gaming, not that i care much about it because i dont play much online, but every gun with huge "splash" damage is loved by people that dont care for aiming very much. That usually results in teamkilling etc. But of course, allowing these kinds of weapons are at mission designers discretion, so my previous statement was kind of(read: very) over-exaggarated.
  24. Jelliz

    ION, Inc.

    Aw man, n00bs are going to make this gun hated reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaally fast:(.