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Everything posted by Jelliz

  1. Jelliz

    Severe ARMA2 crash issue

    tried without AA or shadows after update? And try them seperately aswell. And what are you AA settings in the Nvidia control panel?
  2. Jelliz

    deleted.oh2_air, oh2_weapons

    those are missing ACE 2 files. You would probably need to redownload the mod. A quick google search for "oh2_air.pbo arma 2 missing" revealed that.
  3. specs? Which version of the game are you running(1.05 or newer betas)? What are your graphics settings?
  4. "OMG NO KILL CAMZ? come ON, we haz da technoligiez rite???" :shine:
  5. hmm, if your gonna destroy a building with an ID, you can do it like this: Place a marker called tobedestroyed over the building, and a gamelogic called enad close by and place this is the init.sqf: The id number of the building you can find in the editor. BTW: im not sure if this is a multiplayerfriendly solution if thats what your looking for.
  6. Jelliz

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    I bet DLC wont be released until they have blacklisted most of the keys that are used with the illegal torrent versions and they can safely remove DRM. Kind of like how it was with patch 1.05 for Arma 2. I think at around 6 months after release they will start with paid DLC.
  7. Isnt there a spawn module coming with the undead mod? Last time i tried it, it was there and working.
  8. ROFL Denmark!!! And he smiled!! Priceless!:p
  9. see here The player isnt a class, but i might work. But you can also browse the classnames provided in the link above, and change the classname to the same as the player. Like if the player is an insurgent medic, it would be . It would reduce the risk of other AI interfering.(In this example, only an AI insurgent medic wich is closer to the object than the player, could ruin the addaction.)But this solution is not the optimal overall, i hope someone else chimes in with a better solution. But this will work, just with a risk of occasional fuckups.
  10. Getnearestobject can only find types(classes). The AI wont use the action unless called by a script. So you could probably use Although i am lazy and havent tested this.
  11. "Oh please", im awesome:shine: JK, hope to see some missions from you in the future then;)
  12. hmmm, name the trigger Area1 and then use this in the init.sqf: This will be executed before they should be able to talk.
  13. Jelliz

    More time trying than playing

    Yay, a rageposter Please give a more detailed description of your problem. We can help, but we need some more information then .Error messages would be nice.
  14. You can define which towns the ALICE module will spawn civilians, see the wiki page for the module. Or try a trigger with: (untested)EDIT: for the trigger use Anybody present. And the command goes into the On Act. field.
  15. Jelliz

    Where is the ArmA 2 Online?

    Please, specify your problem. If you by "Arma 2 online" mean multiplayer, please say so, so we can fully understand the question. Furthermore, describe the issues you are having. We need to be spoonfed the information about your problem, or else you wont get any good answers.
  16. i edited my above post. try the corrected command.
  17. very useless if im not missing anything obvious, you can just use in combination with .
  18. No, just copy the folder. Dont extract the content of the folder or rename it. EDIT: seems the author wrote something wrong here: the correct line would be Put this in an objects init line in the editor.
  19. From the readme Did you remember the lkscripts folder? And this?
  20. Alright, when you make a mission in the editor and save it. A mission folder is created in C:\users\username\documents\arma2 other profiles\your profilename\missions. Then quote: Is there anything unclear please specify. EDIT: i havent tried the script myself. And you are most like better off waiting for a reply in the original thread.
  21. Seriously? Why ask here, if you also asked in the thread you linked too? Btw the creator has linked to something for newbies in his first post in which you linked to. Have you tried this?
  22. place this in the AI's init line if you are using the editor: If you are using the ambient civilians module try this in the modules init line(not tested): EDIT: i stopped being lazy and tested the second command for the ALICE module, it works.
  23. Jelliz


    why couldnt you post this in the thread you linked to? Oh wait, you did...
  24. you could try to use to find out?
  25. And what about the above question?