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Everything posted by sick1

  1. sick1

    New Behavior Mode: CHARGE

    If you order your team to advance to an enemy position, they will move cautiously, engaging enemies that come into contact. If you order them to disregard there own safety and just keep moving, they will be mowed down by the enemy.
  2. I have worked with them in Iraq. I'm sure you can find a bunch of articles on the matter with a Google search. The glass is bullet resistant to some extent like all bullet proof materials. http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=124487034234715 http://www.aviationexplorer.com/apache_facts.htm
  3. Actually, the Apache glass is rated to withstand .50BMG fire. That's me in my Avatar.
  4. Well this is the topic of the discussion. If this thread has no reason to exist then I'm sure it would have all ready been closed. I'm presenting my case about this issue. If that's consider complaining, whats the point? I've reached my post limit for this thread. ;)
  5. I've never had this problem before with any game for years. I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with my mouse.
  6. When I'm paying single player and I kill about 10 to 15 guys, I would have lifted my mouse a few time to recenter. I don't think you quite understand what I'm talking about. I never play multilayer so I do a lot of shooting in game. It's not realistic, but its fun.
  7. I'm just saying give it a try. Note the position of the mouse before and after. Why would my mouse pad be inefficient for gaming?
  8. Okay you obviously have some kinda of super mouse. Go into the editor and use any rifle. Fire off a few rounds (enough to have muzzle rise) then move forward 10 to 20 feet. Repeat this process until you have spent all mags or you run out of mouse pad. You have to lift the mouse to regain the downward movement you applied if the game is not returning it for you. How else would it recenter?? Maybe it something I'm doing wrong, but I have a pretty good mouse. I find myself lifting it often. Anyone else do this?
  9. Well it's known that if enough people complain about they will change it:cool: Never say never. We could start some sort of Tea party movement;)
  10. So is this just going to be a back and fourth argument until BIS puts its foot down on the matter, because BIS is great for doing what the community want's and it looks like a lot of user would like to see an option for the recoil. Or maybe some cool guy will make a addon that disables it;)
  11. sick1

    SEAL Team Six

    Please download the new version which fixes this issue. http://www.filefront.com/17249482/SEALTEAMSIX4 V1.8.7z
  12. sick1

    Which Idea is best?

    So is this ever going to actually get made?
  13. You can't deny that a good amount of players want a option to use the old recoil. It just doesn't feel natural during single payer action to (me) to lift the mouse. I promise I won't be upset if it stays this way, but why not satisfy all the players. Will it hurt you if BIS incorporated a way that will not effect multilayer? I'm not asking if it's possible, so don't argue this. I have a feeling that people are just jumping on the bandwagon and are not considering other users want's. Is this game all about multiplayer? If so, then why is there such a want for single player content. I would like to know what single player folks think about his. Take in mind that I respect all users input on this.
  14. I don't like lifting my mouse every few shots. Feels weird. edit before I get flamed: Forgot to had that I only play single-player, and I know it doesn't take strenuous effort to move a mouse;)
  15. I'll look into it, but this has not came up before. Sorry.
  16. Here is what should happen.
  17. @Victim Just tested without mods, and with Beta 72716. Everything went has expected. Are you running just the required mods and using version 1.3 of the campaign?
  18. sick1

    Which Idea is best?

    I guess it's just a Veteran thing. No big deal, I just wanted to give my two cents.
  19. sick1

    Which Idea is best?

    Sounds like a super fun mission idea!!!
  20. sick1

    Which Idea is best?

    I'm not liking this kill Americans idea and I find it offensive. Takistan is a fictional country. The U.S is not. While its not against the rules to make such missions, I don't think any of us U.S guys will play them. Not trying to be a jerk, just giving my two cents.
  21. UPDATE V1.3 changelog 1. Various small improvements to performance. 2. Various small fixes. 3. Added the New RH packs for HK416 and Mk18. Make sure you replace the packs. FileFront V1.3 http://www.filefront.com/17233321/DeltaForceV1.3.7z
  22. sick1

    SEAL Team Six 4

    Did you keep the target painted the whole time? How much time did you wait?
  23. I've got an update to release today, so I'll look into that. Thanks!!
  24. sick1

    SEAL Team Six

    UPDATES V1.1 changelog 1. Fixed minor issues with addons. 2. Added RH m14 and smg packs. ACE VERSION FileFront V1.1 http://www.filefront.com/17215388/SE...D-ACE-V1.1.7z/ NON ACE VERSION FileFront V1.1 http://www.filefront.com/17214957/SE...-GOLD-V1.1.7z/
  25. I feel you. It's just a limitation of the script and having an open world.