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Everything posted by nicolasete
So, i finally get my friends to buy the game and play it. We enter the nateos servers, buy our gear and units and when we are about to ride to the front a guy starts killing everyone in the base, destroys vehicles' wheels, kills my ambulance driver, steals it and drives it over me killing me. I ask for a ban for the guy in the general chat (i think it was a player named Striker but i might be wrong) and instead they ban me. Good job. edit: since my friends were still playing i asked them to tell the admins to remove my ban, and aparently they are doing it, still, everytime i try to join it says "you have been kicked from the game: battleye admin ban".
¬¬ That's the sad part, there are very very few populated servers within a playable latency range... (in fact, today only nateos was since for some reason WASP has an average 60-70 more ping than usual) otherwise i would had not even made this thread.
Before you guys even try... no, i don't have an illegal/pirated copy of the game :) I have a retail (legal) cd copy of Arma 2 and OA and i have been playing it online with no problems for a couple of years now (I mainly play PR lately but whatever). The thing is that i have lost my Arma 2 cd (i still have the OA one) and i read you can't play multiplayer if you install the game from images because of FADE (whatever that is). So... is there any legal way to install the game without a CD? (i still have the hard box and the manual with the key printed if thats of any help). I hope the answer is not "buy another copy" because i already have bought 4 products (retail Arma2 and OA for me and a digital copy of arma2 and OA for a friend). Cya and thanks in advance.
Thanks for the quick response. I don't think i conserve the paper receipt (i have moved like 20 times in the past 2 years, no kidding), but i bought it at the Play.com website so i have the mails of order confirmation and the purchase info at my account in the very website... would that be valid in any way? In case its not, is it there any way to make the website send him my purchase info? Will a simple mail forward of the play.com purchase confirmation mail count as valid? (i imagine thats not possible since i can change the info in it :S)
Cant' join Multiplayer games (IP conflict?)
nicolasete replied to nicolasete's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
¬¬ Ok, fixed it. Had a Zyxel P66hw-d1 router with an old firmware wich wasn't allowing us both to join games. Changed the firmware to the newer version V3.40(AHF.0)b16 and now it works flawlesly. Cheers. -
Hi there. Me and my friend have purchased 2 copies of arma 2 and operation arrowhead so we can play online together. They both work with no problems and we both have joined online servers and played them. The thing is that we usually play in the same home (so, same internet connection, same router) and when we try to join the same server at the same time the one who joined first gets the "no response for x time" message and the one who connects after him can't join the game. Is there any way to fix this? we know we can play the same game from the same rotuer (for isntance, we have even got up to 4 players ONLINE (no lan) in a League of Legends match from our router) And no, we are not using the same cd keys, we have 2 distinct arma 2 keys and 2 distinct OA keys. Thank you in advance.
Hi there, I was wondering if BI are showing more love to pvp-based multiplayer in OA than they did in vanilla Arma2. I just can find a word about whats new in multiplayer in general. But i'm more interested in pvp (i dont mean a cod4 like pvp, but from my old arma 2 days i remember how all servers were coop involving loads of ai and despite i love the large scale, strategy and realism of Arma2, i prefer a lot to use that potential in huge and strategic pvp matches (with squads etc). Anybody who has played project reality knows what i mean. Thx in advance for the responses.
Yet maybe that option could be useful for people who wants to create smaller maps for team-pvp. I have played BF2 mods with huge maps and very dense grass (some of it tall as your hips) and they ran just fine, so i dont think grass is really Arma2 performance killer. Anyways i would prefer to play with low textures, postprocessing and filters to enable grass and shadows, after all, if the server forces you to play first person the texture quality is not that noticeable (even with high settings its very difficult to distinguish far foes). Arma2 its not precisely the best optimized game in the market, but thats another discussion.
Make multiplayer interesting for full-human squad pvp and teamplay lovers. Not all of us like to kill bots all over chernarus. Seriously, Arma2 would probably be one of the best games i have ever played if its multiplayer was somehow more like Project Reality. Add filters not only to select one type of game but to not show the games you dont want to see (its difficult, at least in western europe, to find defender or other pvp servers in that sea of Coop and CLI), so you can list, for instance, only defender and capture the flag maps. Make a more simple and easy to use squad interface, i know some ppl will get mad at me for this, but the BF2 squad interface would do it. PR is still superior in terms of squad play, and thats a shame. Add an option to server hosting to force grass and shadows (at least in low settings) so everyone is more or less equal when hiding. For those who are saying that we should just use other cover... why dont we also remove all textures from the game so we can also play smoother? Exactly, not an option. Grass is one of th emost immersive graphic features in this game. Add an option to select "invert mouse" for ground units and air units separately. Also, in my opinion, the class and weapon selection interfaces in multiplayer are horrible. I think the way to go should make a tab for each class with a number by it (for instance Rifleman 9/12, meaning 9 are already playing that class so there are 3 spots left). Also, it may be a server config thing, but shouldnt classes get the weapons they are supposed to have? In servers like Berserker (defender) you can have the sniper model and yet not being able to pick a sniper rifle.
Hi, after dying 50 times (no exageration) in my night assaults on the Russian and Chedaki bases in "Dogs of War" i thought it could be useful if i report the random general annoyances that i find in my play so maybe that helps to solve them in the future to fulfil the whole potential this awsome game has. Well i will start in no particular order and try to update it as morethings come to my mind (please, note that i have been playing this only for 1 week so some things could not be bugs but me being a noob :P) Annoyances: * Targeting (both as commander or when spotting with binoculars) does not work well, no matter how clear, big and with no visual obstacles i see my enemy in my screen. * When you destroy an enemy armor with a RPG or similar, no matter if they havent seen you, the crewmen will pop immediatly outside the armor (no burns for them...) and aim directly to you, giving you no time even to switch from the rpg to your assault rifle or pistol (it should take quite a lot longer to get out of a burning armor wich has been hit by a rocket with the correspondant explosion shock, then land outside, get your weapon, find your enemy and aim than just switching weaopns and shoot a target you have just in front of you). * Enemy AI has a totally unrealistic sight, even in nightime with no googles. They see me even in areas where i cannot see a damn thing even with my night vision on (that meaning there is any light at all) * AI ability to drive is... well they have no ability to drive at all. The only decent AI driving i have seen in this game is when they have a tank and go just straight in the open. * AI does not properly take cover (even under the "Danger" command) * Its is imposible to tell a teammate to get upon a tower, you have to do it yourself. And when they are upon the tower, if you switch back to your leader and tell them to regroup... they ofc think its faster to jump from a 4floor high tower than using the stairs. * Sometimes your units (despite they are on "at ease" or "danger") will take AGES to get from point A to point B, or to target and kill a enemy they have just like 3 meters away. * It is annoying to die this much in this game, but i still put half the blame on bugs and overpowered AI and the other half in me being a noob... but its EVEN MORE ANNOYING to have to reload a saved game every time one member of Razor team does something stupid and dies. I end up leaving them behind the main line doing nothing, only support roles (in the first missions they were more or less useful, but when the battle becomes wider...), so in the end they are only taking 3 slots i could be using in a T72 wich is more powerful and ofc wont make me lay so hardly on reloads if it gets destroyed. * If you, playing as the squad leader (cooper), get yourself wounded... 99% of the time you can instantly reload a saved game again, because the AI teammate wich takes over tends to screw the whole thing (wich is specially annoying when you have spent ages scouting and placing all your mates in a good spot prior to ordering the attack) and there is a VERY VERY VERY small chance the medic gets to you and heals you. He will never even go or he will be killed when trying to heal. * The game looks really impressive (i even prefer the graphics to Crysis' in many ways), but it's poorly optimized. Post processing really kills gameplay (i play just on 1280x1024 with a HD4870 1gb Toxic (OC), 4gb ram and a 3.2ghz core2 duo, so i should be fine) * I find some vehicles handling quite unrealistic (for instance, the humvees, or the russian apcs) specially when turning (i had never seen a tank or an apc skidding like this). Its really hard to keep yourself in your road lane, even if you reduce speed when you have to turn. * It would be great to have complete animations for mounting and disembarking from vehicles... if halo1 had it you can have it too ^^. It would add a lot of more realism (not only due to the visuals, but to gameplay as well, specially when crewmen are exiting a destroyed vehicle). * Tank commander is unplayable when your crewmen are AI. You should leave open the option to drive and shoot at the same time (something like in BF2, dont kill me yet) when in single player, providing that its a lot easier than fixing the AI. NEW Being unable to move when switching weapons is more or less understanable, also when practicing first aid on a teammate, but it should be possible to cancel what you are doing in the middle of the animation and move or switch to another weapon (2 examples come to my mind, when you start healing heal and teammate but then notice it could be not safe, or when you see a perfect shot to an enemy armor, switch to your rocket launcher, and suddenly a enemy rifleman appears in front of you, you should be able to revert the animation and get your pistol or something, and not having to wait for the whole rpg draw animation and then the whole rpg undraw and pistol/rilfe draw). NEW If it becomes nightime and you are figthing with troops without nightvision (napa for instance) you have nothing to do. You should be able to postpone the operation a few hours so you have dayligth since they dont stand a chance against google-equiped chedaki and russians, or at least steal googles from enemy leaders and equip your soldiers individually (dunno if this one is possible alreadY). NEW It is "hilarious" to be trying to sneak stealthy behind the enemy lines, then open the map and tell one of your teammates to move to a point in the middle of the forest where there is supposed to be nothing and then hear "Two! Attack that rabbit", then two shoots and everysingle russian in Chernarus knows where you are. I know this could be fixed by applying the "dont shoot" command... but come on... This also applies to abandoned and civilian vehicles (since in veteran mode i cannot see them in the map). Btw i bet two missed the rabbit... NEW It should be A LOT easier to tell your crewmen to switch positions inside a vehicle, even if you are not inside that vehicle or you do not see it and have to command them in the map screen. NEW it also should be easier to tell one men to first aid another one when you do not see them. You cannot do that in the map screen since you do not see the fallen ones. NEW PLEASE remove animals from the targetting command screen. NEW When you are in commander or gunner seat and you are telling your driver where to go, the "halt" "reverse" "forward" "fast" "left" and "right" shouts are very annoying, i think the sounds should be reduced to halt, reverse, forward and fast. NEW When you are in night vision and you hold second button, usually the night vision darkens a lot. Secondary button hold is not a optic zoom or something like that, its supposed to be you focusing on one spot/holding your breath (am i wrong?), that should not change the ammount of ligtht that the googles sense. In general, i find the light variation a little bit excesive (except when you are looking directly to a light or the sun), but its maybe how its in reality (dunno, never had night vision googles on...) NEW "Copy my stance" command does not work properly. NEW Sometimes there is a retardation when you are surfing the "base commands" (construction, buy weaopns, buy units etc). Sometimes you click construction in a "Strong point" nothing happens, you keep walking and 20 secs after or so the construction mode pops and you get stuck in open field. I guess this is a RAM issue, is there maybe a way to clean/reset the game RAM caché to speed this up¿? NEW In my actual game (im at "Dogs of War" right now) 4x time speed does not work anymore, its the same as 2x. Dunno if this is supposed to be like that. NEW sometimes i see the vehicle headlamps but not the vehicle itself (im prety sure its not hidden, the light is in the open) NEW It is unforgivable that you cannot give orders and other important (and life-saving) stuff when you are listening to radio messages. NEW If you want your squads to move to a point in "stealth" (or any other) mode, if you select them together and give the order they will move REALLY slow. This is normal since when you do that they move covering each other, but you should add some way to tell them to move unseen from cover to cover individually (i mean, not stopping every 3 seconds to cover a teammate) other than selecting them one by one. Maybe a solution could be to use the "cover each other" mode only in "danger" stance. This could be useful for stealth missions when you have not yet been detected and dont yet want to engage (because you know its safe, for instance moving at night inside a forest). NEW Sometimes when you select a large group of individual teammates and issue them an order (for instance, move to that point, F2 takes command and starts telling everybody to regroup and nobody ever moves. NEW Why is Cooper always moaning even from the start of a mission when he is fully healthy and haven yet moved a bit? Are these sounds supposed to be tiredness or wounds or something? NEW "Move to" command, when issuing theorder directly on a visual basis (i mean, not using the map) does not work properly. If i, as Cooper, have a team mate right by me, i point a tree that is like 6 meters away from us and tell him to move there, he will always stay still and cooper will say "6, move to that Spec Op". They should move exatly where im pointing. Im seeing the place, he is seeing the place, i dont know why this should not be like this. NEW AI ability to notice cover or obstacles is awful. Humans are the only animals that stumble twice in the same rock, but ARMA2 AI can stumble again and again until the end of times. For instance, if they are driving a truck and they crash agaisnt an obstacle (vehicle assistance building in my case), they keep going backwards like 1 or 2 metters and then forward in the same direction only to crash again with the same object over and over and over. NEW I have just shot an infantryman that was stadint like 10 meters away from me in the neck (i know, i saw the blood and aimed carefully) and he has just proned... so i had to shoot him again. Well this is not that severe, guess its some modelling or blood effect problem. NEW when you have "commander-mode units" (nato symbols) you can see the enemy nato symbols in real time (i mean, not on the map, but in 3d) even if you have everything deactivated in the difficulty settings. The symbols even move when the units move, and i can see the symbols even when i dont know where the units are. This gives me a huge advantage over them NEW I dont like when Cooper reports that he has seen something i have no idea of where it is (for instance, the comms station in the first missions, a enemy or any npc who is supposed to talk to me when i get close). Also NPCS tend to talk to you only taking care of distance, but that ends in situations like they start speaking when their are inside a building (no windows) and you are outside close (in distance) to them, but there is no way we have seen each other. NEW It seems that sometimes there is a retardation between the moment the bullet hits your enemy and the moment in wich the death animation pops. I guess its because they were performing another animation when hit, i think all animations should stop when hit (also if you hit a running enemy, it should not stop and then die standing still, but fall while running). EDIT: yep confirmed that that happens when they are performing other animations, for instance, throwing a granade (if you shoot a enemy throwing a grenade and hit him dead, he will still perform the whole animation (and of course throw the grenade at you) no matter how early in the throw you hit him, this is a pain because sometimes you think you have missed him and you keep shooting at him with no effect until he finishes the animation, this meaning you stay more time uncovered and making noise). NEW AI should really stop running past a corner in wich they are seeing loads of dead friends... (maybe this is a ultra-realistic psychologic simulation and they just go rambo when they see their old school mate Jimmy lying in the ground with a 7.62mm hole in his forehead) NEW When you are running you should actually jump over fences, not suddenly stop totally so the slow obstacle-avoiding animation performs correclty. Sumarizing, you should add 2 more animations for jumping over fences while running and sprinting. And even the normal animation should take less time between the moment in wich u press V and the moment the animation starts. NEW I think that the AI has a little bit overpowered aiming. I mean, running crazy and standing or crouching from one cover to another (for instance 2 houses) should be difficult when there are enemies close, but it should be DEFINITELY an option (running with the head low and all the bullets flying around you, i know its kind of cinematic, but films are not always for arcaders... the intestines in Saving Private Ryan's Omaha beach were reality, and not some gore unnecesary addition. NEW When AI engages a enemy wich is perfectly covered (for instance, when they see a driver inside a truck or a gunner inside a machine gun pit from the back) they keep shooting no matter how clear it is that they are just hitting sandbags. Its annoying to see how they waste all their ammo, specially when its an apc using the limited HE rounds. They should notice they need to find a better angle/position. Ofc i can do it manually, but in the middle of a firefight telling a mate to cease fire is not the best option. NEW For some reason i cannot pick the M136 (is like that?) AT rocket a dead mate has, i can pick the rest of his inventory but not that one (even when i have already picked his rocket launcher), no matter if i fully empty my inventory. Oh, and i have just noticed that after i gave back the launcher to the dead body and picked it back the rocket has dissapeared and its not inside the launcher. NEW When an enemy AI is proned (and aiming?) the turning while proned animation is not displayed when they turn, they just magically rotate over themselves. Also that rotation is imo too fast. If you are, lets say to their 3 or 9 o clock, they should not be able to aim at you (At least using a rifle and specially if he is not lefty and you are at his 3 o'clock), so the turn and shoot time should be alittle bit higher in my opinion. EDIT: I have just noticed this also happens when they are stading, so it seems to be that turning animations do not display when they are aiming. NEW Playing a mission with commander-mode units, my (squad) medic got wounded by an enemy shot, i went to pick him out of danger and the drag option was not there. (Btw, i found funny that he was laying there bleeding with bullets flying around and the first available action in my menu was "Hi!"). EDIT: I have noticed that he was not wounded like when you get shoot and you have only the option to prone or wait, but he had that kind of wound that lets you move but also crouch or stand and shoot (leg wound?), so my suggestion here could be that you should add the option to drag friends wich have difficulties to move, not only the "terminally ill" ones. NEW I understand that middle-campaign missions can end even if you have not acomplished all your objetives... but how come can you end the last mission when the AI has taken the Chedaki camp and you were yet positioning to assault the russian base? The message of victory (And the consequent endgame cutscene) popped when i had only taken minor objetives and towns (well... i had also taken chernogorsk, but it was not even a secondary objetive, i just found it fun). Kind of killed my game. NEW After a few more hours of play, I sum myself to BeerHunter request to add the option to make "always-walk" mode default. NEW Infantry "flying-when hitted by he round" animation does not match the quality of the other animations in the game by far. Oh and this brings me memories of my gore past: NEW WHERE IS DISMEMBRATION???? NEW In Fast Forward mode (2x-4x), when commanding "nato-symbol" units, you cannot issue them orders, and you can only select them using the F keys (click does not work). NEW Low recoil? You can empty a magazine in full autofire and even if you are firing a heavy machine gun stading the recoil is absolutely minimum. NEW It should be allowed to change "invert mouse" for infantry-vehicles and planes-choppers individually. Its a pain havin to switch it everytime (many times meaning instant crash as soon as you take off) Suggestions: * The "watch direction" command is a pain in the a**. It would be a lot nicer to be able to click and drag in the map to tell the location you want your soldier to go (click) and the direction you want him to look at (drag), like in some RTSs (for instance Company of Heroes). This is specially annoying when commanding tanks, since you have to be constantly moving them so they place the tank correctly looking at their enemies so the back and the sides are protected. * I dont understand why after the mission where you first enter the command mode you are not able to switch to your other team members. * Leave open the option to not be the commander. Being commander would be great if the AI had actually some military training and was able to acomplish tasks efficiently. That way i could tell each battalion roughly were they have to position and attack from and then just focus in my squad (i know you can actually do that in commander mode, but again, AI will always screw it). * I guess this goes for a future game. Instead of choosing from a series of different models of the same weapon, leave open the chance to configure your weapon yourself (something like in Rainbow Six Vegas). I mean, u pick the base weapon and then choose if you want iron sights, acog, grenader launcher, etc) - (a G36 with iron sights and an AG36 grenade launcher attached just came to my mind. Lovely). * It would be nice to see european units in your game... like the EU Battlegroups, or something like the ISAAF in Afghanistan so we can see toys like the g36, the Leopard, the Tornado or the eurocopter tiger in action [no, im not german :)]. I see you are already adding some kind of arab faction in your expansion, so i will leave it there. * bring more difficulty customization. For instance, I think you should add the option "save game when not engaged in combat" in Veteran difficulty. I play on regular with everything deactivated but saving game, tracers, and some times 3d person view. It hurts my honor :p (oh, and about tracers, instead making it a difficulty setting, i think you should add different types of charger/ammo, so you can pick tracers if you need, or choose not to use tracers if you are in a stealth mission for instance). * Btw talking about 3d person view, it would be nice to have some system to play in 3d person but not being able to look at places your character cant look (for isntance seeing upon walls), the animations, models and textures are just so impressive to miss them playing always 1st person ^^ (maybe some kind of over-the-shoulder but under-the-helmet cam could be an option, more or less realistic aproximation to first person). NEW Voice detection for basic commands. For instance, configure the controls with your mic so if you say "Prone" your mates go prone, instead of having to select them, hit 7 and and then hitting prone. NEW It should be possible to buy vehicles with no crew in it. Also it should be possible to build defences with crew on them (maybe extending the build time or something like that). NEW Change the targetting/spotting system. Instead hitting 2 and list all the available objetives, it should be nice to hit 2 and then choose the direction your objetive is, so the list gets reduced a lot (i have noted the "clock-direction" of the objetive is displayed in this list, so if you hate a Tank right in front of you, it is easier to go 2(target)->(choose direction, for instance, "List every objetives in 12 o'clock)->choose the objetive in the reduced list. If i have a T90 right in front of me, i dont want to see in the list a rabbit wich is 400 meters behind me. So it will go from: 2(target)->scroll the list (in my case, go to page 4 of the list... the tank is 10 meters in front of me)->select the tank. to: 2(target)->list 12o'clock objetives->target the tank. If you still think the actual system is better, at least clean the list a bit and make close/direct sight/dangerous objetives prioritary in the list. NEW Add wire cutters or some other way to get past wire fences stealthier than ramming them with a tank. NEW When you tell a teammate to target an enemy, if they are set to dont fire, they stay still. This is nice when they have visual feed of the objetive, but it should be nice to have an option like "move stealthy until you get visual feed of this objetive, then stand still until fire order". (Dunno if this is possible, maybe telling them to engage, but i cant even tell them to engage because targeting does not work well and many times target are displayed as "unknown" (yellow) no matter how clear i have they are enemies). NEW Add a way to select a fella and click directly in the objetive you want him to target (visual basis). Dont know if this is already possible, i only know how to do it as a vehicle commander, but when im infantry, i have to tell them the objetive always via 2(target) menu, wich is annoying since i just want him to target that tank we have right in front of us... NEW Overall the game has some microing features that i, as a commander or squad leader, should not be taking care off. For instance the "At ease" stance should be removed, "Be aware" is good enough, i dont see the reason why taking care of the horizon to check if enemies appear has to limit the movement speed. I know is harder to spot an enemy when running, but if i want my squamates to watch the horizon properly... i would command them to stop. The same goes with stances, its nice to have the option to force a mate to go prone or crouch or something, but if you dont, they should know when to use each stance. Any soldier (or even civilian) would stay on foot and "at ease" if they spot an enemy no matter how many orders Cooper has given to them (i have noticed they do this correctly sometimes... but its far from being an acceptable level of "correctness") NEW Seeing these many details in models and textures, i sometimes miss the weapons leashes and carabiners and not only see them floating in my back. NEW It would be great to have some kind of cover system in the game. I specially miss this when crouching behind a half-height masonry fence, there are zones where you have to prone to cover and crouch to shoot, and zones where you have to crouch to cover and stand to shoot. Prone and stand are respectively uncorfontable and dangerous in a firefight behind a mid-height cover. There should be at least 2 different stances for crouch-covered and crouch-aiming-over-the-fence. NEW Destructible enviroments would be delightful (in the exact way as they are done in World in Conflict, i mean, not only you can destroy buildings but also explosions make holes in the ground where you can take cover). I understand that, like many other stuff in this list, this would mean a lot of coding and a whole new engine, but its just another suggestion. NEW It would be GREAT if at least a few bullet cases stayed on the ground where they were fired. NEW Random Questions about gameplay: * Is AI capable of seeing shadows and act in consequence? (i mean, like when im hiding behind a corner but my shadow is seen in the street in front of them) * Do enemy AI/human players hear my radio messages? (both the scripted ones and the orders and commands). Seriously, everytime Cooper shouts "MY FUCKING LEG!!!!" few words come to my mind other than "dort!!!! ein amerikanischer Soldat!!!! Schnell! FEUER!!!!!" * Hold breath gives you a zoom and a better focus/aim at the cost of loosing the aim if you hold it too much, but you can still stay zoomed forever, even when you are running. What are the consecuences of running with the right mouse button held? (apart from loosing view angle) (oh, btw, it might be a matter of my 5.1 config, but i think breaths should sound loder) * I know that in "Cease fire" mode my mates will fire if they are fired upon, but in a game in wich you normally get 1shot killed, i wonder if my mates (providing they have seen the enemy) will fire back only AFTER fired upon or right in the moment they notice they have been spotted by the enemy. Oh, this is all about Single-player (patched to 1.03). I havent tryed multiplayer yet, but its looking REALLY REALLY promissing... waiting for my new adsl connection to arrive... then i will try it and seems i am gonna be able to finally retire BF2:Project Reality ^^ Well, bye for now, im gonna give another try to my assault on Msta. ;) It would be nice to read opinions and additions about this =)
Thanks for the info
Can someone recommend me the best finished mods/addons/user missions available? Or at least where can i find them listed and detailed enough? (features, pics, etc) Thanks in advance. I have just finished the campaign in a totally weird way (i was about to give the fire order in the Russian camp and suddenly the "you win" message popped... not a single bullet fired) and it felt kind of short, so i need more... more MOREEEE! =)
You are missing the point. Imagine an APC in the middle of a blank-flat space, at night, distracted in some weird black dot that has appeared far in the infinite, and a tree in its side wich the apc does not care about, but little do they know about me hiding behind it with a huge rocket launcher on my shoulder, aiming at their side. I shoot at them and the vehicle gets destroyed (not necesarily killing them inside). The crew exiting the vehicle (using the top hatchway, not the back one and therefore skylining themselves, shocked, and one by one should make them easy and more or less static targets for me, and of course the time employed by them doing all that stuff (plus dragging their weapons, providing they have not forgot them inside the vehicle in panic ¬¬, looking for me, aiming and shooting) should be WAAAAAAY longer than me just switching weapons and shooting at them, since i have a clear sight of the target. BTW the apc was an normal-3seat apc, not a troop carrier. and still If it was a troop carrier, the same thing applies. If you are a trooper inside an APC and it gets hit, the first thing you do after you exit it is to find cover, not to stay in the open looking for an enemy who could be hiding anywhere and who clearly has seen you and is aiming at you way before you even spot him. If they were too many and i considered i could not take them fast and safe, then it would be another story.
It seems to me that a lot of people are sort of clueless about what Arma is
nicolasete replied to Rancmeat's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
Despite i dont fully agree with you, thats a really nice comparison ^^ -
When did i say in the middle of the street? I was hiding in a forest, the rest of my teammates were dead except for razor team and a tank wich was engaging other units, it was closed night, i was hiding behind a tree, there was no enemy infantry around, i had night vision googles on and the apc was in front of me looking another way. Also, dont think of war as a us marine in iraq or afghanistan. There they are in clear superiority, so they rarely have casualties and then they can stay very organized and follow their training. But in a equal war (lets say WW2 europe) you had to go on if your goddamn fireteam gets slaugthered. Not everything is written in the military books. A foot soldier sees war in a complete different way than a West Point officers instructor.
Yeah, but the whole thing is about playing a game wich aims to be realistic, not about how you can deceive unrealistic ai behaviours and game bugs If i wanted to do that, i would be playing CS (your grenades increase a lot their speed if they hit certain surfaces, for instance) or vanilla BF2 (you can jump sideways, prone while in the air, and shoot right when you land...aka bunnyhopping) For instance, today i cleared the whole airfield in the first custom mission just hiding behind a house corner side-tilting shooting and covering again and again, and the ai just stood there running everywhere, and they were like 12, i think they had more chances of winning... ( BTWi'm not saying that what you suggested is not a realistic strategy, but that mine about shooting the apc from its side while in the dark and behind a tree, and then just switching to rifle and shooting the crew as if they were ducks as they exit the vehicle one by one is just as acceptable, at least if the crew left the apc a lot slower, shocked due to the rocket hit, one by one and in general in a way more realistic manner) Thanks!!!
oh sorry, didnt notice there were a bug section. I read "Troubleshooting, This forum is for reporting hardware/driver issues..." and stopped reading :P Well, fell free to move the thread =)
Btw, dont know if that was a question, but you actually can, u have to double hit Shift. (The same with double hit alt if you wan to switch to "look when running" mode)
Didnt even know there are flares available. In the napa camp i can only buy grenades and smoke in that kind of things. Thats what i mean easier. I dont have time to: F2->2->look for o'hara in a list of 4 pages in wich most of the names are chicken, rabbit, cow and sheep...-> ehm... well i dont really know what do i have to after. Tryed "F2 target o'hara!" and F2 started to shoot at him... It should be like HEAL THE GOD DAMN MAN YOU HAVE AT YOUR FEET! ;) I only had one tank (doing other bussiness) and my 3 razor team members (wich i rarely employ in the frontline). In fact, the 3 razor members were retreating from this apc i was hunting with cooper, because they got killed by it again and again (even when it was closed night, inside a forest, they were proned andin danger stance). Nah i just go to were i think it is still safe (usually i stop when i reach a forest right before the objetive) and then i move crouched from cover to cover and proned when in close range. But thougth it was more of a visual think, didnt knew that running-walking affected that much to enemy detection (talking about sound) ^^ Thanks. Thanks for the replies, found them helpful :) ---------- Post added at 08:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:40 AM ---------- Btw JW Custom... if the US army can fit their military operations to TV high audience schedule, why cannot i fit mine to the time of the day if find suitable for my purposes? :P
Thanks a lot mate, you have saved me countless hours ans headaches ^^
Hi there, im new to ARMA2 and i have a doubt. I have searched google and the forums and cant find an answer for this. So... is it possible to tell your AI tank or vehicle in general crew to board a vehicle in a certain crew position or tell them to switch to another position when they are inside the vehicle? What they do usually is to board the vehicle in order, and if i entered first as driver they go gunner->commander->back seat. I am usually driver due to AI total incompetence to getting fast from point A to point B (today even one of my T72 went up side down in a total plain terrain...) but i also like to stop the vehicle in a safe spot and go scouting on foot, and then i would like to tell my spare crewman (back seat or even commander) to switch to driver seat and advance. Any help with this? If that is not possible... is it at least some way to make AI driving more effective? Can i assing waypoints to individual units (i mean, not the commander units wich are displayed with the NATO symbols) Thanks in advance.