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  1. greni

    EL_76 Logistics

    sorry, but you read my threads before you ask your question ?? 🙂
  2. greni

    EL_76 Logistics

    just a note to the buildtime 🙂 In the following video will you see the bridge (extra large) . Buildtime something around 90min 🙂
  3. greni

    EL_76 Logistics

    Ok Guys, you can give it try 🙂 Bad news: The current state of the project is frozen and El will take a break from Arma. Good news: Its nearly complete and to get with https://gametwitter.de/forum/wcf/index.php?attachment/720-e76-logistics-rar/ Known bugs: Dont drive to fast against other bridge parts , they can be damaged or the driver flys to the other side of the map 😉 Have fun 🙂 https://gametwitter.de/forum/wcf/index.php?attachment/720-e76-logistics-rar/
  4. greni

    EL_76 Logistics

    We have discuss about it with EL and he means a lot of things could be happen ... but the primary goal are the bridges :) . Other modders talks about more "bundeswehr" logistic units now ... good possible that we see more & different variants in the future. The team around the GM Mod and Redd & Tanks should be able to do that as example ... they have posted ideas & screens in the past ... :)
  5. I was yesterday on the island of EL76 and i must say wtf , we need more of them :D