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About Zboss

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  1. Please can you provide the line of script you are using to allow the choppers to respawn? Are you running from a vehicle.sqm file or other? If running the vehicle.sqm file, you can add a script like this (veh = [this, 60] execVM ""vehicle.sqf) which will tell the vehicle to spawn after 60 seconds. Where are you changing the time? In the ingame editor or the description file? To alter the time you should keep the in game time to 00:00 and change it via the description file. Alternatively, log in as an admin when the server restarts, click (unlock) and you can also edit your parameters from here. For now though, let me know what script your are entering into the unit for a respawn? Thx
  2. From what your saying here I can pickup that you are using the in game editor. Applying your own modifications etc and then hitting save? You will notice that when you go to you missions folder < C:\Documents and Settings\XXXXXXX\My Documents\ArmA 2\missions That you have a folder relating to your mission, in my case . co40_Carrier_Domination_1_17TA2_R.Chernarus When you save in the map editor (within the game) it will not save back to this file always. You will probably find that it has created a new folder, and within it only has 1 file 'mission.sqm' All you need to do is copy that particular file, and paste it into your original mission directory. You will be asked if you want to overwrite the current file, click yes. This will fix your problem. The reason it is always dark is without a description file the map does not have any variables such as time of day, number of missions etc, so it used the default mission time of 00:00am. Hope this helps. Z
  3. Morning Guys Firstly, Xeno, thx to you and your team for these superlative maps! I do however come here with a small bug. Not sure if it will of been picked up yet as it's is based on Carrier. I'm running 1.12t on our dedicated. The bug is as follows... if you walk or drive on the carrier towards (on the left hand side of the carrier) the 2 UH1Y's as if you were going to take off, you fall through the ship into the water. Also we have seen MHQ 1 randomly fall through even when it isn't being used. It ends up in the spawn area used when you first load the map (level -1 of the carrier). If you could take a look it would be very much appreciated. Once again, thank you. Zboss