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Everything posted by PartyHead

  1. This is also happening to me. Is anyone else having this happen ?
  2. Yeah same for me so i went back to the ALPHA build.
  3. Although my experiences with Arma 3 (ALPHA) have been to this point fair, my first impressions of Arma 3 (ALPHA) in its present form is that its a cheap version of Arma 2. If they don't fix a lot of things wrong with it then i will be continuing to play Arma 2 instead and will be sorry i bought Arma 3. Honestly i know its an alpha but it runs like shit and it just looks, sounds and feels cheap, for example when you shoot a barrel it just slowly rolls to one side and then gets sucked into the ground and looks totally fake and cheaply done, id rather it do nothing then to do some fake looking animation and the game is full of examples like that. Arma 2 for me so far is looking to be a far superior product from Bis then Arma 3.
  4. I've got a strange "killed" eventHandler problem ??? I'm sure this wasn't always like this but when i place for example an EAST unit and an WEST unit on a map in the editor, and using a simple hint like the example below, in the init.sqf // init.sqf _sideE = side mane; _sideW = side manw; hint format ["Side of mane: %1.\nSide of manw: %2.", _sideE, _sideW]; I get the correct return like below. Side of mane: EAST. (correct) Side of manw: WEST. (correct) But when I give the EAST unit an addEventHandler like the example below. this addEventHandler ["killed",{hint format ["Side of killed: %1.\nSide of killer: %2.", (side (_this select 0)), (side (_this select 1))];}]; I get an incorrect return like below. Side of killed: CIV. (incorrect) Side of killer: WEST. (correct) Its happening with all units and its always the same return, the killed units side is always returning CIV no matter what there side is and the killers side is always returning correct. I've tried doing a reinstalling thinking that would fix it but it didn't. Anyone one else having or have had this problem ? I don't know how to fix it ?
  5. Thanks for these replies guys you answered my question and helped me a lot.
  6. This is your script that I've made the changes to and it works for me. It punishes me for a team kill and when i kill myself with a grenade i don't get punished, i don't know why it does not work for you. /* TK punishment v 1.1 by Demonized Teach Team Killers a lesson.. 1: Make sure you have a functions module on your map. 2: Place a marker called DMZ_TKP_marker in your base or your no TK zone, or change marker name below in options. 3: Place this in init of any unit you wish to be included in TKP script. _null = [this,"start"] execVM "TKP.sqf"; */ _timer = 0; // time in seconds until TK´er can move again. _increase = 60; // extra time in seconds added for every amount of TK´s commited, if its the second TK, it will be total wait of (_timer + _increase + _increase) in seconds. _distance = 0; // this is the distance to DMZ_TKP_marker, if within this punishment will be done, if this is set to 0, punishment will be done no matter where the TK happened. // default marker used, can be any marker, for example "respawn_west". _noTKzone = "DMZ_TKP_marker"; // message given to Team killer. _message = "You are being punished because of Team killing"; waitUntil {!(isNil "BIS_MPF_InitDone")}; _killer = _this select 0; if ("start" in _this) exitWith { if (local _killer) then {_killer addEventHandler ["killed", {[(_this select 1),(side (group (_this select 0))),(getPos (_this select 0)),(_this select 0),"EH"] execVM "TKP.sqf"}]}; }; if ("EH" in _this) exitWith { _side = _this select 1; _pos = _this select 2; _target = _this select 3; if (_side == (side (group _killer)) AND (_killer == player) AND (_killer != _target)) then {[nil, _killer, "loc", rEXECVM, "TKP.sqf", _killer, _pos] call RE}else{}; }; if (_killer != player OR (_distance != 0 AND ((_this select 1) distance (getMarkerPos _noTKzone)) > _distance)) exitWith {}; if (DMZ_TKP) exitWith {DMZ_TKP_rapsheet = DMZ_TKP_rapsheet + 1}; disableUserInput true; if (isNil "DMZ_TKP_rapsheet") then {DMZ_TKP_rapsheet = 1; DMZ_TKP = true} else {DMZ_TKP_rapsheet = DMZ_TKP_rapsheet + 1}; _cnt = DMZ_TKP_rapsheet; _timeLeft = ((_timer - 3) + (_increase * DMZ_TKP_rapsheet)); _killer setVariable ["DMZ_TKP", true, false]; _text = format["%1 is being punished for total %2 Team kills",(name player),DMZ_TKP_rapsheet]; [nil,nil,rHINT,_text] call RE; cutText [_message,"BLACK OUT",3]; sleep 3; while {_timeLeft != 0} do { _text = format["time left \n %1 \n \n %2",_timeLeft,_message]; cutText [_text,"BLACK FADED",0]; sleep 1; _timeLeft = _timeLeft - 1; if (_cnt != DMZ_TKP_rapsheet) then { _timeLeft = _timeLeft + (_increase * (DMZ_TKP_rapsheet - _cnt)); _cnt = DMZ_TKP_rapsheet; _text = format["%1 is being punished for total %2 Team kills",(name player),_cnt]; [nil,nil,rHINT,_text] call RE; }; }; cutText ["You can now join the game again, be more careful in the future","BLACK IN",5]; _text = format["%1 has finnished his punishment for his %2 Team kills \n \n %1 is now back in play",(name player),_cnt]; [nil,nil,rHINT,_text] call RE; if (!isNull player) then {disableUserInput false; DMZ_TKP = false};
  7. Hmmm I can only test with AI units and it works. Try this, I've changed "player" to "_killer" shown again in red. /* TK punishment v 1.1 by Demonized Teach Team Killers a lesson.. 1: Make sure you have a functions module on your map. 2: Place a marker called noTKzone in your base or your no TK zone, or change marker name below in options. 3: Place this in init of any unit you wish to be included in TKP script. _nil = [this,"start"] execVM "TKP.sqf"; */ _timer = 30; // time in seconds until TK´er can move again. _increase = 10; // extra time in seconds added for every amount of TK´s commited, if its the second TK, it will be total wait of (_timer + _increase + _increase) in seconds. _distance = 0; // this is the distance to noTKzone, if within this punishment will be done, if this is set to 0, punishment will be done no matter where the TK happened. _noTKzone = "noTKzone"; _message = "You are being punished because of Team killing"; waitUntil {!(isNil "BIS_MPF_InitDone")}; _killer = _this select 0; if ("start" in _this) exitWith { if (local _killer) then {_killer addMPEventHandler ["MPkilled", {[(_this select 1),(side (group (_this select 0))),(getPos (_this select 0)),(_this select 0),"EH"] execVM "TKP.sqf"}]}; }; if ("EH" in _this) exitWith { _side = _this select 1; _pos = _this select 2; _target = _this select 3; if (_side == (side (group _killer)) AND (_killer == player) AND (_target != [color="#FF0000"]_killer[/color])) then {[nil, _killer, "loc", rEXECVM, "TKP.sqf", _killer, _pos] call RE}; }; if (_killer != player OR (_distance != 0 AND ((_this select 1) distance (getMarkerPos _noTKzone)) > _distance)) exitWith {}; if (TKP) exitWith {rapsheet = rapsheet + 1}; disableUserInput true; if (isNil "rapsheet") then {rapsheet = 1; TKP = true} else {rapsheet = rapsheet + 1}; _cnt = rapsheet; _timeLeft = ((_timer - 3) + (_increase * rapsheet)); _killer setVariable ["TKP", true, false]; _text = format["%1 is being punished for total %2 Team kills",(name player),rapsheet]; [nil,nil,rHINT,_text] call RE; cutText [_message,"BLACK OUT",3]; sleep 3; while {_timeLeft != 0} do { _text = format["time left \n %1 \n \n %2",_timeLeft,_message]; cutText [_text,"BLACK FADED",0]; sleep 1; _timeLeft = _timeLeft - 1; if (_cnt != rapsheet) then { _timeLeft = _timeLeft + (_increase * (rapsheet - _cnt)); _cnt = rapsheet; _text = format["%1 is being punished for total %2 Team kills",(name player),_cnt]; [nil,nil,rHINT,_text] call RE; }; }; cutText ["You can now join the game again, be more careful in the future","BLACK IN",5]; _text = format["%1 has finnished his punishment for his %2 Team kills \n \n %1 is now back in play",(name player),_cnt]; [nil,nil,rHINT,_text] call RE; if (!isNull player) then {disableUserInput false; TKP = false};
  8. Try this version, I've made some changes to the script so when you accidentally kill yourself it wont count as a team kill. The changes are shown in red. I've also posted this in your other post of the same topic. TKP.sqf /* TK punishment v 1.1 by Demonized Teach Team Killers a lesson.. 1: Make sure you have a functions module on your map. 2: Place a marker called noTKzone in your base or your no TK zone, or change marker name below in options. 3: Place this in init of any unit you wish to be included in TKP script. _nil = [this,"start"] execVM "TKP.sqf"; */ _timer = 30; // time in seconds until TK´er can move again. _increase = 10; // extra time in seconds added for every amount of TK´s commited, if its the second TK, it will be total wait of (_timer + _increase + _increase) in seconds. _distance = 0; // this is the distance to noTKzone, if within this punishment will be done, if this is set to 0, punishment will be done no matter where the TK happened. _noTKzone = "noTKzone"; _message = "You are being punished because of Team killing"; waitUntil {!(isNil "BIS_MPF_InitDone")}; _killer = _this select 0; if ("start" in _this) exitWith { if (local _killer) then {_killer addMPEventHandler ["MPkilled", {[(_this select 1),(side (group (_this select 0))),(getPos (_this select 0))[color="#FF0000"],(_this select 0)[/color],"EH"] execVM "TKP.sqf"}]}; }; if ("EH" in _this) exitWith { _side = _this select 1; _pos = _this select 2; [color="#FF0000"]_target = _this select 3;[/color] if (_side == (side (group _killer)) AND (_killer == player) [color="#FF0000"]AND (_target != player)[/color]) then {[nil, _killer, "loc", rEXECVM, "TKP.sqf", _killer, _pos] call RE}; }; if (_killer != player OR (_distance != 0 AND ((_this select 1) distance (getMarkerPos _noTKzone)) > _distance)) exitWith {}; if (TKP) exitWith {rapsheet = rapsheet + 1}; disableUserInput true; if (isNil "rapsheet") then {rapsheet = 1; TKP = true} else {rapsheet = rapsheet + 1}; _cnt = rapsheet; _timeLeft = ((_timer - 3) + (_increase * rapsheet)); _killer setVariable ["TKP", true, false]; _text = format["%1 is being punished for total %2 Team kills",(name player),rapsheet]; [nil,nil,rHINT,_text] call RE; cutText [_message,"BLACK OUT",3]; sleep 3; while {_timeLeft != 0} do { _text = format["time left \n %1 \n \n %2",_timeLeft,_message]; cutText [_text,"BLACK FADED",0]; sleep 1; _timeLeft = _timeLeft - 1; if (_cnt != rapsheet) then { _timeLeft = _timeLeft + (_increase * (rapsheet - _cnt)); _cnt = rapsheet; _text = format["%1 is being punished for total %2 Team kills",(name player),_cnt]; [nil,nil,rHINT,_text] call RE; }; }; cutText ["You can now join the game again, be more careful in the future","BLACK IN",5]; _text = format["%1 has finnished his punishment for his %2 Team kills \n \n %1 is now back in play",(name player),_cnt]; [nil,nil,rHINT,_text] call RE; if (!isNull player) then {disableUserInput false; TKP = false};
  9. Try this version, I've made some changes to the script so when you accidentally kill yourself it wont count as a team kill. The changes are shown in red. TKP.sqf /* TK punishment v 1.1 by Demonized Teach Team Killers a lesson.. 1: Make sure you have a functions module on your map. 2: Place a marker called noTKzone in your base or your no TK zone, or change marker name below in options. 3: Place this in init of any unit you wish to be included in TKP script. _nil = [this,"start"] execVM "TKP.sqf"; */ _timer = 30; // time in seconds until TK´er can move again. _increase = 10; // extra time in seconds added for every amount of TK´s commited, if its the second TK, it will be total wait of (_timer + _increase + _increase) in seconds. _distance = 0; // this is the distance to noTKzone, if within this punishment will be done, if this is set to 0, punishment will be done no matter where the TK happened. _noTKzone = "noTKzone"; _message = "You are being punished because of Team killing"; waitUntil {!(isNil "BIS_MPF_InitDone")}; _killer = _this select 0; if ("start" in _this) exitWith { if (local _killer) then {_killer addMPEventHandler ["MPkilled", {[(_this select 1),(side (group (_this select 0))),(getPos (_this select 0))[color="#FF0000"],(_this select 0)[/color],"EH"] execVM "TKP.sqf"}]}; }; if ("EH" in _this) exitWith { _side = _this select 1; _pos = _this select 2; [color="#FF0000"]_target = _this select 3;[/color] if (_side == (side (group _killer)) AND (_killer == player) [color="#FF0000"]AND (_target != _killer)[/color]) then {[nil, _killer, "loc", rEXECVM, "TKP.sqf", _killer, _pos] call RE}; }; if (_killer != player OR (_distance != 0 AND ((_this select 1) distance (getMarkerPos _noTKzone)) > _distance)) exitWith {}; if (TKP) exitWith {rapsheet = rapsheet + 1}; disableUserInput true; if (isNil "rapsheet") then {rapsheet = 1; TKP = true} else {rapsheet = rapsheet + 1}; _cnt = rapsheet; _timeLeft = ((_timer - 3) + (_increase * rapsheet)); _killer setVariable ["TKP", true, false]; _text = format["%1 is being punished for total %2 Team kills",(name player),rapsheet]; [nil,nil,rHINT,_text] call RE; cutText [_message,"BLACK OUT",3]; sleep 3; while {_timeLeft != 0} do { _text = format["time left \n %1 \n \n %2",_timeLeft,_message]; cutText [_text,"BLACK FADED",0]; sleep 1; _timeLeft = _timeLeft - 1; if (_cnt != rapsheet) then { _timeLeft = _timeLeft + (_increase * (rapsheet - _cnt)); _cnt = rapsheet; _text = format["%1 is being punished for total %2 Team kills",(name player),_cnt]; [nil,nil,rHINT,_text] call RE; }; }; cutText ["You can now join the game again, be more careful in the future","BLACK IN",5]; _text = format["%1 has finnished his punishment for his %2 Team kills \n \n %1 is now back in play",(name player),_cnt]; [nil,nil,rHINT,_text] call RE; if (!isNull player) then {disableUserInput false; TKP = false}; Hope this is what your after.
  10. Here's a good one I use that Demonized put together. TKP.sqf /* TK punishment v 1.1 by Demonized Teach Team Killers a lesson.. 1: Make sure you have a functions module on your map. 2: Place a marker called noTKzone in your base or your no TK zone, or change marker name below in options. 3: Place this in init of any unit you wish to be included in TKP script. _nil = [this,"start"] execVM "[color="#FF0000"]TKP[/color].sqf"; */ _timer = 30; // time in seconds until TK´er can move again. _increase = 10; // extra time in seconds added for every amount of TK´s commited, if its the second TK, it will be total wait of (_timer + _increase + _increase) in seconds. _distance = 0; // this is the distance to noTKzone, if within this punishment will be done, if this is set to 0, punishment will be done no matter where the TK happened. _noTKzone = "noTKzone"; _message = "You are being punished because of Team killing"; waitUntil {!(isNil "BIS_MPF_InitDone")}; _killer = _this select 0; if ("start" in _this) exitWith { if (local _killer) then {_killer addMPEventHandler ["MPkilled", {[(_this select 1),(side (group (_this select 0))),(getPos (_this select 0)),"EH"] execVM "[color="#FF0000"]TKP[/color].sqf"}]}; }; if ("EH" in _this) exitWith { _side = _this select 1; _pos = _this select 2; if (_side == (side (group _killer)) AND _killer == player) then {[nil, _killer, "loc", rEXECVM, "[color="#FF0000"]TKP[/color].sqf", _killer, _pos] call RE}; }; if (_killer != player OR (_distance != 0 AND ((_this select 1) distance (getMarkerPos _noTKzone)) > _distance)) exitWith {}; if (TKP) exitWith {rapsheet = rapsheet + 1}; disableUserInput true; if (isNil "rapsheet") then {rapsheet = 1; TKP = true} else {rapsheet = rapsheet + 1}; _cnt = rapsheet; _timeLeft = ((_timer - 3) + (_increase * rapsheet)); _killer setVariable ["TKP", true, false]; _text = format["%1 is being punished for total %2 Team kills",(name player),rapsheet]; [nil,nil,rHINT,_text] call RE; cutText [_message,"BLACK OUT",3]; sleep 3; while {_timeLeft != 0} do { _text = format["time left \n %1 \n \n %2",_timeLeft,_message]; cutText [_text,"BLACK FADED",0]; sleep 1; _timeLeft = _timeLeft - 1; if (_cnt != rapsheet) then { _timeLeft = _timeLeft + (_increase * (rapsheet - _cnt)); _cnt = rapsheet; _text = format["%1 is being punished for total %2 Team kills",(name player),_cnt]; [nil,nil,rHINT,_text] call RE; }; }; cutText ["You can now join the game again, be more careful in the future","BLACK IN",5]; _text = format["%1 has finnished his punishment for his %2 Team kills \n \n %1 is now back in play",(name player),_cnt]; [nil,nil,rHINT,_text] call RE; if (!isNull player) then {disableUserInput false; TKP = false};
  11. I ended up putting this script together and thought i would post it for anyone else to use. This reload script will give a player or AI unit unlimited magazine reloads for a static weapon. I'm not an advanced scriptwriter so there is probably an easier way of doing this but this is just what i came up with. I did it this way because i wanted static MG's to still have the reload animation instead of a constant flow of bullets. Some of the script code is for the debug hints which i needed for learning. staticreload.sqf // script by PartyHead. // Unlimited magazine reloads for AI and player units as gunner of a static weapon. // place the following code in the init field of a static weapon and you or AI units // will get unlimited magazine reloads. // _nil = [this] execVM "staticreload.sqf"; //hintSilent "DEBUG\n\nAuto reloading script started."; _static = _this select 0; while {true} do { sleep 2; //hintSilent "DEBUG\n\nStatic weapons are waiting."; if (_static isKindOf "StaticWeapon") then { waitUntil {((_static emptypositions "gunner") == 0) && (alive _static)}; _type = typeOf _static; _gunner = gunner _static; _weapons = weapons _static; _weapon = currentWeapon _static; _magazines = magazines _static; _magazine = currentMagazine _static; _magCount = {_x == _magazine} count magazines _static; _ammo = ((_static) ammo (_weapon)); _reload = _magCount - 1; _static setVehicleAmmo 1; for [{_loop = 0},{_loop >= 0},{_loop = _loop}] do { _weapon = currentWeapon _static; _magazine = currentMagazine _static; _magCount = {_x == _magazine} count magazines _static; _ammo = ((_static) ammo (_weapon)); //hintSilent format ["DEBUG\n\nAuto reloading activated.\n\nVehicle: %1.\nGunner: %2.\nWeapons: %3.\nCurrent weapon: %4.\nMagazines: %5.\nRounds: %6.", _type, name _gunner, _weapons, _weapon, _magCount, _ammo]; if (_magCount <= _reload) then {_static setVehicleAmmo 1}; sleep 0.01; if (!(alive _static) || ((_weapons select 0) != (weapons (vehicle _gunner) select 0)) || ((_static emptypositions "gunner") == 1)) then { _loop = -1; //hintSilent "DEBUG\n\nAuto reloading deactivated."; }; }; }; };
  12. You could try putting this in your missions init.sqf. init.sqf if ((isServer) or (isDedicated)) then { {_x addaction ["<t color=""#e5b348"">Your Action Name","Your_Script_Name.sqf","",-1,false,true,""];} forEach playableUnits; }; Hope this helps.
  13. Hello all, I've got a problem with my titleRsc dialog. Here is my dialog example. class RscTitles { class RscHud { idd = 1000000; movingEnable = 1; enableSimulation = 1; enableDisplay = 1; duration = 99999; fadein = 0.5; fadeout = 2; name = "RscHud"; onLoad = "[color="#FF0000"][b]display = _this select 0[/b][/color]"; class controls { class text { access = 0; type = 13; idc = 1000001; style = 2 + 16; lineSpacing = 1; x = 0.817 - SafeZoneX; y = 0.500 + SafeZoneY; w = 0.5; h = 0.12; size = 0.020; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0}; colorText[] = {0,0,0,0}; text = ""; font = "BitStream"; class Attributes { font = "BitStream"; color = "#6aab4f"; align = "left"; shadow = true; }; }; }; }; }; When i use the code I've highlighted in red above. init.sqf example. titleRsc ["RscHud", "PLAIN"]; disableSerialization; (display DisplayCtrl 1000001) ctrlSetStructuredText (parseText format ["<t align='left'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>MISSION STATUS</t>"]); It displays the dialog but i get the error message in the screen shot below. Does anyone know what i need to do to correct this ? Cheers.
  14. Thanks for your reply blakeace and the link to DeadFast's post which was a big help. Ive also got this to try out yet which should work i hope, this is pretty much what DeadFast's post was about aswell. description .EXT example. class RscTitles { class hudDisplay { idd = 1000000; movingEnable = 1; enableSimulation = 1; enableDisplay = 1; duration = 99999; fadein = 0.5; fadeout = 2; name = "hudDisplay"; onLoad = [color="#FF0000"][b]"with uiNameSpace do { hudDisplay = _this select 0 }";[/b][/color] class controls { class text { access = 0; type = 13; idc = 1000001; style = 2 + 16; lineSpacing = 1; x = 0.817 - SafeZoneX; y = 0.500 + SafeZoneY; w = 0.5; h = 0.12; size = 0.020; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0}; colorText[] = {0,0,0,0}; text = ""; font = "BitStream"; class Attributes { font = "BitStream"; color = "#6aab4f"; align = "left"; shadow = true; }; }; }; }; }; init.sqf example. titleRsc ["hudDisplay", "PLAIN"]; waitUntil {!isNull (uiNameSpace getVariable "hudDisplay")}; ((uiNameSpace getVariable "hudDisplay")displayCtrl 1000001) ctrlSetStructuredText (parseText format ["<t align='left'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>MISSION STATUS</t>"]);
  15. Thanks for your reply Jim I will give that a try mate, but i did still want the reload effect to happen as normal and not just a constant flow of bullets or AA rockets, so this may not be what I'm looking for yet. I'll let you know if its not. Thanks again mate.
  16. The above code by Celery gives a Strela unlimited reloads. Would anyone know what i need to do to the above code so it gives unlimited reloads to a static AA or static MG weapon ?
  17. Yeah i tried that kylania but it didn't work mate. The only way I've been able to get things working is by running an extra script and changing the onLoad command like this. description .EXT example. class RscTitles { class RscHud { idd = 1000000; movingEnable = 1; enableSimulation = 1; enableDisplay = 1; duration = 99999; fadein = 0.5; fadeout = 2; name = "RscHud"; onLoad = "[color="#FF0000"][b][_this select 0] spawn hud[/b][/color]"; class controls { class text { access = 0; type = 13; idc = 1000001; style = 2 + 16; lineSpacing = 1; x = 0.817 - SafeZoneX; y = 0.500 + SafeZoneY; w = 0.5; h = 0.12; size = 0.020; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0}; colorText[] = {0,0,0,0}; text = ""; font = "BitStream"; class Attributes { font = "BitStream"; color = "#6aab4f"; align = "left"; shadow = true; }; }; }; }; }; init.sqf example. hud = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "hud.sqf"; titleRsc ["RscHud", "PLAIN"]; hud.sqf example. disableSerialization; private ["_display"]; _display = _this select 0; (_display DisplayCtrl 1000001) ctrlSetStructuredText (parseText format ["<t align='left'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>MISSION STATUS</t>"]); This works fine but i wasn't sure if doing it this way was just the same as doing it the other way. Id still like to know if there is a fix for the other way that my first post refers to if anyone knows of one. Cheers.
  18. Hey thanks Hawk_Silk the note about resolution made me think and it turns out i wasn't setting the width and height of the picture to 128 in the RscTitles description and i had already used Texview2 to convert the images but when i would use them in game they were always over sized and distorted but now when i set the width and height correctly there perfect. So thanks mate.
  19. Hello all, i need some help with converting some .PNG rank insignias to .PAA format for use in my arma 2 mission ranking system. I've tried and tried to do them myself but can't seem to do it right. I found and have been using this tutorial but each time i try i fail. So if anyone who knows what there doing with converting images to .PAA wouldn't mind doing them for me, please let me know so i can give you the images. I've got 45 128x128 .PNG images of rank insignias to be converted to .PAA, i want to be able to splash them on screen by using the titleRsc function when they are earned. Help would be greatly appreciated.
  20. Hello all. I have some questions about the in game points and scoring system for ArmA 2 if anyone can help. 1\ How does it work ? How many points do you get for killing things etc ? How do you get the info on what you've killed ? In my first screenshot below it shows that I've gotten 12 kills with a points score of 19, how have i achieved that 19 points ? 2\ Can you tap into the in game points and scoring system by script somehow or has someone allready done a good soring script for ArmA 2 ? Im wanting to put together a scoring and ranking script for my MP mission and id like to be able to have access to the same in game scoring info shown in my second screenshot. I've looked around and can't find much other then whats on the Bis Wiki, like score, soreSide, addScore, rating, addRating, rank, setRank, etc. all of which i can use to script additional points awarded and for finding out what a players score or rank is etc. but nothing on accessing the info you get in screenshot 2 below. 3\ I could only find a couple of scripts around so far, the fist one is Mando Missile's scoring script which is for scoring kills with Mando Missiles and weapons. And the second one I've found is from an old arma mission called Evolution which has a rank system based off the players score that unlocks vehicles and weapons as the player gains higher ranks, which is exactly what i want to do but as i said its arma so for one i can't try the mission and two all the scripts are in .SQS and i only know .SQF. 4/ what do these Description.ext settings in the code below actually set ? are they the score settings for gauging a players skill based on his final score at the end of a mission. Description.ext minScore = 1000; avgScore = 5000; maxScore = 10000; Anyway i have lots more questions on this topic so any help or shared knowledge would be very helpful. Cheers.
  21. Hey Lightspeed_aust im very interested in your scoring script, it might be just what i need to get me started in the right direction if you wouldn't mind sharing ? Just PM me if you don't want to share in this thread. Cheers. Reading more about it today it seems there is no built in default scoring system, what info you see in my screenshots above is a tally of your kills and how many of what type enemy/thing you killed, so im guessing that everything is available for a scoring system which you have to create and script into your missions yourself. Do you start by giving each side a default score like ? westScore = 0; eastScore = 0; and then each time a flag is taken or a kill happens or an objective is completed you have it scripted to add or remove points like this, westScore = westScore + 1; eastScore = eastScore + 1; or westScore = westScore - 1; eastScore = eastScore - 1; I get that but i still don't get how the command syntax below works I've tried them and i get no return, _scoreWest = scoreSide WEST; hint format ["WEST SCORE: %1", _scoreWest]; or _scorePlayer = score player; hint format ["PLAYER SCORE: %1", _scorePlayer]; Do you use addMPEventhandler "MPKilled" type to keep track of your kills and what you've killed ? Seems silly that its this involved just to get some scoring features into a mission. BIS should simplify it better.
  22. Hello all, When a MP mission ends is it possible to play different outro music for the winning and loosing sides ? So that the winning side players hear a music track and the loosing side players hear a different music track. I've experimented a bit myself but my scripting talents are still at a beginners level, if this is possible could someone who knows how its done maybe help me out. I searched and couldn't find anything helpful about it. Cheers.
  23. Thanks for your reply's but as luck may have it i found the solution/answer to my own question in one of DAP'S recent coop missions called "Insurgency in Takistan", great mission and great idea's too so thanks heaps DAP. Anyway i thought i would post up a bit of a tutorial on how its done for anyone who is interested. Ok for me i have 5 triggers, the way I've set up these triggers is unique to my mission, you can set up your mission triggers to execute the outro.sqf script (below), to suit your own mission. The first two trigger screenshots (below) show a trigger for WEST and for EAST which once the true condition is met on either of one of them that sets who has won and triggers the third trigger which executes the outro.sqf script. The fourth and fifth triggers are END#1 and END#2 triggers that force the missions end. There conditions are met at the end of the outro.sqf script. Anyway I hope I've explained it clear enough and its found useful. Cheers. http://imageshack.us/a/img39/6295/trigger2h.jpg (227 kB) http://imageshack.us/a/img20/4240/trigger3.jpg (227 kB) outro.sqf private ["_winner"]; if (westwins) then {_winner = "WEST";}; if (eastwins) then {_winner = "EAST";}; if (_winner == "WEST") then { if (side player == WEST) then { titleText ["WEST WINS", "Plain"]; titleFadeOut 14; PlayMusic "westwin"; } else { titleText ["EAST DEFEATED", "Plain"]; titleFadeOut 14; PlayMusic "eastloose"; }; }; if (_winner == "EAST") then { if (side player == EAST) then { titleText ["EAST WINS", "Plain"]; titleFadeOut 14; PlayMusic "eastwin"; } else { titleText ["WEST DEFEATED", "Plain"]; titleFadeOut 14; PlayMusic "westloose"; }; }; sleep 5; if ((isServer)or(isDedicated)) then { if (_winner == "WEST") then {westwin=1;publicVariable "westwin";}; if (_winner == "EAST") then {eastwin=1;publicVariable "eastwin";}; }; http://imageshack.us/a/img37/8295/trigger4.jpg (223 kB) http://imageshack.us/a/img59/5899/trigger5.jpg (223 kB)
  24. I want to do exactly what Kronzky describes in his post at the bottom of the BISim Wiki page about createSoundSource but the script example he has posted there doesn't work. This is the example script Kronzky has posted which is suppose to make an existing CfgSFX class sound, work as a newly created CfgVehicles class sound so it can be use as a sound source when using the createSoundSource command. // name of existing CfgSFX class that is used _sound = "AlarmBellSfx"; // name of new class that's created _newClass = format["SFX_%1",_sound]; // add the new class (inherited from base class "Sound") _newSound = (configFile>>"CfgVehicles") [color="#FF0000"][b]addClass[/b][/color] [_newClass,"Sound"]; // define the sound source _newSound [color="#FF0000"][b]addValue[/b][/color] ["sound", _sound]; From what i can tell, the commands I've highlighted red in Kronzky's script are not sqf commands. I cant find addValue or addClass on the BISim Wiki page about Scripting Commands ArmA2. And could only find these few links about createSoundSource. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?90841-How-to-use-custom-sounds-with-createSoundSource http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?100624-Should-createSoundsource-be-updated https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createSoundSource Has anyone got a fix for Kronzky's example script above or does anyone know a different way of doing this as this is exactly what i need to do. Cheers.
  25. Thanks kylania i thought that might have been the reason and thanks for the link I'll look into that straight away. Cheers.