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Everything posted by JojoTheSlayer

  1. JojoTheSlayer

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- NO DISCUSSION

    Add the kill statistics and all the other info tabs from the map screen to the P / J (Press P for Players) screen. Just adds the same info tabs you get on the screen, but also combines it into one other key instead of having both P and J for separate info. For info you currently can only get on the map, like kill stats, the J/P overlay screen is faster since it dosent need to reload the screen view. Also, many custom missions primarily uses the Notes for important info while the tasks are more minor. *Note: This is not a wish to remove the info tabs from the map though.
  2. JojoTheSlayer

    POLL: leaning system.

    The current. RO2 tried a more realistic movement animation heavy way of leaning and it just made it game wise kinda useless. I have a Track Ir5 and gradual leaning is off because its not that great for gaming on foot.
  3. I am looking forwards to this game for WWII MP so I rather they release something that works rather than a "Red Orchestra 2"... Thing is most mods dont get the same amount of players as a stand alone game. You dont need xx steps to get vanilla to work etc. I also think there might be many Ro1 people getting this game for similar reason.
  4. JojoTheSlayer

    Anymore DLCs?

  5. Tbh I could only understand that if it was a cost issue. The biggest issue I have with ingame voice is that its ingame... when you CTD or similar you also lose coms, people cant help you if you have issues with the game and so on.
  6. JojoTheSlayer

    What about fire control systems for tanks?

    Considering the speed of the projectile ( 2,5km-sec, aka +150% more than a Sabot round) and the flatness of the traveling "arch". I am not sure you would really need a advanced targeting computer for targets withing average Arma 2 armor contacts when using the Opfor rail gun tank. Personally though, I hope that they add a 200mm turret version of the Easter tank. Its kinda unfair to fight a rail gun vs a standard gun in PvP. Arma 3 pic. Mid left. Rail gun shot?
  7. JojoTheSlayer

    Where did you buy Arma 2?

  8. LoL, no. :D But some things like face cammo and body armor types and kits might be a decent idea as long as mission makers can over ride client site selections. The physical ingame appearance is really important to allot of gamers. Personally, apart for a easy access to proper face cammo, I dont really care how a look in a soldier game.
  9. I think the full Steam works package would be the best choice. +Cheat and you lose online access to your bought game. +Everyone is always patched up to date, including servers at all times. +Easier for casual gamers to get news, give feedback, create groups (Clans or mods), run clans, post events etc via Steam works (popups). +Makes it possible to have actual unique ids for each player. Banning equals gone for good unless they buy a new game. +Works in offline mode (singe player) as well if you lose the internet. The only reason people are against Steam works is because they are old and cant stand change even if its for the overall good of the community.
  10. JojoTheSlayer

    Please change the name!

    I support: Get to the chopper! (The game)
  11. JojoTheSlayer


    I voted no, but I wouldnt mind seeing it more as a suppression effect. As in IF you are suppressed by enemies, shooting and hitting close to you etc, you have shake and slight blur effects on your weapon and vision to lower your ingame effectiveness to counter the "fearless/no risk" online attitude you have ingame that you normally wouldnt have in real life if you where being suppressed and knew one bullet could end your life. I think they have something like that in BF3, but I havent seen it yet. Not that I want Arma 3 to be like BF3, but game mechanic wise to create ingame realism I think its a nice idea.
  12. JojoTheSlayer

    Extended breaching Capabilities

    If you use Track IR and the mouse 4 or 5 as zoom back key CQB isnt that hard in Arma 2 because the weapon crashing into stuff wont be a issue and in tight spots with the track ir zoomed back view in iron sights you get good side vision. I would reckon the hardest part with Arma 2 CQB is the animation system and not the actual view you can have because its better than most games. Still I wouldnt mind a "throw in door" grenade selection and flash bangs in vanilla.
  13. JojoTheSlayer


    Or mount the tread mill to the W key. I am calling this idea the Wii Fit. :)
  14. JojoTheSlayer

    Arma 2 Retreat Tactics

    Attack from a position you have a good retreat rout from and if needed, use it. I would guess thats the only one that really works both ingame and in the real world. The bound and fire thing is a mixed bag online against fearless PvPers that game the system, so to speak. Try suppressing with a MG in a online game. First thing that happens is you get sniped lol.
  15. JojoTheSlayer

    FCS for helicopters.

    They should add something more advanced in regards to what type of weapon it is, but still keep tab locking for the lower difficult settigns.
  16. JojoTheSlayer

    What weapons/vehicles would you like to see in ArmA 3?

    Weapons: I would like a MG3, G3, HK416 and some Russian weapons with silencers for example on the Bizon or the AK47/74 types. That and deploy able bipods for MGs and proper recoil. Vehicle: The CV90, of course.
  17. JojoTheSlayer

    The hip fire reticle should go

    Because that would work so great for people using TrackIR or configured the gaming for zero deadzone. /sarcasm. If you watch most Arma 2 PvP videos at decent range you will notice that most still use iron sights. I dont really see the issue tbh. Just people whining about others not playing the game like they do.
  18. JojoTheSlayer

    VACbuilder Arma 2 profile.

    Just fyi, I have posted my second version of my Arma 2 voice command profile hosted on there main site. Loads of new commands and some new features (combo orders). It will probably save you guys allot of time both ingame or in VACbuilder if youre planing to make your own. The profile is meant for CTI, but it can now both work in single player and high command levels. Because the voice orders are multi choice and multi hierarchy (more than one way to get to the top) I am guessing there is more than 700 individual commands by now with less than 20 being one word. They are all based on logic, speed and balance (removing the chance of wrong orders being execute by similar words etc). I also added a single player test mission so you can get the full experience of ordering a 12 unit high command group with a 12 member full squad, or just read the map notes to learn the profile orders and so on. You can get the profile here: http://www.dwvac.com/profiles.html Edit: Version 202 is up now. Sry it took a while :). Edit 2: Version 204 is up now. Edit 3: That new version of 204 is now up. Edit 4: v205 Arrowhead is now up. (Final) Edit 5: Since you cant use the Arma 2 test mission in Arrowhead alone. I have added a training mission for Arrowhead. Same version name v205 and its uploaded now. (Hot fix/Final) Edit 6: v302 is up. Edit 7: v304 is up. Details on page 3. Edit 8: v305 is up. Details on page 5.
  19. JojoTheSlayer

    VACbuilder Arma 2 profile.

    Thx for the feedback. :) Yes, I do know another way, but it only partially works and it has some drawbacks. Go into the Esc menu. *Select Audio options and set the Radio bar to zero. This will remove the sound the other units say which will cut down on reaction time a little, but reversed to what you want. *You can also go into Game options and disable the Radio messages to remove the green text spam the units say, but that will also remove the "hint" you get when AI spots enemies. I know its not what you really want, but thats the only midway thing I can think of other than playing on a server where keys (files that checks what mods you use) are not active and you can still use the mod.
  20. JojoTheSlayer

    Easy solution for automatic mod downloading

    Because that isnt kinda tedious comparably to a one question pop up box? Would you use the same argument if missions where not auto streamed down from the server? Everybody could just go to X. site or use X 3rd party program to get the missions...? You could probably drive a car to work as well with only two wheels, but having four would make it a lot less problematic for average drivers.
  21. (At 02:50 if time skip dosent work.)
  22. JojoTheSlayer

    Easy solution for automatic mod downloading

    It would still be great to have something like that. Just pop up a box that asks/warns you there is a huge download and gives you the option to go ahead, shutting down the game so you can do other stuff while the down loader does it job, since you have to restart anyway..., or lets you decline and pick another server.
  23. JojoTheSlayer

    ArmA 2 Game Launcher

    Thanks, thats the result I wanted. At first I didnt understand what you meant. So I will just plot it down in simpler terms as well for others. :) Steam window_Games tab_Add a none Steam game to my Library There you just add the Arma 2 Launcher. When you run that from Steam Libraries you start the launcher as normal where you can select stuff, but once you start the game via the launcher Start button you will keep Steam works ingame (Shift+tab).
  24. JojoTheSlayer

    ArmA 2 Game Launcher

    I have no issues with the launcher, but I have a question or feature request. I am running the Steam version of the game (A2, OA, DLC) and the launcher works as it should, but ingame do not work when I use the launcher to start the game.When I tell steam to create a desktop icon for, eg, Arma 2 its put up as a shortcut with the info linking to Web documents tab and URL: steam://rungameid/33910 Is there any way I can manipulate the launcher so that "Steam works" works ingame again? -------------------------------- Edit: I can "sort of" do it now. It dosent work with mods, but its possible to adapt the launcher to do it. What you have to do is to link the exe files to Steam.exe instead of the Arma2 or OA exe files. Then in addition options, which are different to each game you add -applaunch 33930 (OA). Dont know if the betas have a Steam launch id, if not its not possible I would recon. Anyway, the issue is that the -applaunch 33930 needs to be in front of the rest, while the launcher ads it at the end. A proper normal Steam works desktop shortcut with mods would read something like: Target line in Shortcut: "C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.exe" -applaunch 33930 -nosplash -mod=Expansion;@acexsm;@jsrs-v;@fallujah OA: -applaunch 33930 A2: -applaunch 33910 CO: -applaunch ?????
  25. JojoTheSlayer

    Stealth Kills?

    In that video the enemies around is alerted, even if they dont "see" you well because of a silencer, that wasnt my point.