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Everything posted by tupolov

  1. tupolov

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Just trying to sum up all the clues so far... 1. New Map (World will change) - Map of invasion of europe by naval and other units 2. Submarines - Outline of HMS Astute 3. Naval SF Units - SBS Miller 4. New Physics Engine - Ball smashing wall animation 5. Location based on Greek Islands - set of files pointing to Greek Islands/Greek Forces 6. New medical system, atomic/lazer weapons, persian/asian war - timeseeker program revelas key war, scientific events in history 7. New Guerilla faction - list of references to guerrila warfare 8. New summer textures/clutter/plants/trees, pic of russian helos - picture of Lemnos This to me sounds like an expansion: based in the armaverse Green Sea region, featuring multiple islands and new terrain technology with new summer based assets (textures, plants, trees etc) New OPFOR forces based on Iranian and/or Chinese invading Green Sea islands. New Guerilla faction for the Green Sea islands. Improved naval simulation featuring submarines and naval special forces - update to BAF and possibly USMC (SBS/SEAL?). An improved RV engine featuring basic physics, new medical system, new advanced weapons such as tactical nukes and lazers. Improved Russian assets including KA-52 and 9K22 Tunguska or similar. Thinking about Operation Arrowhead... that brought us two new maps, new OPFOR/BLUFOR/GUER forces, new vehicles, engine improvements and terrain assets. So, based on the above it's likely we're looking at ARMA 2: Operation Green Sea expansion? Alternatively, could BIS be about to launch a new Naval Warfare simulator?
  2. tupolov

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    HOOD and NOTTINGHAM are/were HMS ships...
  3. tupolov

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Haven't we worked everything out now? Would be useful if BIS hinted whether or not we had! 1. New Map / terrain technology - naval units deploying across europe - world will change 2. Naval Units - Submarines 3. Naval SF units - SBS Scott Miller 4. New Physics Engine - Ball smashing wall 5. Location likely based on Greece/Greek Islands and a War of Independence That's it isn't it?
  4. tupolov

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    gotta be greek island based large map (i.e. terrain paging/streaming), lots of water and (7) islands, subs/naval units with SBS based SF units, improved physics engine (and other RV updates) and campaign centered around China/Iran invading across the Green Sea (and its islands).
  5. tupolov

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    http://www.greatdreams.com/darpa-pegasus.htm or http://www.scribd.com/doc/5156948/The-Pegasus-File Pegasus - Covert CIA led international assassination/special ops team. ;)
  6. tupolov

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    12... Too much speculation. Its probably just another DLC - New Map, Sub, BAF SF and some implementation of physics (client side? so that it's optional?). Lets not get carried away!
  7. http://thearkenstone.blogspot.com/2010/12/qom-salt-lake-military-facilities.html Interesting blog on Qom Province!
  8. tupolov

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    "The World will Change" Is this a reference to the Armaversum changing? As in the green sea region of operations expanding? Or BIS moving to a fact based map rather than a fictional one? Or could it be that the terrain engine for Arma is going to change? We are already aware of a large South Asian terrain being developed for TOH, possibly using a different terrain engine. We are all keen to see a "terrain-streaming" system in ARMA 2 so we don't have to see the "edges" of maps. Alternatively, this could simply be a reference to their current story... an invasion by Iranian/Persian/Chinese forces - probably fictional countries based around these factions.
  9. tupolov

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    We have been given 3 clues: 1. Map 2. Submarine 3. SBS Operator Could this mean BIS are simply going to give us a DLC with: 1. New Map for ARMA 2 - most likely a coastal map to support... 2. New naval vessels - that can deliver... 3. New special forces units possibly an expansion to BAF and USMC. So its a new DLC/Expansion with those elements? The link to Persia and China is still a bit of a mystery, possibly only used for the purpose of supporting the hacking story. Alternatively, we could be getting an asian map placed in the southern part of the green sea.
  10. tupolov

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    R = Mark Reynolds http://www.aan-online.com/en/europe/28-radayev-extradition-approved.html American intellegence officer, Mark Reynolds, coordinated the border-spanning investigation in the Green Sea Region. Mr Reynolds has garnered a formidible reputation for success across numerous investigations in the region, most recently completing a controversial report on the slaying of a top Chernarussian geologist in Karzeghistan, which saw Private Military Company, Black Element, cleared of any professional neglect. Mr Reynolds was not present at the hearing today, but is expected to give evidence in the future; however, The American Embassy in Novigrad praised the professionalism of Czech Special forces, which they described as 'key to the operational success of the investigation':
  11. tupolov

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    I tried opening it in openStego using the number as the password. No luck.
  12. tupolov

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Going back to the map... Looks like its a straight photocopy from a book? Or do you think BIS created that page? Can we find the book?
  13. tupolov

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    We didn't. It's part of the lyrics in one of the songs. Scarecrow is also a character in ARMA 2. Someone else suggested stone + man + wheat = scarecrow... but I'm not aware of any scarecrows made with stone! I don't think the scarecrow link is solid. Best guess at the moment is the lyrics at the time stamp represent some form of the code. Code seems to indicate we need to do something with the words. We could do with a hint from AAN about... stone man wheat or stone man wheat
  14. tupolov

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Don't forget, we are looking for a code... The AAN news article makes it clear the 3x3 are the EXACT time stamp references for the video. The lyrics at respective time stamp points are STONE MAN WEED What about an anagram of this? I think the scarecrow reference is a red herring? Is there anything else the timestamps could point to?
  15. tupolov

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    What about the p3R51An 8lacK Hat5 8oy5 Are the number and capitals relevant? 3R51A8KH585 or am I reading too much into the l33t? Is ASTUTE relevant to the code? You gotta think the 3x3 numbers mean something to the youtube videos.
  16. tupolov

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    It seems unlikely that the youtube video codes would fit a cipher though? Maybe the matrix is a red herring!? The clue has to be the bottom 3x3 set of numbers. If you use the number as a the row number in the column you get: 0 Y R a n u M Y b
  17. tupolov

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Clearly the columns from the code represent youtube videos, so it doesn't seem likely the code in the image is a cipher. The clue must be in the youtube videos. First clue - Geohunt leads to Map of Europe with what looks like military symbols and references. Second clue - Picture which outlines a submarine with a reference to ASTUTE Third clue - image with hidden youtube video codes and a reference to http://www.arma2.com/bin/null/thecode/ - asking for us to enter the code. Chinese characters on this page translate to Persia.
  18. tupolov

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    The youtube videos can't be a coincidence can they? The words for each video at the specified seconds are: STONE (067s) MAN (095s) WEED (109s)
  19. All, I've been talking with a few of the community map makers about a possible group effort to rapidly build a new high quality map. We'd be keen to know what type of map the community wants? Please vote on this poll...
  20. tupolov

    More dynamic, co-op?

    Dude, Its a completely live map. You have enemy population on map, convoys, terrorists, ambushes etc Grab some friends and go on patrol, you will some find plenty of action.
  21. Just posted the Ambient Air Intensity parameter... Which map are you using when you say you get no aircraft? Is it possible to turn on debug (for Airtraffic) and post the RPT to DevHeaven? Thanks!
  22. tupolov

    More dynamic, co-op?

    for the ultimate in dynamic... http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1909048
  23. well you can turn it off or limit it to civilians. adding an intensity param shouldn't be difficult
  24. Introducing.... Mission: BAF/USA vs TK_GUE on Qom Province Version: 3.4 Developer(s): Tupolov, Wolffy.au Required Add-Ons: CBA (optionally BAF) http://www.2shared.com/file/lPbhjcpI/baf-usa_mso_3-4tup_qom.html New features in MSO 3.4 now automatically create keypoint locations for Qom Province, making the terrain fully MSO compliant. Enjoy! Regards, Tupolov
  25. Just pushed the MV22 fix to GIT... I've also written a function that will help get custom terrains setup for MSO. Basically the script will create various keypoints for MSO. The script assumes that towns and citycenters have already been created, but will then create strongpoints, flatareas, strategic locations for you. Tested on my Qom Province map and seems to work ok.