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About Yammo

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  1. I think I'd be willing to pay up to 100 euro for an add-on containing a few helicopters that had physics that even remotely resembled the real thing. (N.B: By "even remotely" I mean at least as the helicopters behaved in the Battlefield 1942 mod "Desert Combat".) Why not build on the current game and release separate expansions for each player- type? Tank-expansion for tankers, Heli/jet expansion for avionic-addicts and a pure infantry version for people who like ground-pounding. It would be sort of different games playing on the same server. Servers could then have settings which allowed a maximum number of each player-types. (Eg. For a 32 player server this could mean 20 infantry, 8 tank-players and 4 pilots) Done with heart and care, it could even turn out to be something a lot of people would even pay a monthly subscription for. (Something publishers love to hear)
  2. Yammo

    Saitek X52 Joystick

    You'll have to do it manually... But don't get your hopes up about ArmA2. Especially if you're thinking of flying. The planes and helicopters fly like crap. I wasn't not looking for a simulator when buying ArmA2, but I was expecting the helicopters and planes handling somewhat close to what physics demand. But they do not. ArmA2 is the worst *insert description of hot excrements here* released since the dawn of computer-games, it will likely crash when you try to re-assign the controls. (This is due to ArmA2, not the joystick.) If you like flying, (planes and helis), stay clear of ArmA2, you will regret throwing your money away.
  3. Yammo

    Saitek X52 Joystick

    Good idea in theory... Problem is, ArmA2 crashes 100% when I do this... So the game is 100% unusable for me... Anyone up for a class action? I'd happily pitch in a dollar or two...
  4. I'm giving up speaking any further on the subject since people doesn't seem able to read. I was never asking for Black Shark to be implemented... But, whatever... I rather just not play the game at all. Hopefully I can indeed sucker some kid into buying the game from me. I'll just close with quoting another player giving his response on "GameSpot". (Note: OFP = Operation FlashPoint) User: Wobosh (Jul 27, 2009 1:34 pm PT) "Drawing a parallel with wooden carved models - IMO the OFP Blackhawk is as a 1:144th wooden carving that has at least the right shape, dimensions and general colour if lacking any kind of detail - and for the purpose it serves, that's perfectly adequate - but the ARMA1 / ARMA2 Blackhawk is as a 1:144th wooden carving ..... of a horse.... - painted in VERY accurate Blackhawk camo patern tho!" http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/armaii/show_msgs.php?topic_id=m-1-50441797&pid=952481 "over and out"//Yammo
  5. I don't think anyone is calling for a full-fledged simulator with wind-dynamics, rotor stalls and engine management, etc. But it's a great leap from "not being a simulator", to making helicopters feeling like playing Ms Pacman. My argument is: - ArmA makes my 100Euro joystic handle as if it was digital. If they promote it as a "Military Simulation", am I completely out on a limb if I *presume* it will take advantage of players who has a joystick? It's as stupid as if playing as infantry didn't support mouse-input. ---------- Post added at 04:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:15 PM ---------- Oh, geezes... It's not MY fault you're bullied at school, so stop Trolling me. Complaining about promised / indicated properties of a product isn't whining. I like how helicopters move... The flow. While Black Shark does have that, flipping 50 buttons to get the thing started is a tad over the top. Also, I like the dynamics of "ground-armor-airsupport" which is why I played Battlefield 1942 for several years. Battlefield 1942 does not claim to be a "military simulation", yet the planes in this anchient game have more characteristics of real planes than the choppers in ArmA2 has anything with reality to do. So, when marketed as a "military simulator", certain criteria arizes. They willingly and knowingly marketed the product falsely since they know people like you will cry "whiner" when someone points out that the game does not deliver what the marketing promised. Q.E.D. Now go to bed, troll.
  6. I am pissed as hell :(((((((( So whatever language, I use... is out of pure fury of being suckered into purchasing a load of crap. I've got an x52, trackIR5 and pedals. I purchased Arma2 SOLY to fly the helicopters... Good god, I know the gamedesigner or programmers could not be the root of this, Although the optionscreen looked to be designed and programmed by a 5 year old. Whoever took the decision to dumbify the heli to this level should be sacked and publically rediculed. If you're making a simulator, you're making a simulator... If you're making a toy, you're making a toy, but just because noone at the "office" could fly a heli, doesn't mean noone else can either... You want an easy helicopter that has LOVELY physics? Look at the "Desert Combat" mod for Battlefield 1942. That was a mod, made by some kiddies... and they did a job, miles better than you guys... and do think of how much you are paid, versus those kids... And when it comes to having different professions in a single game... The reason battlefield 1942 was such a huge success, was that it had some for everyone. Meaning, everyone could not be best at everything. Some were on the ground fighting, some in tanks protecting the men, some were in the air protecting the tanks... Everyone playing the role they prefered... If you had just gone down the road of making each style of game as fun and realistic as possible without killing the fun, you would have had a great game. I don't mind starting the heli with 1 button, but controlling the fu**er SHOULD TAKE PRACTICE!!! But when you know how a heli works, you should be able to apply it. I've flown countless of hours of Black Shark, landed on house-roofs, Trains, etc etc... The crap you call a heli is a joke and a fraud which made me throw money at you... money you don't deserve. Now I'm wondering... Will these gits even try to fix their broken game, or should I just throw the game in the bin right away? I cant even stomach selling it... Taking money from someone for this crap would give me sleepless nights.. ;( (Lets see how many seconds this post remains here... no matter, I'll post it on every forum i can find...)