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About sanitycheck

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  1. sanitycheck

    ennemy shooted me right through trees

    Tsk tsk... it's not nice to use people who have suffered serious brain injuries as cover to hide behind.
  2. sanitycheck

    Controls messed up after medic heals me

    I'm wondering - do most people remap their keys or not? Maybe that has something to do with it. I remap most all of them. I still can't understand how I'm getting this problem and no one else is.
  3. sanitycheck

    Controls messed up after medic heals me

    Yep. Every time. Happened to me in the demo and now it happens in the full game too.
  4. Anyone else have this problem? After I'm shot and wounded, the medic comes over and heals me. As soon as I get back on my feet the keyboard controls are messed up. I lose the crosshairs, the movement keys run in the wrong direction and I don't see my gun when I aim. It happens every time. Am I missing something here?