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About shadowfire

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  1. shadowfire

    Dogs of War bug

    I wonder what the scripting is based on. First time I pld DoW (1.02) I got everything right with the assasinate Prizrak mission and the USMF landing in chernogorsk etc. I didn't succeeded in capturing Lopotev tho, he just sat on his butt for ages. So I patched to 1.03, which actually made all old saves worthless. Aight, start it all over and I'm now in patch 1.03 capturing the whole friggin area without getting any new mission (neither prizrak nor USMF-landing/Razor2). So now the AI commandering NAPA is actually wiping CDF totally, demolishing every CDF-town in seconds. I cant really figure out whats missing for the scripts to trigger the alliance task/kill prizrak.
  2. I cant understand how you get all those vehicles like knighthawk etc. Are you playing in editormode or summit? Ive got an airbase but the menu is always saying there is no factory. And tbh the chedaki HQ is pain in the arse after patch 1.03, I get all my three T72's slaughtered in a few seconds when trying to enter the camp.
  3. shadowfire

    DoW - Capture Lopotev mission?

    oh damn, my bad, I searched in the threads to see if I could find an related answer but I didnt... me being stupid or blind, anyways, cheers for helping mate
  4. Hias, I have now spent half my weekend trying to figure out how to capture Lopotev When I get there I kill the guards in the surroundings and he surrenders, but nothing more happens. I get no mission complete or such, no extraction and no alternative via radio. We just sit there and could play backgammon forever. I went to the certain place on my own. Is that the prob? I went searching for the team that should assist, but couldnt find jackshit in the C-town.