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About Cozfx

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  1. Cozfx

    DoW...possible to fly?

    Figured the chopper out. Reset my joystick HOTAS and just added power to start engine. Also figured out F10-12. They become F1+ when switched to their row. Thx for the reply. Another question: How do I rearm my soldiers in the field? I have a bunker to buy weapons but can't get them to my troops. Managed to salvage one weapon from a bad guy before he dissappered. How do I buy my troops weapons???
  2. I bought an MI-24 and told the pilot to get out but when I got in there were no options to start the engines. Is this blocked in DoW or am I missing something? (I put him back in and sent him on a mission and he promptly flew into a tree) Also when you have more than 10 members how do you select 11,12,13,etc? the F keys don't work beyond F10. Thanks
  3. The only time I've been able to get it to work is when I'm on the chopper and take fire. Then a list pops up for artillery to respond and they responded quite aggressively totally wiping out one of the encampments. (and any ability to trigger it for mission complete **bug**) They also seem to have limits because they said they could not fire on a particular location which in this case was the main insurgent camp. Could be distance or just mission planning. (so I switched quickly to the smaller encampment)