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Mort and Charon

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About Mort and Charon

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  1. Mort and Charon

    HELP Cannot find any multiplayer games!

    yes it is CK, my first post says, 'and it is set to internet'. I have played online with about 10 other games nothing has ever happened like this. I also updated to the 1.03 patch, and allowed it through bullguard and windows Firewall and it still doesn't work! There are other threads on this but noanswer from any of them.
  2. Mort and Charon

    HELP Cannot find any multiplayer games!

    turned bullguard off and windows firewall is letting it through. still no luck. Going to get the latest patch and see if that works.
  3. Mort and Charon

    HELP Cannot find any multiplayer games!

    Checked and double checked, i have no filters on and eve when i do filter every different type it doesnt work. Any other suggestions?
  4. I cannot find any multiplayer games at all in the multiplayer section. I am not filtering anything and it is set to internet. Please help. :confused: