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Delta 51

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Everything posted by Delta 51

  1. Delta 51


    Oh ok, how do you set it up/ get it? Never noticed it in my testings...
  2. Delta 51


    When running the mod without ACE, how do you communicate over longer ranges without the PRC-119?
  3. I cannot accept this as Tier 1 Operators as they clearly lack any manly beards or prominent hairy features. Recommend it is changed to Tier 2; they want to be all EA SF cool, but just cant jump and dive like mofos.
  4. Disregarding ACE and DOM as this is meant to be for a generic how to utilize the issue. Alternate question to the scripters out there, If they cannot be placed into an ammo box, my new aim is to have each available bag for carrying equipment on the ground at the start of a mission. If you walk up to one and pick it up, a new bag of the same type will spawn where the last one left. If any other bags are dropped in that area (to avoid clutter) they would be deleted. Possible script/function with them?
  5. I like this new one where it doesn't resettle, however a compromise for the MG's when in prone needs to be set.
  6. I think the priority is to get it out on Operation Arrowhead before jumping to AO...
  7. Delta 51


    dude enough with the names, they don't want to change it, unless you want to go and create your own radio mod as to call it whatever the hell you want, leave it in their capable hands. Onto more appropriate concerns, how long do you blokes reckon it would take to get it running in OA? I assume with JayArmALib being OA compatible it would mainly be a matter of setting up something to replace the PRC-119 model?
  8. Delta 51

    War with Iran.

    What the hell, this is why you don't let political topics loose in this forum.
  9. Delta 51


    this mod could be called purple pony for all i care, and it will still be good, if your that anal about a name, just make up your own uber leet hax cool dude name with the link to ACRE and fap away. Hows the TS issue coming along Nou?
  10. Delta 51


    60 will break you internetz
  11. Any updates? Been enjoying it so far, just need that manual door
  12. Delta 51


    NouberNou's A2TS3 Anyway back on the old topic, is there a possibility of a weekend release to get excited for? [yes i know to look out for kids trying to snatch brownie points for asking this] The group i play with have a game next week and I'm are wondering if there would be time if so to implement it to the mission and have a ball with it.
  13. Delta 51


    call it ARMA, Arma radio masculine addon
  14. Delta 51


    cant say AyTuTeeEsThree?
  15. Delta 51


    looks good, getting eager to sink my teeth into it
  16. Here are your problems, the Cryengine has to be able to support the following [which it doesn't] on maps that are greater than 200km^2: - Dynamic tides [high tide and low tide cycle] - Astrology system [stars in the right place during the right time of year] - Dynamic weather system, that effects all parts fo the game [tides, waves, effectiveness of smoke, ballistic physics] - A FULLY modifiable system, that isn't just to add new players and pew pew devices, but change some of the coding and interfaces that run the whole game - real ballistics system - vegetation system [trees leaves and layout are dependent on season and age] - support over 100 players in real time - support hundreds of AI going about their business, even when the player is not within a certain range Those are Armed Assault and ArmA 2 features, Arrowhead brings more to the table not achievable on any other engine to date.
  17. Delta 51


    Keep up what your doing Nouber, the current mod makes public play a bitch as half use and half don't, where as this way their either all using it or not. This version your developing far surpasses the previous with functionality and features, and being an original mod, is something to be welcomed by all the community.
  18. So many people feeling so inclined to use their opinionated superpowers to destroy all foreign or undecidable evil. In the end, the system works, the ArmA community love it, no valid point to change it. You don't like something, go mod it.
  19. Delta 51


    Look into whisper list in your settings Not a very sanitary thing to say which questions where it came from... As this is a forum not a verbal messaging program, be careful how you structure your words as many are able to interpret it incorrectly.
  20. Delta 51

    You can't Play this game Multiplayer.

    If you do not have the patience to organize your own PC for it, then you shouldn't evening be playing this, try COD, heard that's good for spamming. Learn about the lobby interface, next to the server will be a red, orange or green light. If it is red, you do not have the mods to run it or are running mods the server won't allow, maybe even the wrong version. Orange means it requires a password, and green is your good to join that server. If you read the title of the server, it will explain whether the server si a vanilla one or ACE modified, or running another shenanigan. Best way to do it, get ACE, and don't run any other mods, that way your guaranteed to get into an ACE server.
  21. Says the man who was publicly burned tonight for not having any friends himself Less ego freeborne, just make a point and settle with that, Yes the server had a large AEF presence, but you build the facilities and the pubs will come.
  22. I believe AEF run PvP every Friday, look into that for now i guess
  23. All of which are crap PvP for ArmA as it ends up being a spam fest, nothing in-depth tactical about it, you want that style, battlefield awaits. Also, even though it's freeborne your argueing with, act like a tool to anyone and you won't get what you want. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I am currently working on a PvP template which balances the action you get in a Team Deathmatch, but keeps the tactical side of a coop mission or warfare, hybrid of ArmA and PR. Wont be finished/released until arrowhead as the random towns would be great.