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Everything posted by PogMoThoin

  1. Yes, We had Ai disabled which probably caused the spawn bug. He was having game problems and had to restart the game and JIP. We always play on veteran, but I feel this map is too difficult for veteran, lots harder than Chernarus or Pantera. Love the added vietcong chatter and death screams, really adds to the mission.
  2. Came to post that Ai markers were still showing in veteran, see You've already fixed that. Great tough mission btw, enjoying the extreme toughness of the map, probably needs to be played on regular as veteran would be impossible, even with the markers showing, We could be right on top of an Ai and still not see him. Is it actually possible to see the tripwires? We encountered a bug however, when one of us joined in progress just before we got to extraction, He spawned in the chopper 3000m from the team leader, then later the extraction didn't work.
  3. PogMoThoin

    Which Video Memory setting for 1GB card?

    Thanks for this, it was Suma, I was sure it was Dwarden.
  4. PogMoThoin

    Which Video Memory setting for 1GB card?

    That does not work, the game doesn't read the localVRAM from the .cfg, it only writes it there. Dwarden confirmed this before, so setting it makes zero difference
  5. PogMoThoin

    Ghost Recon:Island Thunder Campaign

    Very interested m8, liked Your other Ghost Recon style Arma missions, hopefully this will be more of the same.
  6. PogMoThoin

    co07 mission pack for dedicated servers

    The rescue the pilot mission has a bug, when You get killed and respawn at insertion You end up 24,000m from the action on the other side of the map. I had to quit and join back in as another member of the squad. Was a Ghost Recon fan myself, before they ruined it with this Advanced Warfighter crap. Love these missions, nice and simple tasks but pretty difficult to complete, more please :D BTW, I've our dedi server hosting these on rotation for a few days for anyone that wants to join. Server is in Dublin and should have very good pings to anywhere in Europe, see below
  7. I liked Stalkers AI, its nice the way they lob a grenade at You, just when You think You're safe under cover
  8. PogMoThoin

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    You playing on a tiny resolution or what? Sp is made with a modded version the Unreal 3 engine which is around since 2006. I played it fully maxed at 1920x1200 and it looks terrible when compared to the MP which is done on the Frostbite engine Heres a link to some screenies I took of SP, makes Arma2 look awesome: http://s419.photobucket.com/albums/pp279/PogMoTho1n/MOH/
  9. PogMoThoin

    GITS Evolution Vietnam

    Does anyone feel like bundling those addons, I've not got time :D
  10. PogMoThoin

    ARMA 2:OA beta patch 74123

    Likewise, I'm still using 10.04 with my 4870x2 as it performs much better than any other drivers since. I also have to rename the .exe to get it to work at all
  11. PogMoThoin

    GITS Evolution Vietnam

    Thats a serious amount of addons. Are You going bundling them into a single "Evo_Nam_Addons" download pack? :D
  12. PogMoThoin

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    Been playing this, the SP and MP use different graphics engines. SP uses the Unreal3 engine and looks terrible and dated. Textures look crap and Borderlands'ish. AI are very poor. Only the MP uses Frostbite, this is what was showcased in both beta's that were released and looked great. I played the demo's and decided I've no interest in MP.
  13. PogMoThoin

    A fix for Full Axis throttle mapping

    Understood, works perfectly, Thank You. Now i'm gonna have a go at setting up the mode switch toggle
  14. PogMoThoin

    A fix for Full Axis throttle mapping

    Finally gave this a go today. Its an X52 non pro that I have so I presume its the same as Your pro I've got it mapped to ppjoy but when I try to map the new controller in the game I've only got parallel port stick z+ axis, no z- axis when I pull back the throttle so I can't map it to decrease thrust
  15. PogMoThoin

    A fix for Full Axis throttle mapping

    Now can someone figure out how to set this up with a toggle so I can turn it on for choppers, off for jets
  16. PogMoThoin

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 73968

    V-sync still locking my framerates, not disabled Edit, scratch that, working now, tks
  17. PogMoThoin

    Attempting to "Spruce Up" Arma 2 CO graphics

    Yes, but it will affect performance the same as AA. He's looking for image quality similar to what most people have, most run 3d at 100%
  18. PogMoThoin

    Attempting to "Spruce Up" Arma 2 CO graphics

    What resolution is Your monitor? Make sure Your Interface res and 3d res are both set to the same as Your monitor native res You could easily have shadows on very high with a GTX480
  19. PogMoThoin

    Alternative to Gametracker Server Query Images

    Nice one, it looks well in my sig. How do i set an image on the right?
  20. PogMoThoin

    Alternative to Gametracker Server Query Images

    Yes, I admin a server and I'd love a set, have been looking to no avail, sending pm Thanks in advance
  21. PogMoThoin

    Moveing ArmA2 to SSD - how??

    No need for reg changes if You use symbolic hard links, the folder appears as if its still where it was. Cut the folder to the new drive, just click on the new drive folder --> pick link source, then return to the original folder --> right click --> drop as symbolic link
  22. PogMoThoin

    Moveing ArmA2 to SSD - how??

    Until You're prepared for a full reinstall you could just make a partition on the ssd, move the folders and make a symbolic link to it http://schinagl.priv.at/nt/hardlinkshellext/hardlinkshellext.html
  23. PogMoThoin

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Sorry, I've asked before but didn't get an answer. Does it need cba?
  24. PogMoThoin

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Downloading now, tks Does this need Cba? I remember You saying the update wouldn't have Cba dependencies but need You to confirm