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Posts posted by Muahaha

  1. The main reason for this was that the whole AI group was slowed down to crawling speed when moving from point A to point B whenever they had some guy that spawned on a roof and broke his legs or had some other type of accident right from the start :) It not going to happen for player led groups and it can be set in userconfig (0 to disable, otherwise time until wounded guy leaves the group).

    Not going to happen to player led group? Getting rid of the wounded AI is what I wanted so the rest of my team mates don't slow down for him. (Sounded cruel I know) :D

  2. I think that bug was new, probably introduced by another recent beta.

    Version 1.15 of the mod is ready and going to be tested tonight hopefully (if enough people show up to play on the AS server where it's installed to give me proper feedback).

    Here's the (unexpectedly big :)) changelog:

    - AI uses a lower stance in combat - crouch more, shoot from prone with MG, AR, sniper rifles or other weapons with bipods (ACE) (userconfig: stayLow = 1).

    - Steadier AI machinegunners - less recoil based on firing position (userconfig: recoilMod = 1).

    - Recoil is increased for wounded AI units (userconfig: recoilMod = 1).

    - Added option to debug the gunshot hearing aid feature on screen (userconfig: gunshothearing_debug = 0).

    - Merged asr_ai_c_aigrenadierfix pbo with asr_ai_c_airof

    - Units unable to walk/run (wounded legs) are removed from their group unless they are healed in some time (userconfig: split_legged = 300).

    - They will also be excluded from group consolidation.

    - Optimised smoke throwing.

    - Lower stance for higher building positions, also snipers stay in them more.

    - Excluded a few buildings from the AI house patrol feature.

    this looks Armalicious! Really nice touch on the splitting the guy with wounded leg, hate to have the team split up because of 1 AI.

  3. Not sure about that, sounds a bit too forceful and complex to get it right. Besides, something tells me to stay away from the LOS commands:

    Cool, wanted to know what your take on it, I do agree it might be complex. Was wondering whether there is a better way to avoid suicidal AIs.

  4. Hi Robalo,

    I have a suggestion for AI improvement, might not be the best of solution but here goes.

    Currently there are no FSM that will prevent AIs from entering into a kill zone, and the result of this is that AIs tends to stand or move into the spot where another AI was just killed, resulting in another instant kill for the enemy.

    Since with the latest beta that has been a way to do LOS, is it possible to do some improvement in this area where AI will not occupy or move into the spot where another AI just got killed?

    Probably ASR mod is the best to have this scripted perhaps? Sorry I have no scripting knowledge what so ever, just suggesting. What do you think?
