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Everything posted by Muahaha

  1. since the dev are focusing on AI, I really do hope the conversation with civvies will get fixed. Now it's impossible to get any dialog with civvie AI in arma2 at all. http://dev-heaven.net/issues/18165
  2. Might want to check out this thread first or post your question there. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=72181
  3. Doesn't have that issue, maybe try re-downloading the missions.
  4. Muahaha

    ASR AI Skills

    wonderful news, next release coming soon?
  5. Muahaha

    ArmA 2 OA Beta Build 83313

    same here with fixed viewing angle. Only thing happening that precise moment it happened was the ai team mates changes from danger to clear. haven't happen again after that.
  6. not mistaken, if you approach an AI from behind at night (0200 - 0400) they will not attack you if you move slowly within 10m. But day time, then you are looking for trouble.
  7. No worries bro. Reason I asked is that the mission is very much like in a story mode where you listed down the dates and event happened, makes it sounds like a person's ordeal of having been through a certain period of time. I guess you have taken the idea from the movie Restropo.
  8. webcomic ! loving it. monthly or weekly or as soon as it's done release?
  9. Hi sxp2high, will it be too much to ask if you put it into campaign format? Would love to have it as a campaign.
  10. Muahaha

    Arma 2: OA Beta Build 83261

    Getting constant hang/freeze that doesn't create any dumpfiles for the last 2 betas. Anyone else getting it?
  11. have been waiting for tora-bora missions for a while, SP version please :)
  12. Muahaha

    ArmA 2 OA Beta Build 83181

    This is my result
  13. Ignore what I said bout the maps. I though there were a separate mission-set previously that has A2 units on Chernarus and Utes.
  14. Muahaha

    Arma 2: OA Beta Build 83261

    No worries Dwarden, just would like to know what has been fixed, so I can try it out. edit: stay getting CTD on harvest red cutscenes.
  15. Muahaha

    ArmA 2 OA Beta Build 83181

    I tried with my version of test where i use a AT fireteam of 4 member against any armor except vodniks, where quite high percentage of them survive the encounter.
  16. Muahaha

    Arma 2: OA Beta Build 83261

    Hurray! change logs please....:P
  17. Muahaha

    ArmA 2 OA Beta Build 83181

    You referring to AT team or AI in a tank? If AT team afaik only against vodniks has such an issue, while against other armor they will fire their AT weapons almost upon detection.
  18. yes, arma2 units and maps basically.
  19. Muahaha


    nice, finally able to play this mission again. Thanks for rebuilding it.
  20. Muahaha

    ArmA 2 OA Beta Build 83181

    Please ignore the invulnerable bug I mentioned earlier, since after the reload of the campaign mission, the static defense gunner is kill-able. But the AI doesnt engage them stays true. Also getting freeze/hang during cutscenes (the part where razor team storms in the warehouse), only way is to kill the armaoa process And having texture flickering (from the sides of the screen) where textures tends to dissapear and reappear back by moving the mouse cursor sideways. The AI in the beta are awesome, the sniper is really effective at pining and killing. Edit: another question I have, what is the effective range where an enemy can be called out (via right mouse button)? Does it apply when looking through a bino?
  21. PvPscene, is there a marines/russian on Chernarus or Utes version of A&S?
  22. Muahaha

    [CAMP] Chasing Grim Reaper

    yea jungle warfare sounds just bout right, now with the latest beta that has decreased detection for AI. Good for stealthy jungle missions or getting lost in jungle.
  23. Muahaha

    ArmA 2 OA Beta Build 83181

    Came across a bug where the AI in static defense is invulnerable to my fire. Need to confirm further, anyone else experience this? Edit: Weird now in the editor if i put a static defense (opfor insurgents) and blufor team, no one from blufor team will engage this static defense.
  24. Muahaha

    ArmA 2 OA Beta Build 83181

    I think getting a repro sample and a CIT ticket might be able to get it enhanced/fixed faster.
  25. Muahaha

    ArmA 2 OA Beta Build 83110

    Well, like I said, my english is bad, hence i need to reconfirms what I understand from what I read :) anyway, getting some CTD, trying to locate the crashdumps and send it up.