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Everything posted by Muahaha

  1. I am using AVG. seems like a false alarm then...Thanks
  2. There seems to be a trojan horse warning for this file. Can you confirm?
  3. Looks like this thread is getting HOT! Congrats on the release, it is really nice to have such a high quality AC130 script.
  4. Muahaha

    PLA missions?

    I guess just need to wait a while longer... seeing PLA module has been released for quite a while now but no missions is quite amazing. hahaha
  5. Ah Thanks but I already got the map working just trying to see whether the AI is able to use the road properly by rebinarizing it. Seems like there are alot of missing objects not available or my lack of skills ... ah well...
  6. nice, will try it out. Thanks
  7. Great mission as ever Stiff. Thanks and eagerly awaiting your new features to be released. Comment: AI drivers and gunners from Tank and IFV is not controllable once they got out of their vehicle, if their vehicle survived there is no way to get them manned back their station. Thanks
  8. Great little gadget, loving this. Will it be possible or is it in your plans to number the icons so that we know which icon is referring to which player or AI?
  9. Need some help fixing the road for afghan & avgani map. I did the following steps but still seems to have error while running BinPBO, any help is much appreciated. I have BIStools installed with P partition readied. 1. Unpacked out all pbo related to afghan and avgani, which includes opxroads,opxmisc,opxbuildings,opxplants using ExtractPBO.exe with DePBO.dll in system32 2. Cut and pasted all unpacked files and put it into a folder called "Project" in P:\ 3. converted the original WRP files from afghan and avgani unpacked folder to 8WVR WRP format, and deleted the old WRP files. 4. Unpacked all CAA1 related worlds and objects and placed it into "Project" folder together with the afghan and avgani folders. 5. Re-binarize using BinPBO supplied from BISTool2. The problem is I am still having error from the binarizing process and the map is not picked up in CAA1 ingame. Did I did it wrongly? The logs shows missing p3d files, is this ignorable or it's map breaking? Thanks
  10. I've bet this has been asked a thousand times, for 1 to fix the roads for AI to use on arma1 maps such as avgani. All I need to do is 1. extract the opxroad.pbo using extractPBO.exe 2. rebinarize it using BinPBO Is that it or do I need to edit any config files in it? Thanks Please ignore the above. It's much complicated than I thought.
  11. Muahaha

    Afghan Patrol Coop

    Nice mission. Any chance you got the fixed avgani & afghan map? I meant the road...
  12. Muahaha

    SLX Mod WIP

    Just wondering, Is the new SuppressFor command used? Seems like the AI tends to suppress my last known pos.
  13. Wow!!! jumping with joy...:) Question: Does w_sara.pbo fixes only sahrani or does it fixes southern sahrani and united sahrani as well?
  14. Muahaha

    SLX Mod WIP

    You the MAN Solus... Can't wait for the new release... BTW, just got to realize that when you group teams, the team names will be based on alpha, bravo, charlie and so on... Which is also used to identify individual. No biggie but just sound abit weird and funny.
  15. This definitely looks user friendly. Can you release both DAC v2.0 and v2.1 if possible once done? Hope we get this and DAC 2.1 before Christmas.:)
  16. Muahaha

    SLX Mod WIP

    Been having this missing entry almost every session I used SLX. Bug report: No entry 'bin\config.bin/SLX_DroppedWeaponMoves/States/SLX_WeaponHolderStart.rightHand|KCurve'
  17. Muahaha

    SLX Mod WIP

    Agreed, it will get bit too repetitive especially when smoke grenades are deployed. It's like a shouting competition. Really love the feature thou, just maybe if it can ignore smoke grenades.
  18. Anyone having difficulties downloading this beta ? The link seems to be broken with error "Error 5 (net::ERR_INVALID_HANDLE): Unknown error."
  19. Hey thanks and looking forward to it.
  20. Hi, I'm totally new to DAC and never tried it before. but definately will try it out once it's released. Just wondering whether it can spawn units from addons that are user made. eg. BWmod etc. Thanks
  21. Muahaha

    FlexiAI (WIP) discussion

    Hi fabrizio_T, Are you able to create your video in comparison with vanila AI? maybe issuing the same commands side by side to see the differences/improvements so that it will be much more tangible for some of us. Just an idea. Thanks
  22. Muahaha

    City Fight

    Great will try it out first thing when I reach back from work. Will provide feedback later. Thanks Edit: Tried it. Was really nice to see infantry assault on old Arma1 map, the gameplay really smooth with so many AIs at once. Just some of my comments of playing v1.1. Sometimes you will start inside a building which cause you to get stuck. Minor bug i guess. 1. Would it be possible to have 1 Team Leader (you), 2. Heavy Gunner 3. Grenadier 4. Riflemen/AT rather than having a sniper which is not that useful in CQB action oriented mission such as this. 2. Possible to add static defenses at base? 3. Night time assault? Thanks
  23. Muahaha

    City Fight

    Awesome. Maybe you should try Binesi's BIN_taskdefend.sqf script to have 1 squad defending and manning any static defences while extra units go on patrol around. Will be great to see SP version to have AI manning defences to give the player/AI a tough fight in order to grab the objectives. My suggestions are mainly for SP as I find it to be the most enjoyable playing squad based. :D
  24. Hi CaptainBravo. Any plans to have this as SP as well?
  25. Muahaha

    City Fight

    Hey [ASA]ODEN, mind to create these missions on Arma1 ported maps? Would like to play it on the old maps. Great fun and thanks again