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Everything posted by Muahaha

  1. Muahaha

    Russia, return or someone new?

    +1 to the above. maybe a 3 sided war... China Vs Russia Vs Nato. Since now we have Asian faces... It's not long i guess. Time to see some Chinese made military hardware.
  2. I must say, the campaign finishes with very well written plot. The last mission seems to last forever.... And the ending was funny as heck. Will play through another round once I am free to do so. Hoping the story will continue and pick up with more intense stuffs.
  3. Muahaha

    How to enjoy ArmAII to the fullest

    I live in SEA, join mostly JPN server and occasionally the Aussie servers. Could get in touch with you guys to play some MP, shouldnt have too much ping for AP folks. But unfortunately now since after moved to my new house the net is still down. PM me if you guys are up for a MP session. I speaks Mandarin and English. So both are good for me.
  4. Good to have you back on the project zvukoper. I hope it will be a much better project than before.
  5. Muahaha

    ARMA 2:OA beta patch 75666

    Why was this hotfix released as beta as opposed to a real "hotfix" just like for EW ? btw, will this beta utilize the new data in the official 1.55?
  6. Yes indeed something we've been hoping for. Glad to see BIS takes the community wishes into their to do list. Maybe the full implementation will be for the next DLC. **finger crossed and praying hard**...
  7. Try stand really near the Arma2 units. The faces and hands have thermal signature. Not on the clothing or looking from afar.
  8. Muahaha

    Russia, return or someone new?

    Well that is true... let see how PMC's story fares....
  9. Muahaha

    Russia, return or someone new?

    Well YEA... an american Guba... what can go wrong with that? Let the Blufor be the bad folks for once....
  10. Muahaha

    Russia, return or someone new?

    Why do we always need nation vs nation (Nato vs Non-Nato). If the story is good, you could have any type of scenarios, such as BLUFOR vs BLUFOR or OPFOR vs OPFOR. Example will be something like the movie "the rock" where a US general went rogue.
  11. Noticed a few things changed for Arma2 units. Old Arma2 (EAST and WEST)units now have thermal signature on their faces and hands instead of all fully bright glowing white. And units will reply useful feedback such as unit side and direction last saw in text rather than the standard "I saw something". Not sure whether this was pre-1.55 but definately it's there now. Not sure whether anything else changed. Anyone else can confirmed this?
  12. Muahaha

    Arma 2:OA Update 1.50-1.54 To 1.55 ???

    I am confused, do I still need to update the BAF 1.0 - 1.01 patch IF I have already updated the 1.55 patch? From what other says 1.55 already contained the BAF 1.01 patch... So what the 1.01 patch for?
  13. I hope with the revisit to Russian units, we get all things up to OA std... and YES.. finally with China we going to have Asian for once officially .... **speculating**
  14. Glad to test and confirmed the rocks and stone don't ambush and trapped you anymore. No jumpy death of annoyance. Great, but hoping to see fixes on the chopper.
  15. Congrats Bardosy on the release. Will test out your final version once I get back home.
  16. Beware, once you use this mod, you might like it so much that you might not want to play vanilla AI anymore. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=92269
  17. If you see the AI's pictures having little red bulleyes on them, means they are under fire or stressed. Under such circumstances they won't respond well to return to formation commands, reason being that they felt their life is more important than listening to the SL's whim of going back into line.... Until the red bullseyes goes away, you will be having tougher times to get them back in formation. Workaround: Use mod such as GL4 that forces AI to move even under fire. Splitting your squad to teams promote fireteam based command style, such as team green stick with you and team red goes into flanking pos. Alot easier then selecting 1 unit at a time. (Shift F keys allows you to select the team at 1 keystroke).
  18. There is a range for the AI to call reinforcement, basing on whether AI is on foot, vehicle or copper/ship. Ranging from 10km to 30km not mistaken...It's in the config files. And you can set the max amount of reinforcement that come to aid the AI.
  19. As mentioned in the title, is there a way to get medic from other units to come and heal you? Similar to OFP and A1, when any medic appears nearby you can select them to heal you up.
  20. Hey Thanks SNKMAN for listening to my mumblings. I thought the feature has already been implemented and I left it out. Cheers.
  21. Sorry should have been more clear on the above, what I meant was once I got the GL4 to spawn enemy units, the units just stand idle at the spawn location and do not garrison into buildings or occupying any static defences, unlike the unit which was placed manually in editor. I might have missed out certain things that causes the above, as I am not able to spawn any helis or vehicles as well. Great to know that next version will have friendly occupying/garrison buildings, is there a way for us to set the duration of time they do that? as I was hoping to do a house to house parol scenario/mission.
  22. I noticed the above too. All spawned units are too close with each other, as well as not initialized or "control" by Enemy enhanced AI module. Also, is there a way to specify timing for how long a building is being entered so that the AI wont stay too long at 1 place? And can it work with friendlies as well?
  23. Muahaha

    Men of War: Assault Squad open beta @ STEAM

    Looks and feel alot like their other title: Theater of war. So what the difference?
  24. The changelog looks awesome. Anything on Civvie improvement?