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Everything posted by Muahaha

  1. Muahaha

    Mortar and Javelin questions

    +1 ^ you are able to assemble it up with the correct pack... but the tricky part is sometimes it's hard to find the option pop-ing up even if you have put your cursor over the bags.
  2. Muahaha

    Chinese J20 Stealth Fighter revealed

    That is.... IF they are able to locate each other first... with all the stealth planes going supersonics and stealthy i doubt they would even realize someone just flew by... hahaha.... A lousy example: Vrooooom..... Pilot: Oh did I hear something ? Pilot2: Nah, probably just what you ate last night...
  3. Muahaha

    Chinese J20 Stealth Fighter revealed

    If every countries has their own stealth fighters, I guess no one will ever see a fighter jet ever...
  4. Muahaha

    Realtime immersive - Militar simulator cryengine

    Would love to see those dynamic view distance implemented in Arma2. CryEngine I doubt has that kind of capability to do such massive environment.
  5. Muahaha

    [CAMP][SP][A2][UNS] Operation Lowlands

    Great, will try out and feedback on this campaign. Thanks for the rare NAM campaign.
  6. Muahaha

    The Trashmaster

    Guys, Check out this featured film done using GTA 4 engine. Very nice indeed, and was voiced over by a prof actor. http://yourmachinima.com/musicvideo.php?vid=ca56a980d
  7. Muahaha

    Question from a noob

    You might want to check this out. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=96591&highlight=favorite+mods
  8. Muahaha

    Please....Stop the intervention

    All movies and games has always been involving the americans one way or another.... don't see much without them... even sci-fi games will somehow has them. If you think it's overpowering by having the highly advanced West and East Superpowers, why not limit down the type of weaponry or military hardware each sides uses? Like no FLIR or NV etc... How bout good old fistfight to the death? jk..:)
  9. Muahaha

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 77159

    Maybe someone should list down the "expected" behaviour of choppers performing landing for the developers to code them ? Seems to have missed everyone expectation from the feedbacks.
  10. ^+1 and well said. This is a great manual and I like it a lot, but would love that the background is soften down a bit and able to make it printable. Keep it up. :)
  11. Hi Suma, don't mean to rush... are you guys planning to resolve this bug with official missions? http://dev-heaven.net/issues/13530
  12. Muahaha

    How can he walk after that?

    Yep, sounds pretty familiar to me too. A headshot that don't kill happens on me quite a few times.
  13. Muahaha

    AI Enemies

    Well I guess for me is to always seek cover where-ever I am... maybe that cut down the percentage of getting killed in game on vanilla w/o mod. :p
  14. Thanks for all the honest answers and it's quite intriguing to know what most believes in. There is a 6 parts show by BBC on the history of Christianity, which mentioned westerners are choosing to be indifference towards religion especially after WW2 due to the fact that people are still suffering and dying and there were no divine intervention etc... and of course the advancement in scientific knowledge. Well I do agrees that science plays a big part in aligning your stance, but for me yet science still has a lot of unknown and flaws... eg.. arsenic lifeform. Unlike you guys for Asian like me that still has that spiritual believes engraved into our mindset even having learnt the same kind of things everyone else in the globe is learning do think there is a greater being... Called it ignorance or superstitious i guess... Also partly because the old debate between intelligent creation and evolution still fighting in my head...:)
  15. Muahaha

    AI Enemies

    The AI nowadays are actually quite realistic and are affected by numerous factors, such as suppressed or aiming shake or recoils ... unless you are standing idle at 1 position for a very looong time, i don't think you will get killed from 300 m away easily. You can lower the AI skills in the game settings to prevent getting kill fast. Hope it helps
  16. Muahaha

    Trial by Fire

    the mission has been bugged after recent patches... I got my whole squad wiped out nowadays when playing this mission.... The cobra AI flies like a rookie now instead missing every damn thing... maybe because of the new feature of not able to target infantry.
  17. Hey all, Since I am no military guy, I was wondering how in RL does a person gets promoted in rank... Let say from a recruit onwards.... Based on merits or years of service?
  18. Muahaha

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 76973

    I was not having the issue with the VRAM, will I be seeing improvements in video memory as well with this patch?
  19. Great to see it released in BIS forum. Hope to see future improvements in the manual. Thanks again
  20. Muahaha

    How does one get promoted in the military...

    So experience doesn't really make much difference if one doesn't have the paper to "impress". Thanks for the insights.
  21. this is interesting... from Aliens to God to micro organism to atheist... One question I have in mind though... What makes you guys so strongly believing what you believes in now? Culture, education, history or self experience?
  22. Happy new year. Hows d new GL4 Triforce coming along?
  23. Muahaha

    How does one get promoted in the military...

    Wow thanks for the enlightening insights... from what you guys are saying... it's sure sound like 1 heck of a tough job for any person. So I guess you need to be really damn good to even make it to commissioned officer ? How bout those battlefield commissioning like in the movies? Those are practiced in RL or just Hollywood BS?
  24. Muahaha

    Happy New Year!

    Happy new year ya all.. bring out the beer and celebrate!
  25. Muahaha

    Town Clash

    Thanks, your missions are quite dynamic and has high replay value.