Hi IceBreakr !
It's the better RPG police mission that I never play on ArmA.
So thank’s a lot for the community!
We tested it yesterday on the [OWM] server with 5 guys. That was great.
Here are somethings that we noticed :
I) Firstly I thought that some addons could improve your game like police car & black ops as special police force but players said that the Russian countryside police is a good idea for a rpg game
So for us, things are perfect like that. (a siren car police could be fun.)
II) According to RPG way, we playing with expert difficulty. Read the road signs in Russian is really hard so I think about set some triggers on it to display their names in English.
That will help cops to hunt in the right direction :)
III) Criminals can help the psycho but they cannot be arrested.
So police cannot really stop the criminals if they want to kill prostitute. It should be good to respawn them in jail (no judgment they are already criminals)
IV) There is so much mines and satchels in the Russian base. Criminals can put in a truck enough explosive to destroy each towns.
Well that s all :bounce3: everythings else are really nice