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10 Good

About PaxRomana

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  1. PaxRomana

    Thank you, B.I.S.; Sign if you agree.

    The mind boggles.
  2. PaxRomana

    How old are Arma2 Players?

    From the postings on this forum, I'd say most folk were about 12. >_<
  3. Hmm - 35 pages of moaning about Steam. While I do sympathise (really, I do. BIS need shooting for the mess that ArmA II is), I was hoping to read about the efficacy of the patch on AI. Guess I'll actually have to play the game to see if it's any good :) . Sadly, they've cocked up the patch notes file, lol. Lots of errors just in that, so I'm not holding out much hope for the game. Oh dear.
  4. Open map before anything else. Then go communications, support, but when you see transport item in menu, THAT's when you click on the map (or at a point on ground if in 3D view, in fact). You want the map click to also be the same click that selects the transport menu item, IYSWIM :) .