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Everything posted by alicatt

  1. Had a quick go of what now turns out to be an older version (MP 0.46 played as SP with AI support) and had an interesting encounter: a swimmer in the building nearest the camp, as I walked past the building I could hear water getting moved, looked in the dry river bed - nothing. walked back around building and the noise got louder, as I rounded the corner one of my squad came out the building and I went in and in the first room there was a villager swiming in the room as per the attached image.
  2. Mine went through fine, usually when going on Steam it redirects to the european steam but after selecting £ it went straight to the UK version. Thank you BI for getting the web interface correct. Yes you have to confirm your purchase after returning from Paypal to Steam, that is the way it normally works for me
  3. First time shooting one I was 14 in the ATC, I moved 2ft back off the firing line. Even digging my feet in it would lift me up, ended up I had an officer sitting on my back and that stopped my moving. Once we got enough in our squadron we got an indoor range with .22 modified Lee Enfields, no kick in them at all!
  4. it is a good weapon and superbly accurate, my WW2 Rifle No.4 Mk1* had flip sights for 200 yards and 600 yards. The rifle I used when I was a teenager had flip sights, one was a V, the flip up peep was useful out to 1000 yards. My father shot with one at Bisley for the RAF during WW2 and I still have his certificates for competition shooting during the war. Some of the Bisley competitions were out to 1800yards but my father never shot in them and they used Lee Enfields but with a peep sight on the butt and you reclined on your back with the muzzle resting on top of your ankle. A friend uses a T20 Lee Enfield to great effect, the T20 was a select grade, sniper modified rifle, with the reciever drilled and tapped for a scope, it also had a raised cheek piece on the butt.
  5. Up until this week I had just used Arma2 with no mods and had updated it to version 1.05. Now I have put on the Ace2 with the Sixshooter GUI and tried that. When I select "update and start game" then I get some problems, I had set up a small mission in the editor to practice artillery strikes as the gunner and also have a "Designated Marksman" as a forward observer to watch the fall of shot. I start as the DM and the view from him is normal, then I team switch to the M119 gunner and fire off a salvo then switch back to the DM to watch the fall of shot, but, when I go to the DM the image is Black and White and kind of posterised. I can team switch back to the gunner and the view is normal then back to the DM and it is still B&W and posterised. Also when I fire the DMR the shots are about half a scope width out from where I was aiming, this happens if I just startgame from the GUI too. I don't get the "posterisation" and black and white image if I just use the startgame option from the GUI. When running Arma2 without the Ace2 mod the game behaves normal and I have no problems with maksmanship either. The game is an original and genuine boxed version I bought new from Amazon.co.uk. Thanks for any help or sugestions.
  6. alicatt

    spraying bullets!

    I had set up a small mission in the editor to try the artillery and watch the effects of the gunnery :o Originaly I had done it in the un-modded Arma2 and then tried it with Ace2. I only get the effects happening if I select "install or update and start game" from the sixshooter gui, if I run the normal Arma2 it runs fine. If I just "startgame" ace2 then it just gives me poor accuaracy ... can't hit a sheep at 20m with the DMR and you can see the bullets hit all round the sheep. If I update then startgame then it has the "posterization" when I team swap back to the designated marksman. I'm going to ask this to the Mods complete forum as I think it is more a problem with Ace2 than with Arma2. Thanksfor your sugestion tho.
  7. alicatt

    spraying bullets!

    Hmmm only happens when I use the Aces 2 mod. when launching the game normally through the ArmaII icon it runs fine. Game is an original and genuine boxed Arma 2 that I got through Amazon.co.uk
  8. alicatt

    spraying bullets!

    with Fade does the screen eventualy go all posterised? I have a genuine Arma 2 patched to 1.05, installed Ace2 and since then bullet accuarcy has been decreasing, sitting in a M1 A2 Tusk nearest OPFOR is 1km away in a T72 which I've just take out, my crew then die one after another and when I switch to a playable designated marksman I find that the view is all black and white and like the posterize effect in Paintshop is this Fade?
  9. You mean it is not All purpose Lightweight Individual Carrying Equipment as used by GIs in Vietnam http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All-purpose_Lightweight_Individual_Carrying_Equipment
  10. alicatt

    What is "2 hour front" ?

    Thanks! something new to listen to
  11. alicatt

    Where do you live?

    Limburg, Belgium or Caithness, Scotland
  12. Ahh! I had a BBC Micro with sideways RAM ... Guess thats why I built my garage 16meters wide:rolleyes:
  13. alicatt

    RAF Chinook

    In one airlift/evacuation they managed to get 217 people in one :) or 24 troops with full equipment on the seat + 24 with full equipment sitting on the floor