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About Leadzepplin

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  1. Leadzepplin

    Has anybody had this problem?

    I havent tried it without joystick but i have configured the joystick for arma2 and have been using it to fly aircraft in bootcamp or flight training in arma2. Works fine until i edit my own mission and jump in a jet to fly it but it wont even throttle up or anything. Guess I need too try it without the joystick but damn thats going to be difficult to fly that way. ---------- Post added at 09:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:25 PM ---------- Kristian, thanks for leading me in the right direction! I had configured my joystick but when I went back into controls I noticed all my joystick settings were gone. Not sure why? Its like everytime I exit out of the game I lose all my joysick settings in control. Anyway went back into controls set joystick up again and was able too fly jet in mission editor. Thanks for takin time to help me out! Later Dude
  2. In single player mission editor, I climb in jet but it won,t throttle up. I have been flying aircraft in bootcamp with no issues. I'm using a (Top Gun Fox2pro joystick) and use the slider for throttle up. However its not throttling up aircraft like it will in bootcamp. Thought aircraft might need fuel so I inserted fuel truck and drove it up next to aircraft but didnt see an icon for refueling. Why can I get in a truck and operate it but not aircraft?:confused:
  3. Leadzepplin

    Mission Editor ?

    Throttle up works fine no problems flying aircraft in boot camp any other sugestons
  4. Mission editor seems to work fine except for some reason when i insert aircraft and then jump in to fly a jet or helicopter the damn thing wont even run. Aircraft work fine in bootcamp. Am I doing something wrong in the mission editor or is flying aircraft in mission editor not possible?