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Everything posted by best2nd

  1. I dePbo'd the mission. Resistance is friendly to EAST. I'm going to scour the missionFlow to see if it changes mid mission... ----------EDIT---------- They weren't killed by CSAT, you just thought they did. The remaining AAF defenders are magically killed by script in order to speed up players group. private ["_killDefenders"]; _killDefenders = true; if ({alive _x} count (units group BIS_inf - [bIS_inf]) > 0) then { // Kill enemy AI in the town to speed up player's group {if (alive _x) then {_x setDamage 1}} forEach (BIS_range_defenders + BIS_town_defenders); };
  2. best2nd

    Dispersion to simulate inaccuracy

    Weapon dispersion should only occur when weapon barrel is overheating. This is somewhat simulated in A.C.E. 2. Since Arma 3 doesn't feature heat buildup you can forget about dispersion... You can write all you want, devs won't include it. (out of scope)
  3. best2nd

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    You got that all wrong. AI won't deliberately enter building's in order to pursue enemies. BIA? Really!? It's compensation for grass not being rendered at distance. You're not being careful... BIA is making games? I did not know that... Also for your health I recommend quitting ArmA.
  4. best2nd

    AI Configuration - feedback

    Well I usually play with maximum skill settings (I'm that pro), so the AI inherits the true values (at least I think they are) set in the mission itself. Community wise, I think the best way to go is presets (I want maximum skill preset included) and optional "Use at your own risk" custom preset (so you don't have people making addons because they don't like the presets).
  5. That's the problem I have with most people. They're like: "OMG! Lack of information! It's a plot hole!" Dude... This is EPISODE 1, it's not the whole story. Also I have a theory on why AAF is unable to overwhelm Camp Maxwell. From what I gathered the news broadcast stating that the civil-war has ended is false. AAF managed to thwart the Kavala coup (I presume with the help of NATO) however FIA retreated to north-western hills and have switched to guerilla tactics. AAF seizes the moment and declares victory while in reality they are still engaged in bloody guerrilla war and need to maintain high military presence on Altis. Civil unrest and high influx of refuges don't help either resulting in inability to allocate more troops to Stratis. Once things start going bad for AAF (?Bravo? Company Commander killed, failed attack on Maxwell) they have no other choice but to request military aid from CSAT. Judging by the news broadcast, they are in good relations so CSAT accepts and screws you over in the last mission.
  6. I still haven't figured out what MEDCOM is (MEDical COMmand?)... Judging by the intro movie Altis is somewhat under AAF control. You can only see green markers, although north-western part is empty hinting at FIA control. So I think it's a Medical fleet tasked with providing humanitarian aid to displaced refuges (as suggested by newsflash, there are no blue markers on Altis so it must be a fleet).
  7. Did you just seriously registered to the forums to bash things that make perfect sense? GJ Arvaic. I'm proud of you...
  8. The issue is on your end. I believe your GPU's are having trouble synchronizing... Have you tried replacing the SLI bridge?
  9. lev... I need you to ask to stop spreading false information... I'm on a verge of thinking that you are trolling... Yes, you are right... Disabling SLI gets rid of PIP flickering. However, like ramius86 said, Arma 3 DOES support SLI. WHAT!!! How the... How did you conclude this? Disabling SLI WILL degrade performance (30-40 FPS loss for me).
  10. They are only under <<Men (Story)>>
  11. best2nd

    what is headless client?

    You cannot setup HC on a mission that does not support HC. So... Nothing happens...
  12. Geep doesn't start with G you meathead! You blew my mind.
  13. You are not alone. It ridiculous and impossible for mortars to track and engage moving targets. It is even more ridiculous by the fact that it's just 2 guys (at lest in my play-through). Just remove that shelling. Thanks in advance.
  14. best2nd

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Hmm... It appears that there are many more undocumented changes to the AI...
  15. best2nd

    What made you buy ArmA 2

    I'm a diehard OFP/ArmA fan... So... Yeah...
  16. You haven't noticed any difference because you play in English. Language Localization
  17. But.. But... I want ACSM Just kidding I was wondering if its intentional for the Varsuk to not have missile warning sounds.
  18. best2nd

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Will you release a lite version without new assets but with improved realism and medical?
  19. The Kozlowski in "Trial by Fire" is none other then Ernst Kozlowski's son. At the beginning of the mission if you enter the LHD briefing room you will find... You'll never guess... General David Armstrong... There is even a conversation between Kozlowski and Armstrong. However, for some reason it was intentionally cut from the mission. I can post the conversation if you guys are interested... P.S. : Once upon a time when DayZ was fresh, on a TeamSpeak server, far, far away... I met a certain dev who called himself Dwarden... Out of all things that I could have asked I ended up asking him will David Armstrong make an appearance in Arma 3... He replied: "No comment..." -The End-
  20. Forget about CPU/GPU usage. Most bottlenecks on ArmA come from slow HDD's, slow RAM and low QPI/FSB clock (l2 cache comes into play too). I had to reduce the view distance to 3k because my SSD just isn't fast enough and yet I blamed my RAM for the FPS bottleneck... You should have seen my face when I saw the amount of data that was punishing my SSD... Since SSD can't process that monstrous amount of data, like kju said, frames get prolonged reducing the amount of FPS.
  21. best2nd

    VTS Simple weapon resting

    First post still states that it does not reduce sway :)
  22. No RPT errors... Now to ACE and ACRE...
  23. Fixed almost all... Now I get this: 2013/09/01, 6:56:28 Error in expression < (isNil ("RydHQB_Support")) and ((count RydHQB_Support) > 0) and (RydHQB_Cycleco> 2013/09/01, 6:56:28 Error position: <RydHQB_Support) > 0) and (RydHQB_Cycleco> 2013/09/01, 6:56:28 Error Undefined variable in expression: rydhqb_support 2013/09/01, 6:56:29 Error in expression < (isNil ("RydHQB_Support")) and ((count RydHQB_Support) > 0) and (RydHQB_Cycleco> 2013/09/01, 6:56:29 Error position: <RydHQB_Support) > 0) and (RydHQB_Cycleco> 2013/09/01, 6:56:29 Error Undefined variable in expression: rydhqb_support 2013/09/01, 6:56:29 Error in expression < (isNil ("RydHQB_Support")) and ((count RydHQB_Support) > 0) and (RydHQB_Cycleco> 2013/09/01, 6:56:29 Error position: <RydHQB_Support) > 0) and (RydHQB_Cycleco> 2013/09/01, 6:56:29 Error Undefined variable in expression: rydhqb_support 2013/09/01, 6:56:34 Error in expression < (isNil ("RydHQC_Support")) and ((count RydHQC_Support) > 0) and (RydHQC_Cycleco> 2013/09/01, 6:56:34 Error position: <RydHQC_Support) > 0) and (RydHQC_Cycleco> 2013/09/01, 6:56:34 Error Undefined variable in expression: rydhqc_support 2013/09/01, 6:56:34 Error in expression < (isNil ("RydHQC_Support")) and ((count RydHQC_Support) > 0) and (RydHQC_Cycleco> 2013/09/01, 6:56:34 Error position: <RydHQC_Support) > 0) and (RydHQC_Cycleco> 2013/09/01, 6:56:34 Error Undefined variable in expression: rydhqc_support 2013/09/01, 6:56:34 Error in expression < (isNil ("RydHQC_Support")) and ((count RydHQC_Support) > 0) and (RydHQC_Cycleco> 2013/09/01, 6:56:34 Error position: <RydHQC_Support) > 0) and (RydHQC_Cycleco> 2013/09/01, 6:56:34 Error Undefined variable in expression: rydhqc_support