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Everything posted by tonygrunt

  1. Latest updates of battleye seems to have pushed a service "c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\BattlEye\BEService.exe". Is it really necessary ? And could we get some communication when updates like this happen so we know we don't deal with a virus.
  2. You could post a mission which reproduces the bug, maybe someone could take a look.
  3. Couldn't also a modified addon with a call to a RVExtension dll used to compromise your CD key?
  4. With steam you shouldn't have to update. Do you mean the beta patches?
  5. tonygrunt

    Problem with CD Key

    Open regedit as admin and find your registry key containing the ArmA 2 OA serial. It's at "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2 OA]" for W7 x64. Name KEY, type REG_BINARY and 15 bytes of data. Does it look ok or is it all 0 or something else? Export if you want and delete it, then run steam as admin and verify game cache. It should recreate it. Is it the same as before? Does the game run now? Now for your rant. Help here is mostly provided by others members, so don't expect to get realtime help or even be provided with the solution. As you most probably joined today, I don't see why you already are annoyed with us for not helping you.
  6. Would be nice to make a headless client keep in sync all unused slots and if a jip player logged in, he would sync with the headless client and not pull off resources from the server.
  7. One pro of the headless client is that you may be able to run it on another PC or in the future use multiple headless clients on other PCs.
  8. Can you delete arma2oa.cfg, maybe the expansions section in it is corrupted. After delete you will have to redo some graphics settings. "c:\Users\<YOUR WINDOWS USERNAME>\Documents\ArmA 2\ArmA2OA.cfg"
  9. I suspect also one more con for VAC is, as it is one of the most popular anti-cheat it would have more hackers trying to break it than battleye. Also how regular VAC is updated would be mostly up to Valve, which might have an effect on beta updates of the game (battleye is at most updated a couple of hours after a beta release).
  10. If you go to the editor can you select Utes and Chernarus?
  11. If you at least searched the forums you would find "Bad serial number given in setup - use this thread for help " and "MPTable.shadow & pixel shader PSSpecularAlpha Thread - the only one! ". Read at least the 1st post of each thread. Hint. Run Steam and ArmA 2 as Admin.
  12. tonygrunt

    ARMA 2 DLC question

    To add the DLC you just run the setup. If ArmA has no installation problems, it should find the correct path and you should only have to input the serial key for each one. Sizes of the DLC in the sprocket store. BAF: 368 MB PMC: 829 MB ACR: 1100 MB Patches that are required. Patch 1.60: 704 MB Patch 1.62: 52 MB
  13. No need to delete the key. Double clicking a exported registry file (.reg) with the required exported keys for each serial will overwrite the old one.
  14. No update for me. Are you possibly using ArmA 2 Free?
  15. tonygrunt

    Mass Global Ban?

    AFAIK Battleye bans don't message you with a description of your ban, this seems as a server ban.
  16. tonygrunt

    Arma 2 OA Registry files corrupt.

    Did you run a hack for ArmA 2 that stole your key and "played" with the permissions of the registry keys? Because this hack might still be there,monitoring and preventing your changes. I doubt someone managed to access your registry without you running an executable.
  17. I suppose if you still have the old ArmA2 installation and you can get the ArmA2 registry keys from your old pc you could use them on your new pc. If you miss anything of that you are out of luck.
  18. tonygrunt

    Bad CD key- CD key is disabled.

    Read the thread "Bad CD Key / CD Key disabled / No CD key / CD key in use" and make a support ticket with the required information. Don't think that other players can help you.
  19. Define reasonable price, my pc with current market prices is over 5000 € (it cost me a bit more that that). Anyway, some other member might help you better, I don't know much about the UK shops/market.
  20. The PC specs: CPU is below minimum requirements (Intel Core 2.4 GHz or AMD Dual-Core Athlon 2.5 GHz), HDD is too small and slow (around 21GB for ArmA2 CO) and the GT610 is a graphics card mostly for desktop use and office suits. The game will possibly run but in no way will it run well.
  21. Read the thread "Bad CD Key / CD Key disabled / No CD key / CD key in use" and make a support ticket with the required information.
  22. tonygrunt

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    If you are going to use headphones, most onboard audio(realtek) doesn't have good surround if any. And you should probably add another hdd, arma2 gets pretty big when adding mods.
  23. tonygrunt

    Will arma run on my system?

    You should read and post in "Will my PC Run this? What CPU/GPU to get? What settings? System Specifications". First post has the system requirements for ArmA 2 which your graphics card doesn't meet even the minimum. ArmA 2 OA is more demanding.
  24. You can only download from the retailer that you buy your digital version. So the answer is no.