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Everything posted by tonygrunt

  1. Arma is very CPU intensive with one core, the rest work too but not to full usage. On my i7 3930k 4.7GHz 6 core, 1 core is usually above 90% with the rest below 50%, so the average will seem around 50%. Also on MP it is sometimes restricted by the server's ability to keep up.
  2. tonygrunt

    cd key

    Is your copy on steam? Then you have to verify the game cache, it should update the registry key with yours. If your copy is from another digital retailer or a disc, you must find the registry key and delete it. Then you can reinstall with your new key. Registry key for Windows 7 x64: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bohemia Interactive Studio]
  3. Install 1.60. Don't install the 1.62 Release Candidates, unless you want to test them for bugs. Not turning back and no guaranteed update to the final patch. If you need to connect to 1.61 or 1.62 servers, use the appropriate beta.
  4. So you know that the moment you apply a RC or Final patch on arma games and the addons are changed there is no going back unless you have kept a backup or reinstall. Open then a devheaven ticket to ask for a feature to uninstall patches.
  5. Release Candidates and Patches were never fully removable, they change the addon assets. If you don't want to test then stay at beta patches that are easy to remove.
  6. Start Arma2 OA without beta and tells us what version number is listed at right-down corner, at main menu.
  7. tonygrunt


    I believe you are not allowed to buy PMC and BAF on steam, unless you have at least ArmA 2 OA on your steam account.
  8. tonygrunt

    1.61 downgrade?

    My steam version of ArmA 2 OA is still 1.60 and I don't see it updating, don't think steam forced the 1.61 RC update. Do a verify integrity of game cache and delete the BETA directory inside EXPANSIONS. Then install BETA not higher than 94700 to remain at 1.60 version.
  9. tonygrunt

    Horrible Graphic Bugs

    Why are we even discussing of setting up vram to 2gb? Try to limit your ram to 4GB from msconfig. Boot tab, click Advanced options, checkmark Maximum memory with 4096. Reboot after setting up and test. Don't forget to remove it the 4GB to get your memory back.
  10. Do a bench with Atto or HDtune then you should see the advertised speeds. And I believe AMD sata controllers are slower than the Intel ones, so expect to lose a bit from that.
  11. tonygrunt

    My server keeps getting hacked.

    F2P server? If you mean Arma2 servers not OA, then he can hack and when he is banned he can get another f2p serial. That's why he can't be stopped. He doesn't lose anything with ban. With Arma2 OA/CO no f2p serials exist, so after banning he should have to buy a new game.
  12. tonygrunt

    My server keeps getting hacked.

    Have you enabled Battleye and signature checking on server.cfg? BattlEye=1; verifySignatures = 2;
  13. Probably because beta patches are on a ftp server and due to high demand it reached its max anonymous users, that's why you are getting the password prompt. Try again later, eventually you will get in.
  14. Whenever six updater has a major update and it asks for the installation directory, this defaults to the default directory not the one chosen where it was installed. Slight inconvenience but could you change this?
  15. Sometimes installs from DVD produce corrupt files and then patches fail to complete. Try copying the contents of the DVD to a temporary drive and then run setup from there. (You might need to uninstall the old Arma2 OA first). After completion of setup run once Arma2 OA and then patch it.
  16. What he said. Steam by default starts with windows. If it is running, you have to close it (not minimize on tray icon), wait a little for steam to shutdown (might take sometime to sync) and then right click on the steam icon and select "Run as administrator".
  17. Are you on windows vista/7? Do you have UAC enabled? If yes, you have to right click and select "Run as an adminstrator".
  18. tonygrunt

    ingame Receiving bug/Blackscreen

    Don't bump, not allowed. As for the receiving message, I get it too sometimes when I leave the map, especially if I have high view distance.
  19. Download and run DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer and wait for setup to finish. Reboot if asked. Exit steam, make sure it is closed then right click the steam icon and select "Run as Administrator". Verifying Arma2 free and Arma2 OA game cache. Wait for downloads to finish if necessary. Start once Arma2 free and exit when done. Start once Arma2 OA and exit when done. Start Arma2 CO, hopefully it works. I hope I didn't forget anything.
  20. tonygrunt

    Arma 2 co ctd

    Got game crash? Do this You can try a beta. There are game crash fixes with them. Also, Arma is very CPU intensive and can crash under unstable overclocks but usually as BSOD. You could try running your CPU/RAM at stock.
  21. Could anybody check my dev-heaven bug report "Crash while spectating from BETA 93030 and after" and report. There is a CTD happening with the latest BETAs and missions with the "Norrin Revive" script.
  22. tonygrunt

    Steamworks, add it in or not?

    Voted no. With around 850 installed games on my Steam library, these are the things I don't like about Steam: -Took me 3 times today to start the client. First the "Could not connect to steam network", second time steam client stays idle and had to be killed in task manager. -Patches are huge. 1 changed byte in one gigabyte game file means you have to redownload the file. Usual game updates for Arma are around 7GB, Witcher 2 update 15GB. -No easy way to disable/enable/check status of automatic updates. -Failed game downloads and no easy way to recheck all games except one by one. -When starting steam and many game updates have happened, the gui may take a huge amount of time (15 mins+) to appear and then even respond, til some updates are finished. -Client many times stops to respond and you have to wait. I believe that some of the problems wouldn't happen if only some games were installed, instead of all.
  23. Strange that it can't find REG.EXE. Could you run the command "set path" on a command prompt and post what your "path" environment variable is set to? Here is mine for example: Path=C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\
  24. tonygrunt

    Installing from Disc

    You cant activate cd keys of Arma on steam. Which retail CD Keys are accepted on Steam?
  25. I too have slow LOD changing with this beta, some vehicles at first sight are at lowest LOD. Haven't seen anything like this since I went SSD. Also with the latest betas I sometimes while changing between TWS sight and no sight my FPS falls very low. Example, I am in an MP mission in Zargabad with 60FPS vsynced (can get higher with no) and after some changes my FPS drop to a very choppy 30FPS. If I do FLUSH cheat or go window mode and back, my FPS are back to normal. It could be also related with the latest Nvidia drivers.