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About derSerge

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  1. This thread ist old but... the issue/bug is still there... We tried to create a High Commander vs Team (coop) mission but it doesn't really make fun because once discovered, players marker won't disappear from the H.C. map. The issue has already been submitted 10 months ago but not fixed yet: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/2073 Try it yourself in a SP test mission: BLUEFOR player as High Commander (+ some AI) at the blue side. OPFOR armored vehicle (e.g BMP) with 0% ammo, near player. Let the vehicle drive far away (waypoint). Start the mission, enter the H.C. mode (CTRL + SPACE) and watch the map: the red marker doesn't disappear even when the vehicle is 3 km away. Is there a work-around maybe?
  2. derSerge


    Great work guys! Looking forward to the new version! Could you add a small radio icon that is displayed when the player is transmitting? Sometimes people forget to turn off broadcasting and don't notice it. The noise drives the other people crazy :eek:
  3. Hi, Is there a way to "ask" whether an AI is "under fire" or not? E.g. a function that returns a true if a unit is being shot at. Or an event that triggers if an enemy bullet hits near the unit? Can't find the proper command on BIS wiki...