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Fumbles -SW-

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Everything posted by Fumbles -SW-

  1. Fumbles -SW-

    Simulated Tracers

    You sir are a genius. I'm rather embarrased to admit that I've passed those scripts about a million times looking through the downloads on the site! Thanks a bunch =D
  2. Hi all, I'm currently working on a mission that involves an air assault on chernarus (Basically think Band of Brothers D-Day Episode) everything is going fine however the one thing I'm at a loss for is tracer fire filling the sky (trying to shoot down the planes and paratroopers etc). The only problem is that the only way I have been able to do this so far is by filling the map with Tunguskas which backfires as they decimate all the troops the second they land on the ground. So I'm wondering if anyone can tell me a way that I can simulate tracer and/or flak fire to fill the sky and just generally make the mission much more immersive. Thanks for your time Fumbles
  3. Hi all It has been 1 year since the start of Silent Warriors, we have seen many people come and go, all that have past through the gates at SW have all been apart in the making to what we are today. A lot has happened within this year, and things happened very quickly and took the founders (Thumper aka John and Hunter aka Tor) a little by suprise on just how fast Silent Warriors took off!. Today we stand as a fully international squad, with members from all over the world, from the shores of the USA to the coasts of Australia, with a close friendly enviroment. But yet still become to be a formidable force. ......... To celebrate we're hosting an Anniversary mission to be held on ArmA 1, at 7pm start on the 31st January. There will be 3 teams. JCS on Independent, Sgt\'s on OPFOR and Members/Regulars/Anyone on the US. Be there! It'll be a day to remember!!
  4. Hey all. I'm pretty new to the whole scripting thing and I've come stuck with a one I'm writing for a pvp mission. What I want is when the UN trucks stop within the trigger area for them to start delivering supplies. However if they leave this trigger area in that time the script will be reset meaning they have to start again. My trigger activation and condition is fine as it worked while I was using the if command however since adopting the while command its seems to have stopped. Here is the code I have - { while {(_x iskindof "RCIR_UN_VEHICLE_Ural")} do { hint "Delivering supplies"; sleep 50; hint "50% Complete" sleep 50; hint "Supplies delivered, move to next delivery point"; delivery1=true; }; }
  5. Fumbles -SW-

    While help

    That great and it works a treat. The only problem im still having is that it continues to run and deliver even if the trucks leave the trigger area which means the delivery is still being completed even if the truck has moved 5000 metres from the delivery point. Anyone know what code I will have to use to interrupt the script if this happens?
  6. Fumbles -SW-

    While help

    sleep 5; if (_unit isKindOf "RCIR_UN_VEHICLE_Ural") exitWith { hint "Delivering supplies"; sleep 40; hint "50% Complete" sleep 40; hint "Supplies delivered, move to next delivery point"; delivery2=true; }; thats the if code that worked. by deliver supplies I mean metaphorically its not going to be a physical animation or anything. If it helps explain what I'm trying to achieve I'm attempting to make a PVP map where the UN is trying to deliver to a number of small settlements and villages on chernarus while the local guerillas are trying to ambush the settlement before its completed its rounds in order to steal supplies for its cause. The mission will end when either the UN trucks have delivered to all the required villages or all three UN trucks are destroyed by the guerillas. Hope that clears up what I'm trying to achieve.
  7. Hey, I'm stumped on this as well, trying to remove the radar for PVP. Is there anyway I can do this without modifying the cfgVehicle file? ie a trigger or an init line?
  8. Hey, Having a little problem getting something working in a mission. What im after is an ai enemy (of mission storyline important) to pretend he is surrendering (have removed the weapons in the init) I then set up a trigger so that once a player gets within a certain distance he pulls out a pistol and starts shooting. The script I have in the trigger is - boss1 setCaptive false; boss1 addWeapon "M9"; boss1 addMagazine "15Rnd_9x19_M9"; boss1 SetCombatMode "Red"; What do I need to add to make him equip the weapon because all he does atm is stand there like an idiot. Cheers
  9. Fumbles -SW-

    Give weapon

    Thats brilliant mate, just one question (since im not the worlds greatest scripter) what command would I have to put in to the code so that he fires on anyone who comes within a set distance as opposed to just one person (asker) or just as good what would be the script to make him shoot the person who activated the trigger (when more than one player in coop)
  10. Fumbles -SW-

    Give weapon

    Nope, unfortunatly not, thanks though mate :) any more takers :confused:
  11. Squad name -Silent-Warriors Timezone/location -GMT London, Dublin etc Squad gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp) -Coop and PVP Contact email -markhenderson1988@yahoo.co.uk Website address -http://www.silent-warriors.co.uk
  12. Fumbles -SW-

    The Real Utes

    Ah, clever! I just googled that and I see your point!
  13. Fumbles -SW-

    Question for players

    I agree, at the moment buying this game is a gamble - it may work for you or it may not OR it may lure you into a false sense of security before deciding it doesn't like you anymore and crashing itself. I would agree that you should wait for a few more months/patches unless you're prepared to take the gamble. Check you have all your drivers up to date etc as well as that can help a lot!:rolleyes:
  14. Fumbles -SW-

    Is 1.03 worth downloading?

    Might as well go for it and see what you make of it yourself, you've got nothing to lose really, you can always just reinstall 1.02 if you dont like it.
  15. Fumbles -SW-

    Nightvision bug with Patch 1.02?

    You've gotta love these moments :p I've fallen foul of that old common sense/ kick yourself barrier a few times =D
  16. Fumbles -SW-


    Get yourself a makeshift joystick preferably with throttle and rudder control (im sure you can find a cheap one to get you by!). What I did to teach myself was just open up the editor and place a lone plane or helicopter and then just mess about and practice landing in different locations and terrains. Then step yourself up a bit by adding enemy and perhaps evacing some ai soldiers from a hot LZ. Remember practice makes perfect and dont attempt to fly online until you're certain you can - there is no better way make enemies than crashing a heli full of players into the trees =D Good luck mate
  17. Fumbles -SW-

    huge war

    Judging from my online experience of ArmA 2 so far the 1000 v 1000 person battles would result in the chat box being full of people relentlessly moaning and complaining about how they are better pilots than the guy flying them about and followed closely by - 'let me fly plz' constantly being spammed. It would be very epic if it could be done but who knows how far internet servers could come in a few years but even then getting the right people would be paramount as im sure it would be a tk'ers paradise!
  18. Fumbles -SW-

    Single player mode

    Well I would guess that Jesus would be able to see through dense foliage, grass, mountains as well =D. Although I must say in single player I have seen some little ai gems such as my medic going on a 5000 metre hike from the rest of the squad and refusing to fall back into formation when ordered. He then had the audacity to say 'Where are you?' repeatedly.... But yes, the enemy's ability to see me through almost any natural object does make them as skilled as jesus.
  19. Fumbles -SW-

    WTF with the AI?

    When in single player I disembarked from the chopper and my medic found it reasonable to run 5000 metres south of the rest of the team, wouldn't listen to orders at all and then had the nerve to start repeatedly saying 'Where are you?'. As such the ai definatly needs some work I agree but I trust BI to put it right in the end they usually do!
  20. When you think how far we have come in the last few years in terms of graphics etc its amazing to think where we will be in say ten years, personally I can't wait :D (This thread brought back memories of recieving my ps1 and marvelling at how amazing those realistic graphics were lol)
  21. Fumbles -SW-

    The ORIGINAL milsim games and what made them great!

    Operation Flashpoint was the first MilSim I ever played, before that I had only been playing combat flight simualtors and the closest I had got to OFP was BF1942 (Oh the memories!). Operation Flashpoint came along and it was like all my birthdays had come at once!! I finally got the realism that I craved! I think what made it so great was the fact they thought - "Right.... lets make the biggest most realistic game we can and then make it ten times better!" People may not agree totally with that opinion but at the time thats how it made me feel! The scope and the depth still take my breath away to this day and it is how I have come to judge simulations by.
  22. Fumbles -SW-

    F-22 and US-101 Cancelled

    I agree about there is no real need for more to be produced at the given time due to the hefty price tag that comes with them but it is always a shame to see an iconic plane come to the end of its production time! Maybe this will pave the way (as previously suggested) for the eurofighter to become more commonplace.
  23. Fumbles -SW-

    Sumo wrestling, realtime physics 96 KByte "big"

    Nice find!!!! It's damn addictive and I think this is going to be something I'm gonna waste a few lonely nights on! I applaud you good sir!