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Everything posted by frosties

  1. Hello, My friends and i have played a few user-made missions, and now i have started to look into maybe making my own. I am at the moment looking thru all fo the 164 pages (!) about map editing and scripting for tips and ideas. But maybe someone might be able to help me with two things? 1: Random objectives? How-to? Have played a few missions that randomly selects a town and put a couple of vehicles and infantry there for the player to attack. How would one do this? 2: Respawn? Respawn at a mobile HQ or HQ chopper? I know im supposed to search the forums and im doing this as im typing this as well. Thanks, F.
  2. frosties

    RH M4/M16 Pack ver 1.0 Rearmed

    There should be a RH M4/M16 Ammo box under Empty > Ammo > that you can add in editor. Thats what i´ve done and its working.
  3. Hello, Me and my friend really loves stealth missions. Was wondering how i would go on opening and editing a existing weapon, to add a silencer or change the texture of a weapon? We have played with RH M4/M16 mod, but would like something like the SBR in black and with a silencer...
  4. frosties

    Adding a silencer..

    yey a SBR with a silencer!! Does the silencer works? Whats the setting in a config i should look for to change the "hitting" power of a weapon?
  5. frosties

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    I´ve been trying to learn how to make small missions myself by using Xeno´s missions as a template. One thing i cant figure out is how the hell the random mission works and how he set that up. Is there someone who can tell me what to look for if i would like to replicate that function? I dont want to play a map with set order of objectives everytime... but without randomizing the objectives i cant make that...
  6. Anyone care to throw some assistance my way to get me started on this? Have looked on Xeno´s Domination mission, but havent figured out exactly how the random selection works with towns and unit placements. But i want mostly the same thing, a town as an objective, clear it of enemy forces and the objective is completed. I like the random bit, that you never know wich town it will be next.
  7. frosties

    Adding a silencer..

    How do i know wich part is wich? If i should open a binarized weapon that doesnt have a silencer, how do i know where to find the proper code?
  8. frosties

    Squad XML issues

    Ive also has problem with the squad.xml Have followed the guide exactly, but neither the patch or information shows up ingame. Do i have to allow the server to load it somehow?
  9. How do i install mods so i can use them in MP? Do everybody has to install them manually, or can i put them in the dedicated server so it works for everybody anyway? Have a ACU mod and Real sniper mod i wanna use.
  10. frosties

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Is it possible somehow to add another mobilespawn option? Maybe a helicopter? Been looking through the files with Notepad++ but havent found anything yet...
  11. frosties

    Adding a silencer..

    any release you might suggest that i can open and edit? so i might learn a bit... starting from scratch doesnt seem to fun.. :L Can i open the M4s that came with the game?
  12. Hello, I managed to unRap the .BIN.. but how do i make it a config.bin again?!?
  13. frosties

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Yes i have. But i cant find the connection between the names xvec and the marker name.
  14. Thanks for classnames! Have tried adding them to a weapon crate and was going to try it on my dedicated server, but this error keeps popping up: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.VIL_M249_PARA '. Do i have to add more information anywhere else?
  15. frosties

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Can anyone help me with the markers? Cant get markers to stick with added vehicles. And i cant seem to find the connection in any files, that binds the vehicle name together with the correct marker... somebody please help me.... :D
  16. frosties

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Thank you! Had looked through find in files... but hade searched with the wrong string! Found it now.
  17. frosties

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Anyone that knows where to edit wich unit can do what? Such as engineers, medics and arty observers for example? Would like to open up the possibility for everybody to do multiple things when we are few players playing, and doesnt have to jump out and change roles everytime...
  18. I´ve found a M249 weapon in the armory that you can try out, but havent been able to find it in the class list. Its a M249 Para with Eotech and forward grip, called M249 SPW in the armory. Anybody knows how to get a hold of that one?
  19. frosties

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Anybody that can tell me WHERE i can select wich vehicles that can be airlifted. Would it be possible to set this setting on for an example an artillery piece and airlift it? EDIT: Got it to working after searching through this thread a couple of times.. :D
  20. frosties

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Ok, ive been messing around trying to find a way to stick the markers into my added vehicles but they dont get stuck! It works on the added helos, but not on the A-10 and HMMWVs i´ve added.... Can anybody help me? Its pretty annoying when a plane touches down and we cant find it again.. EDIT: Anyway to add another A-10, but with a different loadout? Was thinking of making one A-10 with just GBU-12 (kind of just providing support to ground troops) and another with just Mavericks to be able to clean out more tanks on their own. How do i change the loadout that each plane and vehicle spawns with? have tried with that notepad thingy, but i cant seem to search for the right thing...
  21. frosties

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Will give this script a try. Would it work with other stuff such as C-130 or A-10 as well, or do i need to use different scripts or the helo respawn for those? EDIT: Have added a HMMWV to try this out (and it works btw, thanks!) , but i cant get the marker to get stuck with the vehicle when i move around. It just stays where the vehicle spawned. Have tried adding everything a previous post suggested, but i probably missed something. Is there some kind of code in the files for this, or just in the editor? EDIT: The respawn is now working for all vehicles thanks to the above mentioned script! The markers however isnt working as wished...
  22. frosties

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Hello, im back again with a couple of questions! Is there any way for me to edit the content of a vehicle that spawns? Or in the ammoboxes How can i add vehicles and get them to spawn? have looked around in the files about the helos but doesnt find anything? And finally a gameplay questions.. Where do i find ammoboxes to load up in the helo and MHQ?
  23. frosties

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    @Zboss: Im using the exakt same settings ast he MH-60S that already are put on the ground. No extra init or anything. Dont really know WHERE the respawn is located, havent found the proper code yet. tried to change the time in the 'description.ext'. EDIT: I can add vehicles, i can use them on my server. But when they are crashed they will not respawn, they will just sit in the crash site burning.. The helicopters in question are the LittleBirds and Kiowa Mods. If i add a AH-1Z Cobra it will work properly by the looks of it.
  24. frosties

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Have tried to look through this topic but havent found any answers yet (sorr for the post if the answer is in here) Ive added new choppers to one of the domination missions, and copied information from the other choppers (with changed numbers fo course) but the respawn and marker still wont work... what am i doing wrong? The other thing ive done is adjusted the time. Wanted it to start closer to dusk so i changed the time, and now the time starts at 00:00 anyways, not 19:00 as i want it to. Have re-packed the pbo several times but it still wont work... Anybody with any ideas on what to check?
  25. frosties

    Mod / Addon

    oh that might explain stuff...