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Everything posted by Janat

  1. I think the new recoil is perfectly fine. It takes some getting used to, but is totally manageable and really adds to the game.
  2. http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?sudurhnwjiv2bh7 44.34 MB rar file, contains one jpg picture and a readme txt file. Shows the entire Takistan map in a high resolution (14883px*14884px) file. I took 138 screenshots in ArmA II OA Editor and put them together in GIMP 2.8. The whole process took me approximately 10 hours. I hope you enjoy my work :) Also, I'm aware that Tankbuster has released a high resolution Takistan map before, but the problem with it was that the grid size was different to ingame grid size, and airstrips and some other stuff like road numbers weren't there. So I made my own version. Here's the thread I'm talking about: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=104882
  3. Gotta be fast if you typed even those town names in 9 secs...
  4. Ha ha, that's cool :) Are you constructing a new Arma 2 website or something?
  5. Janat

    Steam question

    Copy the ARMA 2 and OA folders to the new hdd, install steam on the new hdd, start downloading ARMA 2 and OA and immediately pause downloading, move the ARMA 2 and OA folders inside steamapps\common, verify files for both games. Done.
  6. Janat

    The perfect system to run ARMAII

    GTX 460 (1GB) instead of GTX 470. Much lower temps and power consumption and similar performance.
  7. Janat

    Aimimg deadzone (in options)

    Turn mouse acceleration off. What it does is that when you move your mouse slowly 3cm, it moves 1cm on the screen. And when you move your mouse fast for 3cm, it moves 5cm on the screen. It can totally screw your aim. Also turn off enhanced mouse movement. Your aim will be more precise with it off.
  8. I was just wondering if there was a way to get the soundtracks for ArmA 2 and OA in lossless format like 16 bit or 24 bit 44.1+ KHz FLAC or WAV files. I know the soundtrack are in PBO files in OGG format, but they're only 128kbps or something, not even near lossless. I really love the tracks but they lack in audio quality :(.
  9. The quality is ok for ingame background music, but I'm sure the original files would sound a lot better :D
  10. So no one knows if it's possible or not?
  11. Janat

    PMC Somalia

    Awesome, I've always wanted to have a huge city in Arma 2. All Chernarus and Takistan cities are so small compared to this... I hope it'll run well.
  12. Kymatica make sure you haven't overclocked your graphics card and disable hyperthreading in BIOS. Doing these two things made me go from 20 fps to 40fps, also I could set textures to very high, AF to very high, AA off, terrain high, objects normal, shadows high, post processing low (I hate depth of field effect) and view distance 5000. I have a GTX 275 so you should be able to run better settings.
  13. Janat

    Which SSD for Arma2/OA?

    Duh... I do have two mechanical drives, but the page file is there for fast file access. So it's only logical to put it on the fastest drive. I don't think my SSD will get broken if I have a 1GB fixed size page file on it. And if it does, within 3 years, I only have to RMA it and they'll send me a new one.
  14. Janat

    Which SSD for Arma2/OA?

    Some programs require a page file, and I don't want to mess with RAM drives.
  15. Janat

    Which SSD for Arma2/OA?

    I've set the pagefile to be fixed size to minimize the amount of bad sectors caused by it. The drive's MTBF is over a million hours. SSD's low access time is a huge benefit in page file use. What's the point of getting an SSD if you ain't going to use it? :p
  16. Intel i7 920 @ 3.6GHz (with throttling and hyperthreading on) 6GB DDR3 RAM GeForce GTX 275, overclocked a bit Intel X-25M SSD drive Windows 7 Professional 64bit Distance view: 4000 m Texture detail: normal Video memory: normal AA: disabled AF: normal Terrain detail: high Object detail: normal Shadows: normal Postprocess effects: disabled Resolution: 1920x1080 I get 15 to 40 fps, avg around 20 (in Chernarussia). Playable, but I think my system should do better. How can I improve my system performance? EDIT: Zargabad fps is 10 to 30.
  17. Janat

    Which SSD for Arma2/OA?

    Before I got an SSD, I had quite a lot of stuttering and slow texture loading (resulting in missing textures like totally white faces or buildings and such, then stuttering and finally textures getting rendered in front of my eyesI. I got an Intel X-25M G2 160GB SSD for windows 7, pagefile and games including ArmA 2. Now there's a lot less stuttering, texture pop up has almost disappeared, only in some rare cases does it happen and launching any program installed on SSD is way faster than it was on my Samsung F3. SSD drive is most likely the best upgrade you can get for your computer.
  18. Janat

    Patch 1.03 Stability Survey

    Same here. It's just hard to play the game when it crashes every 15 or 30 minutes.
  19. Janat

    360 Controller: Y-Axis Inversion?

    Set the default scheme in controller menu, then go back to changing controls manually and modify it to your needs.