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About Tuetchen

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  1. Maybe, but I began with .sqs because of Mr.Murrays Editing Guide. I've written just 2 or 3 scripts so far. But I think I'll try .sqf in the future.
  2. Ok, thats an habit from Java. Thanks for your help. Works fine!
  3. Ok thanks for your help. Yes, it's chaos i know. But can you tell me which staments are from sqf. I want to delete them. Thanks :)
  4. I have written a Script to use the D30 as Anti-Tank-Gun. It's just for fun but i can't delete the Shell that the D30 has fired. I want the D30 to point at the target directly. _p = _this select 0; _w= _this select 1; _x = getpos _w select 0; _y = getpos _w select 1; _z = (getpos _w select 2); ?not alive (gunner _p):exit; _p disableAI "Target" _p DoWatch [ _x, _y , _z]; ~2 _p DoWatch [ _x, _y , _z]; _p Fire "D30"; _N = nearestObject [_p,"D30"]; _N setvelocity [0,0,0]; _N SetPos [(getpos _p select 0),(getpos _p select 1),2]; //_x = _x+((random 5)-2.5) //_y = _y+((random 5)-2.5) _x = getpos _w select 0; _y = getpos _w select 1; _z = (getpos _w select 2) +3; _e = _x - (getpos _p select 0); _d = _y - (getpos _p select 1); _a = (velocity _w select 0); _b = (velocity _w select 1); _distance = sqrt ((_e ^ 2) + (_d ^ 2)); _time= _distance / 600; ~_time //_x = _x + (_a * _time ); //_y = _y + (_b * _time); _x = (getpos _w select 0) + (_a/2); _y = (getpos _w select 1) + (_b/2); _z = (getpos _w select 2) +3; "SH_125_HE" createVehicle [_X, _Y, _Z]; ?_a >0 :hint "hans"; _p enableAI "Target";