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Everything posted by sxp2high

  1. sxp2high

    [SP] For The Life Of A Friend

    One of the best user scenarios I've ever played. Great story and atmosphere. Outstanding work!
  2. I still have my problematic profile and it happens on my server every time I join. So I can reproduce all the time... :D File ready to send to you. I am using build 94876 however, should I try the latest first? This is how it looks like. I got to the mission selection on the first attempt, before it gave me "Session lost". But most of the time I'm not able to join the server. I get stuck on "Waiting for Host" or "Joining game..."
  3. I had this issue on my server(s). Fixed it for now by creating a new profile (1:1 copy&paste from the old profile, just changed the name to something longer) 1. ArmA 2 (Retail DVD) + Arrowhead (Sprocket) + BAF (Sprocket) + PMC (Sprocket) 2. Windows 7 x64 3. C:\Users\BTK\Documents\ArmA 2\BTK.ArmA2OAProfile 4. Sure. More details: - I do not get a kicked message at all. - I do get stuck on either "Wait for Host" or "Joining game..." - So I go back to server browser using ESC - It takes about a minute until my ghost disconnects after that Server log: 8:20:20 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.142) 8:20:22 Host identity created. 8:20:52 BTK uses modified data file 8:20:52 Player BTK connecting. 8:20:57 BattlEye Server: Player #0 ?.;?@=????????5??_ ?z (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:2304) connected 8:20:57 BattlEye Server: Player #0 ?.;?@=????????5??_ ?z (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Bad Player Name 8:21:25 BTK uses modified data file 8:21:25 Player BTK (2) connecting. 8:21:34 Player BTK (2) disconnected. 8:22:27 Player BTK disconnected. 8:22:36 BTK uses modified data file 8:22:36 Player BTK connecting. 8:22:44 Player BTK disconnected. 8:22:59 BTK uses modified data file 8:22:59 Player BTK connecting. 8:23:03 BattlEye Server: Player #0 ??TzW???.]??P??0???¦C????? (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:2304) connected 8:23:03 BattlEye Server: Player #0 ??TzW???.]??P??0???¦C????? (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Bad Player Name 8:24:33 Player BTK disconnected. 8:24:53 BTK uses modified data file 8:24:53 Player BTK connecting. 8:25:01 Player BTK disconnected.
  4. This is one of the very few RPT errors that I'm ignoring. Happens with a lot of missions. You have a Color Corrections module placed in the Editor? If so, you can maybe get rid of this by creating the Module on the clients only. Bug #15072 Postprocessing effects SQF commands applied on a dedicated server cause many errors logged to rpt
  5. Hi, I'd add a local check. moveInDriver has to be executed where the unit is local. Also isserver or isdedicated isn't necessary, isServer is true on a dedicated anyway. :) //paradrop _para = _this select 1; if (_para && local _man) then { _drop = 100; _pos = [getpos _man select 0, getpos _man select 1, _drop]; _chute = "Parachute_US_EP1"; _silk = createvehicle [_chute, _pos,[], 0, "FLY"]; sleep .5; _canopy = nearestobject [_pos, _chute]; _man moveindriver _canopy; };
  6. LOL! This is pretty cool! Good job!
  7. Hello, disableAI "Move"; is the wrong command for this, it won't affect the Pilot as long as he's in a vehicle. The command only prevents men (on foot) from moving. You can either use: (driver this) disableAI "Target"; (driver this) disableAI "Autotarget"; This will make him ignore targets. Or this (which I recommend): (driver this) setBehaviour "Careless"; // He stays relaxed, even if enemies are around (driver this) setCombatMode "Blue"; // He won't attack anything, anymore flyInHeight needs a move command in order to work. Like this: this doMove (getPosATL this); this flyInHeight 600; It doesn't have to be doMove, a waypoint should be working as well. Just make sure to issue the move/waypoint before flyInHeight. The action "autoHover" is not working (obsolete) with AI controlled vehicles, they are in auto hover automatically. The action only affects human controlled vehicles. I hope this helps.
  8. Ha, yea, debug can be quite good training! :D I got too lazy for that old fashion debug however. You may consider using markers and stuff for debug. Then use the fast forward function. For example, a marker attached to the truck, turning red if the truck and/or crew is dead/destroyed: _debug = true; // Enable/Disable debug if (_debug) then { _yourTruck spawn { _marker = createMarker[str(random 999999), (getPosATL _this)]; _marker setMarkerShape "ICON"; _marker setMarkerType "mil_dot"; _marker setMarkerColor "ColorGreen"; _marker setMarkerSize [0.8, 0.8]; while {({alive _x} count (crew _this) > 0) && (alive _this)} do { // Update marker while alive _marker setMarkerPos (getPosATL _this); sleep 1; }; _marker setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; // Red marker = NO crew left or truck destroyed }; };
  9. They do. (I mean, they stay in memory)... Probably bad timing. Add a fail safe to the second script: waitUntil {!(isNil "yourGlobalVariable")};
  10. This is exactly what I was looking for! Thanks a lot! No worries, it's a DayZ only server in this case. CBA is only used for serverSide. I just don't want to confuse all the ArmA newbies with unnecessary warnings. :)
  11. Hi there! I'm wondering if it is possible to disable the "You are missing the following mod..." globalChat message? In my case only the server requires CBA, so I would like to turn that off.
  12. Oops! Sorry, I moved to new webspace... Here you go: http://arma2.co/files/index.php?dir=ArmA%202/Missions%20-%20Singleplayer/ Also updated OP.
  13. Oh - Thank YOU J-Guid for making them! Totally in love with them! :D Never had so much fun testing a mission.. haha! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6SSdasOxVw
  14. I'm working on something :D :D Basically a remake of . (Loved that game)- Multiplayer for up to 8 players (Singleplayer will be time challenge only - obviously the AI can't handle this) - Dedicated compatible - Multiple tracks (Select track via lobby parameter) - Time of day and weather (Lobby parameter) - Creating tracks will be quite easy, just have to place a couple of game logics - Good performance even if you add 50 tracks, since it's all created on-the-fly (No pre-placed objects in the editor) Base code is almost done... Not so easy scripting such a thing in ArmA, but it's coming along nicely! :D I'm aiming for 10 tracks for release; Rally Style A > B; Maybe lap races later on. I will release it after some Beta tests. I hope in 1 or 2 weeks!
  15. I thought about Take On Rearmed... but I really don't want to require ArmA at all. People who just own Take On should be able to play on it. I will maybe launch a second server for rearmed though. :)
  16. I've spend all evening for the last days on Chernarus, thanks to DayZ. Searching every little corner of the map for stuff. I forgot how beautiful and detailed this map is! Really getting to know it again... :)
  17. That means you are missing this. ;)
  18. Hi, I don't know LAZA, but this tool can covert configs into readable ones: ArmA UnBin Hope that helps.
  19. I think it's better to request features on dev-heaven. There is already a ticket for that: Feature #30447 Needed feature - join gangs or groups I hope it will be implemented. :)
  20. Short story My buddy and I are inside a barn, collecting stuff (we killed 2 zombies inside - no big deal), trading stuff, repacking our bags, having a drink, and so on. One flare and a chemlight lying on the ground, illuminating the barn for us... Suddenly, we hear screaming and yelling outside - not the zombie kind of screaming - a human panicking. And then - a guy comes running into the barn through the front door, yelling "THEY ARE BEHIND ME! THEY ARE BEHIND ME! SO MANY! HEEEELLLPP!". We look at each other - What The Frak? The guy keeps yelling and runs right through the barn and exits on the backside, just as quick as he entered. One second later A HUGE HORDE OF ZOMBIES comes storming into the barn through the front door - I guess it was around 30 of them. Storming into the barn. Grunting and screaming. My buddy and I go kneel and start shooting. Wave after wave, entering the barn. Bam Bam Bam. It felt like a minute non-stop revolver shooting. Luckily we had enough ammo. We killed 'em all. No one was bitten. A few moments later the guy comes back into the barn, thanking us for saving his life. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!". "No Problem!" ... and he disappears into the darkness again ... :cc:
  21. Don't worry about it, there are a lot of downtimes due to back-end updates. If there is a major problem or update, all the servers are being shutdown till it's sorted out...
  22. Hi there, you could create a trigger for this. This, for example, will check for east units: _trigger = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", (getPosATL lasertarget)]; _trigger setTriggerArea [20, 20, 0, false]; _trigger setTriggerActivation ["EAST", "PRESENT", false]; _trigger setTriggerStatements ["{(alive _x)} count thisList < 1;", "", ""]; waitUntil {triggerActivated _trigger}; All trigger related commands can be found here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createTrigger
  23. Sure. I marked the stuff I changed in red. :) if (isServer) then { spawnFlag = "FlagCarrier_Larkin_H" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "AirObj"); publicVariable "spawnFlag"; spawnFlag2 = "FlagCarrier_Larkin_H" createvehicle (getmarkerpos "airobj2"); [color="#FF0000"]publicVariable "spawnFlag2";[/color] spawnFlag3 = "FlagCarrier_Larkin_H" createvehicle (getmarkerpos "airobj3"); [color="#FF0000"]publicVariable "spawnFlag3";[/color] }; if (!isDedicated) then { waitUntil {!(isNil "spawnFlag")[color="#FF0000"] && !(isNil "spawnFlag2") && !(isNil "spawnFlag3")[/color]}; [color="#008000"]// Wait until the server created the flags[/color] _obj = spawnFlag; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Light") +"</t>"), "Airspawn.sqf", ["Heli_Light01_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Vrana Corp") +"</t>"), "Airspawn.sqf", ["Heli_Light01_Vrana_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Larkin Aviation") +"</t>"), "Airspawn.sqf", ["Heli_Light01_Wave_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: BlueLine") +"</t>"), "Airspawn.sqf", ["Heli_Light01_blueline_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Digital Times") +"</t>"), "Airspawn.sqf", ["Heli_Light01_digital_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Elliptical") +"</t>"), "Airspawn.sqf", ["Heli_Light01_elliptical_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Furious") +"</t>"), "Airspawn.sqf", ["Heli_Light01_furious_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Grey Watcher") +"</t>"), "Airspawn.sqf", ["Heli_Light01_graywatcher_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Jeans") +"</t>"), "Airspawn.sqf", ["Heli_Light01_jeans_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Shadow") +"</t>"), "Airspawn.sqf", ["Heli_Light01_shadow_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Sunset") +"</t>"), "Airspawn.sqf", ["Heli_Light01_sunset_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Wasp") +"</t>"), "Airspawn.sqf", ["Heli_Light01_wasp_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Sheriff Dept") +"</t>"), "Airspawn.sqf", ["Heli_Light01_sheriff_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Time Trial") +"</t>"), "Airspawn.sqf", ["Heli_Light01_TimeTrial_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: ION") +"</t>"), "Airspawn.sqf", ["Heli_Light01_ION_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: ION Tactical") +"</t>"), "Airspawn.sqf", ["CIV_Heli_Light01_ION_H"]]; _obj = spawnFlag2; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Civil") +"</t>"), "Airspawn2.sqf", ["Heli_Medium01_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Larkin Aviation") +"</t>"), "Airspawn2.sqf", ["Heli_Medium01_Wave_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: ION") +"</t>"), "Airspawn2.sqf", ["IND_Heli_Medium01_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Flamingo") +"</t>"), "Airspawn2.sqf", ["Heli_Medium01_Flamingo_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Frost Fire") +"</t>"), "Airspawn2.sqf", ["Heli_Medium01_Frostfire_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Parrot") +"</t>"), "Airspawn2.sqf", ["Heli_Medium01_Parrot_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Coastguard") +"</t>"), "Airspawn2.sqf", ["Heli_Medium01_Coastguard_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Red") +"</t>"), "Airspawn2.sqf", ["Heli_Medium01_Red_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Redlines") +"</t>"), "Airspawn2.sqf", ["Heli_Medium01_Redlines_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Shark") +"</t>"), "Airspawn2.sqf", ["Heli_Medium01_Shark_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Sun") +"</t>"), "Airspawn2.sqf", ["Heli_Medium01_Sun_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Twilight") +"</t>"), "Airspawn2.sqf", ["Heli_Medium01_Twilight_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Wasp") +"</t>"), "Airspawn2.sqf", ["Heli_Medium01_Wasp_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Sheriff Dept") +"</t>"), "Airspawn2.sqf", ["Heli_Medium01_Sheriff_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Medium FLIR") +"</t>"), "Airspawn2.sqf", ["Heli_Medium01_FLIR_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Luxury") +"</t>"), "Airspawn2.sqf", ["Heli_Medium01_Luxury_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Vrana Corp") +"</t>"), "Airspawn2.sqf", ["Heli_Medium01_Luxury_Vrana_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Air Ambulance") +"</t>"), "Airspawn2.sqf", ["Heli_Medium01_Medic_H"]]; _obj = spawnFlag3; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Civil") +"</t>"), "Airspawn3.sqf", ["Heli_Heavy01_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Vrana Corp") +"</t>"), "Airspawn3.sqf", ["Heli_Heavy01_Vrana_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Larkin Aviation Ind") +"</t>"), "Airspawn3.sqf", ["Heli_Heavy01_Wave_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: ION") +"</t>"), "Airspawn3.sqf", ["IND_Heli_Heavy01_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Luxury") +"</t>"), "Airspawn3.sqf", ["Heli_Heavy01_Luxury_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Vrana Corp Exec") +"</t>"), "Airspawn3.sqf", ["Heli_Heavy01_Luxury_Vrana_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: ION (VIP)") +"</t>"), "Airspawn3.sqf", ["Ind_Heli_Heavy01_Luxury_H"]]; _obj addAction [("<t color=""#66FF00"">" + ("Spawn: Marine One") +"</t>"), "Airspawn3.sqf", ["Heli_Heavy01_Luxury_President_H"]]; }; I presume you want to have a different spawn position for each flag, so the Airspawn file has to be changed as well: private ["_Air","_caller","_type","_pos","_list","_mDir"]; _caller = (_this select 1); _type = (_this select 3) select 0; [color="#FF0000"]_flag = _this select 0; _pos = switch (_flag) do { case (spawnFlag) : { getMarkerPos "Airspawn_1"; }; case (spawnFlag2) : { getMarkerPos "Airspawn_2" }; case (spawnFlag3) : { getMarkerPos "Airspawn_3" }; }; _mDir = switch (_flag) do { case (spawnFlag) : { markerDir "Airspawn_1"; }; case (spawnFlag2) : { markerDir "Airspawn_2" }; case (spawnFlag3) : { markerDir "Airspawn_3" }; };[/color] _list = nearestObjects [_pos, ["Air"], 10]; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach _list; sleep 0.5; if (!(_type == "")) then { {_Air = _type createVehicle (getMarkerPos "AirSpawn_1"); hintSilent "Aircraft Selected. Previous Aircraft was removed."; } else { hintSilent "Aircraft removed."; }; switch (_type) do { case "Heli_Light01_H" : {_Air = "Heli_Light01_H" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "AirSpawn_1");}; case "Heli_Light01_Vrana_H" : {_Air = "Heli_Light01_Vrana_H" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "AirSpawn_1");}; case "Heli_Light01_Wave_H" : {_Air = "Heli_Light01_Wave_H" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "AirSpawn_1");}; case "Heli_Light01_blueline_H" : {_Air = "Heli_Light01_blueline_H" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "AirSpawn_1");}; case "Heli_Light01_digital_H" : {_Air = "Heli_Light01_digital_H" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "AirSpawn_1");}; case "Heli_Light01_elliptical_H" : {_Air = "Heli_Light01_elliptical_H" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "AirSpawn_1");}; case "Heli_Light01_furious_H" : {_Air = "Heli_Light01_furious_H" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "AirSpawn_1");}; case "Heli_Light01_graywatcher_H" : {_Air = "Heli_Light01_graywatcher_H" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "AirSpawn_1");}; case "Heli_Light01_jeans_H" : {_Air = "Heli_Light01_jeans_H" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "AirSpawn_1");}; case "Heli_Light01_shadow_H" : {_Air = "Heli_Light01_shadow_H" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "AirSpawn_1");}; case "Heli_Light01_sunset_H" : {_Air = "Heli_Light01_sunset_H" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "AirSpawn_1");}; case "Heli_Light01_wasp_H" : {_Air = "Heli_Light01_wasp_H" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "AirSpawn_1");}; case "Heli_Light01_sheriff_H" : {_Air = "Heli_Light01_sheriff_H" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "AirSpawn_1");}; case "Heli_Light01_TimeTrial_H" : {_Air = "Heli_Light01_TimeTrial_H" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "AirSpawn_1");}; case "Heli_Light01_ION_H" : {_Air = "Heli_Light01_ION_H" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "AirSpawn_1");}; case "CIV_Heli_Light01_ION_H" : {_Air = "CIV_Heli_Light01_ION_H" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "AirSpawn_1");}; }; }; sleep 0.1; [color="#FF0000"]_air setPosATL _pos;[/color] [color="#008000"]// I recommend a setPos after createVehicle, because createVehicle is not 100% accurate[/color] _Air setDir _mDIR;
  24. Hey, just want to let you know, that the FR Server is now allowing the ShackTac Movement Addon, to make your building searches more pleasant. :) All you need are the v2 bisigns from Six Updater. To get them you can download the Addon via Six Updater or directly from here. (Thx to Sickboy for providing the v2 signatures!) If you want us to allow more client side Addons, let me know, and I'll see what I can do. Soundmods however, are not allowed, because the DayZ Mod is based on the vanilla sound engine... soundmods could lead to bugs in the Zombie's behavior. Sorry, SnR is right. I had to remove it unfortunately. :( Let's hope that we can allow it again soon.