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cervantes de leon

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About cervantes de leon

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  1. cervantes de leon

    Campaign Weapons

    you can get sykes' marksman rifle at the start of each mission. go to units/gear and deselect your own gun (you know press the left arrow to take it away). then go to sykes and do the same. give him your gun and you his. EASY! :p kinda sucks you can't choose any other weapons at the start tho. was hoping someone had a console code for spawning the much sought after M107 but havn't seen anything yet. some spawn vehicle codes would be nice too. wanna redo Manhattan and really kick some ass in an M1A2!....or Cobra :cool:
  2. cervantes de leon

    Time Limit Petition

    Hi guys and welcome to my first post i've started this petition under the assumption that like me, no-one who plays this type of open sandbox game likes TIME LIMITS. Hopefully i can get enough people to sign this and have them (semi)removed from the game. I'll give you an example (contains spoilers for Mission:Razor Two): if anyone agrees with me on their removal provided the game gets harder if you fail to meet the time limit please sign up. means far fewer wasted hrs especially for new players and fewer trial and error situations just trying to find the right order to complete objectives. Thanks For Listening...Reading (would like this stickied if it gets enough people signed up - cheers :D)