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Everything posted by blanchjo

  1. This mod legitimately set's a standard. I hope the guys at BI are watching this, phenomenal level of quality.
  2. Yeah, I watched the credits because I'm vain and I wanted to see my name in the list. Elephant in the room addressed. More importantly, I noticed that Ron Swanson is listed in the "Special Thanks" section. FYI, I may have shed a tear or two while laughing and high five-ing the screen. So, my suggestion is that you guys just go full out and hire Nick Offerman to voice a radio protocol... as Ron Swanson. Just mull it over. Also, is there no "Off Topic" board?
  3. blanchjo

    Small suggestion after watching the credits

    Derp! Thanks. Can a mod move this? Sorry...
  4. blanchjo

    Blackfoot Audio problems

    Finally got around to making a video about this bug. Couldn't capture the voice over issue, but it's pretty random any way. http://youtu.be/eDLCMM_adt0 Let me know if the link doesn't work, I never post on this new-fangled youtube thing, and I'm yet to figure out how the privacy settings are supposed to work 0_o... Ticket http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=12621
  5. Is the audio bug with Blackfoot AI gunners only playing a sound on the initial cannon shot known? I've had it since the beta landed, but I just watched Jester814's new video and he doesn't seem to have it at all. I thought it was a universal thing. Essentially, if the Blackfoot has an AI gunner, the only cannon audio played on bursts is the audio of the first shot. There is also no audio for round impact, just the sonic crack. Also voice audio (open fire; hold fire; target ... etc) in the Blackfoot cockpit get's severely muffled (as if it's subject to the same filter as any other audio outside the cockpit). This is kind of random though, sometimes you can hear your orders perfectly, sometimes it sounds like your voice is outside of the chopper.
  6. blanchjo

    The sound thread

    So sorry, please excuse my last post. I'm putting it in the troubleshooting thread.
  7. blanchjo

    The sound thread

    Is the audio bug with Blackfoot AI gunners only playing a sound on the initial cannon shot known? I've had it since the beta landed, but I just watched Jester814's new video and he doesn't seem to have it at all. I thought it was a universal thing. Essentially, if the Blackfoot has an AI gunner, the only cannon audio played on bursts is the audio of the first shot. There is also no audio for round impact, just the sonic crack. Also voice audio (open fire; hold fire; target ... etc) in the Blackfoot cockpit get's severely muffled (as if it's subject to the same filter as any other audio outside the cockpit). This is kind of random though, sometimes you can hear your orders perfectly, sometimes it sounds like your voice is outside of the chopper. Really sorry if any of this has been mentioned, I went back 4 or 5 pages in this thread and didn't see anything, but it does seem like the right thread.
  8. blanchjo

    Ghosthawk has collision problems

    Yeah, my NCOIC used to call me RADAR when I was in the AF, so I figured I'd just lean into it... embrace it you know, LOL.
  9. Outside of the Ghosthawk (Black or Camo), right outside of the cargo doors (left and right) there is an invisible collision volume. It's been like that since the Beta release. The collision is about one meter out from the hull of the chopper, directly in line with the rack of seats. I had submitted a ticket around the time the Beta released, but I think it got burried. I searched the forums to make sure this hadn't been addressed, and I'm sorry if I'm posting in the wrong area. Hope this helps devs. ---------- Post added at 01:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:37 PM ---------- http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=10214 < The ticket 0.0 I was hoping this might have been caught when the ghosthawk lighting got fixed, but as of todays devbuild it's still there.
  10. I just want to blow things up with the Comanche and the Caiman (Assuming that's still the working name for it)... Fairly certain I'm skipping class tomorrow
  11. blanchjo

    ArmA 3 aircraft sound mod

    Phenomenal job. BI Take note
  12. Honestly, I'd be happy with a nice informative post E3 Sitrep #15. Perfect thing to wake up to. :)
  13. When might said curtain fall? You guys drive me nuts with anticipation. Are we talking, like, engine feature big?
  14. I'll buy a 2nd Supporter Edition if you release Comanche, Caiman, and LAV's tomorrow :D
  15. Would it be at all possible to add a small point light source (or at minimum a small flare like those used on other light sources) at the termination of the IR pointer laser? Most of what I've seen of IR pointers, the laser diffuses and creates a glow around the point. I don't know from personal experience, and it might just be eye candy/ fluff, but it could be a cool effect (and useful).
  16. GTX660m, same. Turned off PIP and I am yet to see anything flicker at all. Very interesting indeed, and more than a little disapointing :(
  17. blanchjo

    GPS Location

    You might try resetting your profile. I noticed the GPS move also, and the addition of the "Stance Indicator" required some people to reset their profiles. I'm assuming this all has to do with the same UI tweaking. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, and I hope this helps.
  18. You guys moved the GPS out of the way! I WANT TO HUG YOU ALL!
  19. Though it's not directly in line with the firing range at Kamino, the recently added compound is well within a firing arc of the range, just saying. Every firing range I've ever been to has, at minimum, a man made burm as a precaution to prevent fire into inhabited area's. The firing range at the airport makes sense, it faces into a mountain range with no habitation. I know that I'm nit picking, just thought it was worth mentioning that this seems really illogical.
  20. Leave Splendid Camera and debug menu in final game, at least through the editor. Please (o_o) Maybe add instagram filters. I joke
  21. From a developers stand point, would it be feasible to allow light effects to degrade at distance? It is a little difficult to tell, but it seems as though night lighting (street lamps/ wreckage/ etc.) are still affecting some fairly high level shader effects at very long distances. It seems like overkill for a cast light from a streetlamp to have a smooth penumbra and affect the grounds bump map over a few hundred meters, and I know that I for one am still experiencing pretty severe fps hits over night lighting in towns and the airport area on the current developer build. This is all just observation, and I sincerely do think the on-going lighting changes are extremely exciting, and I fully understand that this is all in progress. I am sorry if I am misunderstanding what is happening in the lighting system. Regardless, I love the product you guys are creating. The first thing I do everyday is check the Developer Branch Changelog, and it's a little sad how much that is the highlight of my day o_o. Please keep up the amazing work.
  22. I've read about others experiencing issues with severe stuttering in areas with lots of buildings on decent to great hardware, but I have not seen this fix on the boards. I have had this problem for a very long time, especially on Chernarus, which was frustrating since I've been running an I7 @ 3.2ghz, 16gb system memory, and a GTX 560 with 2gb ddr5. My fix was to set object detail to VERY HIGH. Before this, driving a HMMWV across Cherno would give me 50 fps with massive stuttering (10 or less fps) for +/- 10 seconds every 10 or so seconds. Now I don't drop below 30, ever. With 2gb of vram and object detail maxed, to my logic, the engine can cache most if not all geometry. On normal-very low it is having to stream geometry, causing the stuttering. I suppose this wouldn't work for a more modest rig. I hope this helps someone out there, and if this has been posted before, my sincerest apologies. Also, sorry if this seems stupid. My logic was always if it runs bad, lower the settings. This was a little counter intuitive for me since I've been running the game at very low object detail for years, and putting up with the stuttering. **Edit** Don't use -winxp with this. I've been messing around with settings since posting this and I had major stutter issues with -winxp command...
  23. blanchjo

    What is the first thing you will do in Arma3?

    1st thing? I expect 7+ hours of experimentation with cfg files. Really though, extensive exploration in the editor.