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Posts posted by dale

  1. GTA 4 has some form of system where by the car can sometimes explode, or if you just crash it loads, it just wont start anymore.

    what the Arma 3 devs should be trying to come up with (if they haven't already of course) is a system which gives indicators when a "part" of the vehicle is shot rather than the whole thing, so if I shoot the rotors in Arma 2 its only the rotors which take damage, if I was to shoot a HE round at a part of the heli and it doesn't hit the fuel tank it should crumple and maybe injure the crew but it shouldn't explode.

    And when the heli hits for the floor, again it shouldnt explode but the bounce and crash will break apart the heli, or maybe just turn it into a "wreck" which if you survive you can get out of.

  2. You do realise that you can turn off the popups in steam? right?

    Theres two ways, one way is to right click in your game and go to Properties > Enable Steam Community Ingame.

    The second way is go to the top left and select Steam > Settings > and then turn off everything in each tab Friends Interface and Ingame

    Done you wont see any steam notifications ingame :)

    Also apart from things such as bad AI/ bad UI (which you wouldn't want in any game) I hope that anything and everything is in Arma 3, with the choice to use it or not as always.

    Part of what makes Arma series great is the unlimited possibilities that we have compared to say BF3 or COD where you cant even do 2% of the things we can do in Arma :) so what I dont want is a closed game where I walk down a never ending tunnel of bad release after bad release.

  3. what about getting rid of our old enemy mr Alt+Tab? finding out one day that you are a mad man on a killing spree, only ACE with its shift +¬ got rid of that or double tap control.

    Also I would like to see us test the 3D editor again as this was a really promising feature that never got completed.

  4. well I dont think we will get many mods to speak of, but missions would be a nice thing to have, wouldnt mind seeing something along the lines of Warfare or Domination.

    Also would like to see some PvP maps such as AAS and AAD.

    and those inbetween PvP and PvE maps such as C-Insurgency.

    Possibly due to the new movement system we can see some more small scale PvP such as (counter strikeish) bomb diffusion or actual capture the flag, even gun game :)

    These will be fun and provide lots of hours of fun, hopefully people wont rage on me as I do enjoy a variety of missions, so just because I say counter strike I dont mean I want it to be exactly like counter strike.

    It will be a good way to test the CQB of Arma 3 as weve never really had a CQB type missions and whenever we do its always carp :/

  5. Nice :) those who are moaning I dont know why, maybe its because they want Disks? I dont know it just seems like people are moaning because they can.

    Ive been playing Arma for years, and never once did I think "this games is so great because it came as a disk" what I thought instead was "this game is great because the developers made something great" and then a few days later "and the community is great".

    Also im not the sort of person to shoot down a game before its even out, seems very pointless, and need I remind everyone that this game was in development long before DayZ even touched the surface.(it came out around Aug last year ffs)

    Now all the money provided by the mob who have jumped to Arma 2, are now paying for an all out amazing Arma 3, the BIS devs have at the expense of popularity and marketing strategy decided to extend the release till close to summer because of the extra money they have been able to put into development.

    if you think dayZ standalone is using all the money think again, because they are using all of Arma 3's stuff (plus a little extra), so overall we are getting something which is very moddable as always and extremely open with a well developed system.

    if you compare this to COD or BF3 then go play those games, and remind yourself that COD and BF3 are nothing like Arma, they are closed and small.

  6. you might have been banned by the server only, theres an option in the server.cfg which is "true" which bans you if you have the "wrong signature", its very ineffective, if they are new to running servers they might not have turned it off "false".

    In which case you can be removed from the ban by asking them to take a look at the Bans in their Arma 2 directory.

    if you have been globally banned and you cant access any servers then go through BE as last poster stated, in which case either be very honest from the start or you wont be getting your game back (at least MP wise), there might have been an issue with BE for all we know so dont state false truths either.

  7. Yeah I dont understand :/, equal mods has been disabled as you stated mate, and it works.

    But I need a longer term solution to this as clearly something is missing., and this means people can connect with whatever they want :/

    So the question stands as the same, if sickboy has any comments on this please post as im really wanting to get this working.

  8. Just a word of warning, dont play on Simulator level if you dont have your joystick plugged in, I was like "yep im simulator level for sure" thinking more difficult enemies, cockpit view etc, to my horror the mouse plus cockpit are awful, "%£$& wheres my joystick!" came to mind and it was much better afterwards.

    I have to say ive had a few dinks already, and so far ive died of Flak hitting the plane (didnt explode but ripped the wing off), one wing being shot up so it had more holes than a LGBT rally, fueselage got hit and all the fuel went so I had to glide it down to a friendly field, crashed into someone doing a head on attack and the general deaths that you get with good pilots.

    Currently flying a Hurricane and a Typhoon, very good to fly both, other factions Ive played but not really invested in :)

    I want to do the German and then US factions next.

  9. well theres just not enough information for anyone to make a decent guess as to what your problem is :/

    if it installed and downloaded with no issues and is verifying okay then its down to your system, and we can only help you with your system if you know what it is using, the best way to get system info is via dxdiag which you can type into either run or the search bar at the "start" (windows key) bar.

    It would also be good to know what other games you play on there.

  10. it will most likely happen in your country as its so massive the differences in people are a lot, this is what you get with democracy you see.

    What most people dont realise is that if they do leave a country they are still "owned" by that country, just in other ways such as trade or technology, so in actual fact they become worse off compared to when they were in the other nation because at least then they had more of a choice in the leader.

    I get a gut feeling that there are a large minority (oxymoron) in the USA who just cant handle the decline in capitalism, but I think more has been done in terms of reforms in the USA over the last few years than have happened in the last 30 years, and that capitalism has been growing stronger but in the right directions.

    I think overall things are also becoming more connected, therefore before you were voting for a guy you never even met, and the people you were voting against you also never really saw (majority here 40000 at the rallies is not 300 million) but now their opinions come straight to your phone or tablet.

    So it seems like theres more people against you, but actually its the same its just now they can tell you what they think without ever leaving their living room, which makes it more accesible to people who usually wouldnt be bothered.
