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About Noobofthenight

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  1. Noobofthenight

    Arrowhead: Mission 4 defuse the bomb?

    I've found that bomb... but when I try put in the code, it just does jack all, it's really frustrating. Is there an 'ok' button? I pressed the arrow twice, does nothing... I dont get it at all
  2. Noobofthenight

    British 3 Para

    Looks great mate, going to have a look at them bad boys now :)
  3. Noobofthenight

    "No message recieved"

    I think I've figured it!!!!! I recall a similiar bug in bf2, where if you tried to connect to a server, it would mess up. I set core affinity to core0 only, and it seems to have rid me of this desync 'no message recieved' bug!!! :D
  4. Noobofthenight

    "No message recieved"

    Well for me it is not the internet connection, because I have a ping of 15 to the server, it even occurrs on my LAN, so it has to be something to do with bad netcode, but also conflicting with something in my computer... I've pretty much ruled it out being an internet connection thing.
  5. Noobofthenight

    "No message recieved"

    I get the same problem... does any one know what is going on? :(
  6. I've had the same thing, even on LAN, so it is not a server connection thing, it is clearly something wrong with the net code, I too feel your pain ICE, I really wanted to do campaign with my brother, rather than solo, so this is very frustrating.
  7. Noobofthenight

    No Message Recieved

    When you say 'recieved' issue, this is the same as 'no message recieved', correct?
  8. Noobofthenight

    No Message Recieved

    I get the same thing, it is wank. Nothing on here describing it yet! Not a router problem, not my computer, something to do with dodgey coding I think.
  9. For myself, I cannot join my brother's server, on our LAN, but he can join mine, but he tends to get a 'player x losing connection' and then eventually just disconnecting... wtf?