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About Tolyzor

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  1. Tolyzor

    sniper rifles

    I don't know why people are complaining about this being resource intensive, adjusting for elevation would take near enough 0 resources and it would all be client side anyway. I suggest there should also be an adjustment for the m203 like in AA3. Without elevation adjustment for things that have it and need it in real life like grenade launchers and sniper rifles, this game is an unrealistic guessing game.
  2. Tolyzor


    Looks like artefacts caused by your graphics card overheating, try clocking it a bit lower or increasing the cooling to it.
  3. ditto, I hate the way you shoot someone and they stand up to die.
  4. Why have amazing graphics when they are constantly blurred or bloomed to oblivion? These two gimmicks completely destroy the amazing graphics of this game, please atleast add an option to disable them. As an aside, blur is the most pointless invention ever, seeing as your eye does it in real life as you look at the screen when things are moving fast! Also I get a bug with the m107 where the muzzle break is motion blurred but the rest of the weapon is not.