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Everything posted by Archamedes

  1. Archamedes

    SP - Operation Iron Fist series

    yes looking forward to this, for anyone thats noticed i have had bad internet problems the previous 2 weeks and havent been online at all, luckily enough i have an internet dongle now and able to keep up to date. I hope you enjoyed the voice acting jason, think i did a good job as my native tongue is British and it took a lot of warm ups to get the american accent down
  2. Archamedes

    Seal team six 3

    I found that in some cases Enemy soldiers spawn in places they never did before causing some conflicts. For instance starting at fob manhatten with an enemy patrol inside the perimeter can really cause problems. not to mention setting up a sniper position in a green zone looking over at an enemy base can really mess your day up when you get a tap on the sholder
  3. revert the mission, this isnt actually made for ace but its configurations activate when you play. If you do an update and something in ace has been removed the save game will notice that and say the level cant be loaded. but reverting will wipe the slate clean. just dont update when your halfway through the mission
  4. Archamedes

    Seal team six 3

    that mission was an absolute sod to do especially if you dont go in with the right equipment. In my first attempt after losing half my men and depleting all my ammo and medical stuff, i managed to blow up the hangers but as i got close to the pilot i realised it was guarded by tanks and my pistol just wasnt gonna cut it. So after reverting I ended up using the Humvee as my main entry tool. By entering the far west side of the base, the humvee rocket launcher dispached the roaming uaz's and even managed to take out the BMP. So it was only troops we had to deal with. Stealth was obviously out the window so using a scope fitted SAW machine gun made wiping out squads an easy task. So i ended up escaping with all my men the pilot and extra ammo. (keep your men in the hanger with the cdf pilot lying down and not firing. then do the hangers on your own.)
  5. Archamedes

    @ SAS Task Force Black Campaign

    i didnt. i had to endmission
  6. Archamedes

    (SP)ACE They Came from Above

    only if you expand into a campaign they will
  7. Archamedes

    Seal team six 3

    The whole realism thing isn't just an issue here. Anyone seen the film "the Hurt locker" Its basically a story of bomb disposal soldiers in Iraq and its suppost to portray real soldier life for men that have to disarm IEDs. In the press it got mixed reviews from current serving soldiers. Some say it was very accurate and others say its hollywood trash. Yet to be honest every serving soldier will all have a different story of war, and none can all agree on the same experience. After all a helicopter pilot wont see the exact same things as a navy seal.
  8. Archamedes

    (SP)ACE They Came from Above

    I tell you if you did and they where this detailed and as structured as this mission, you and the Seal team six camps would be in competition while all of us get to enjoy playing them. All i can say is don't get discouraged from turning it into a camp if it turns out epic then its all worth the time and effort
  9. Archamedes

    (SP)ACE They Came from Above

    This is probably one of the only SP missions that i actually enjoyed start to finish. It would be really good if you could use this as a starting point of a campaign. Because this really should go further than just a single mission
  10. Archamedes

    @ SAS Task Force Black Campaign

    I had that same problem, he was an indian with turban and glasses. He just lay on the ground and there where no options in the action menu other than the "greet, chernarussian" Also there is a new SBJ SAS pack released that supports ACE
  11. Archamedes

    Seal team six 3

    I used te SLX for quite a long while and loved the dismemberment, but due to newer mods coming out i decided to turn it off. I didn't actually like the fact that I can open fire on enemies and after about 4-5 shots they kind of wobble but continue to fight (some even headshots) some occasions i had to empty an entire clip in order to kill 1 enemy. So it actually makes playing the game much harder, especially with enemies further away. Another problem with slx is that your team mates do not stay in formation, they wander off and do not always follow orders. For example In harvest red mission "into the Storm" After freeing the doctor and woman, satchelled the radar, and you have to all meet up at point liquid. Your team take up to 20 minutes to finally stop pissing about and finally meet there, and because of this you miss out on the bonus objective to laser designate the house, and tanks overlooking the mountain It cuts to the next mission because you are out of time. The surrender and capture feature is buggy as hell too. My men all surrender and drop their weapons if a lone enemy runs past them (not even engaging sometimes) and you cant get them to pick up their weapons and continue.
  12. Archamedes

    Seal team six 3

    It is fun but only works if you successfully kill a guard without anyone else hearing, then managing to get in and out without being seen. Usually a patrol will notice and all run over to it. I havent yet tried the "play dead" feature yet. Not sure if this causes a conflict with any triggers in being detected but also look forward to using it
  13. Archamedes

    Seal team six 3

    im liking the "dead body found" script. For GL4. I killed an enemy using a silenced weapon and placed a satchel charge on his body. Just wait for the whole base to come running to check it out. Its like a moth to a flame. "boom!" empty base.
  14. Just a quick question. I am really looking forward to arrowhead when its released. However i understand its actually a standalone expansion and that doesn't need arma 2 in order to play. So will my current mods be compatible such as ACE, SLX Flir, War particles etc... or is it back to the drawing board again
  15. Archamedes

    Seal team six 3

    i got gl4 all fixed up now thanks. i always have problems editing script files because just as i figure out one a new one comes out with a different layout. I turned off reinforcements and enemy ability to call in arty on you. I instantly noticed a huge difference in gameplay (before switching it all off) i replayed harvest red into the storm, which is usually a quiet, sneak in and stealth kill the guards but with gl4 settings all on your in a huge firefight with soldiers hiding in the woods just before the village, i wasnt expecting that
  16. Right, I have noticed that pretty much all user missions and campaigns are all about America vs Russia. It gets a bit old, just as old as the cold war and the fact America and Russia haven't been in conflict for years. So I was thinking of possibly making an Afghanistan campaign. Complete with a desert map, proper Taliban (or similer) units. After all Nowadays all we hear about is war in afghanistan and its a wonder nobody has done one yet. The only problem is The only thing i know about mission editing is from a few basic Youtube tutorials covering the real basics and a load of missions i have unpbo'd to figure out how they work. I really would like to do this but as far as triggers, Briefing scripts and all those sqm, sqf files go, i seem to scratch my head. I would also love to have intros and outros as well, but i really wouldn't know where to start. So if I was to go ahead with this, would there be any good mission makers out there interested in helping out with the complicated stuff? Pm me and let me know. Things I would think would be good missions - Taliban safehouse assaults with CAS - IED detection missions - Finding Hostages before they get beheaded on camera - Checkpoint security (checking cars for bombs and terrorists, and having a dramatic mission where one detonates at the checkpoint) - All the general stuff that our boys and girls are doing out there now. All in all i think it would have a different spin on what we are used to.
  17. Archamedes

    Seal team six 3

    i got it now, found the numbers before you posted lol. Only thing is i cant find the ace classlist anywhere. Also do you have to add all the other silenced weapons? like the ones that come with this camp
  18. Archamedes

    Seal team six 3

    still cant work it there are too many lines bunched together to know exactly which one and i got no idea where line 20 is because they are not numbered, can you send the script please
  19. Archamedes

    Seal team six 3

    Can you pm me and copy/paste the entire script code that needs to be altered to turn off reinforcements and artillery, please. i found the file that needs changing but i cant work out how to sort it manually and i dont want to break something
  20. Archamedes

    Seal team six 3

    Has anyone tried doing this campaign (well actually any camp/mission) with A.C.E. and Group 4 special fx edition http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8849 Oh my god the group 4 addon along with everything else makes the game full on realistic war. What with the real (actually recorded from real battlefields) radio chat that plays when you are inside vehicles the chat is mainly pilots talking to command and vice versa and not actually part of the game but adds to the ambient war. The realistic blood spurts from gunshots. The much more improved explosive fx, the destructive houses that end up with big holes in the side when hit by tank turrents, The enemy surrender, interrogate feature. Bullet whiz and other ambient war sounds. I played a simple single bis mission and with this and ace it really is a whole new game. The only thing you have to do before you load arma is put the config folder in your root directory, but if you have ace you will already have a config folder so put the containing config folder in there. You may also want to reassign the radio chatter volume keys too by editing the keys config
  21. Archamedes

    Arma 2 1.06 Patch Suggestions

    i think that you shouldn't lose gear when in water, opening more gaming oppertunities like navy seals underwater infiltration.
  22. any idea on a release date yet?
  23. Archamedes

    Seal team six 3

    That is only really useful if you are stuck on a buggy level where you can't continue and don't want to risk reverting and playing all over again to get stuck at the same point. If you want to cheat everytime you get stuck or shot to hell then theres no real point playing
  24. Archamedes

    @ SAS Task Force Black Campaign

    got nothing to do with the missions, if you had checked the thread you would have noticed that on more than 3 times people say you have to disable ace
  25. Archamedes

    @ SAS Task Force Black Campaign

    Must be made out of the same stuff as captain scarlett