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Everything posted by SD_Killa

  1. SD_Killa

    Petition for mouse fix ~!

    I don't know about when the rest of you actually experiencing this problem, but for all the people who don't have/understand the problem, I get this problem ANY time I look around. It doesn't matter whether I'm holding ALT and free looking from a vehicle, when running, when aiming "from the hip", when aiming through the sights, when standing still and free looking. It simply doesn't matter - it's always present. :eek: Also in case the devs are interested, the input lag gets worse when I alt-tab out of the game, then return to it. I also notice that there will be almost no input lag, but upon changing the video memory setting it is very noticeable. It doesn't matter what I change it to, from the point of changing it on, it is always there. (Until I restart the game.)
  2. Perhaps they are delaying it to fix bugs, mouse lag, etc.
  3. SD_Killa

    Petition for mouse fix ~!

    The people who genuinely believe that this was implemented to make the game more realistic make me laugh, hard. That is absolutely hilarious. No game company in their right mind would ever do such a thing, and please stop voicing your hatred for all the games you played and sucked at. Kthxbye