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About Szadowsz

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  1. i can't actually creat a waypoint using the editor as i am usin a fastrope addon (norrins i think) that gets messed up if you add in waypoints afterwards. i was just wondering how to write a script that would do basically that
  2. nah it doesn't as I'm not trying to actually perform an extraction
  3. I need help writing a waypoint script for a chopper in chernarus i need to send it away from the current area(towards the main city or main airfield) and then get it to delete itself and its crew any help/advice would be appreciated
  4. Szadowsz

    Editor has lost files

    ok awesome ill try that now
  5. help I have lost the ability to create empty objects when i upgraded to the latest patch
  6. awesome explains why me and friend couldn't make it work properly we synched the move waypoint instead
  7. I was just wondering how to rig it up so that when an area is clear, a helicopter will turn up with reinforcements. i have the heli set to hold position until a trigger is activated. I figured I should use a switch trigger synched to the heli or something, but Im not exactly sure how and what needs to be synched.