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Everything posted by dimitri_harkov

  1. dimitri_harkov

    VILAS addons release thread

    Well, I think I know the solution for the group lag, but I have no clue why the grenades don't show up...
  2. dimitri_harkov

    VILAS addons release thread

    what about the grenade issue? Any clue how to solve it? (see posts 264 & 266)
  3. dimitri_harkov

    VILAS addons release thread

    both. same result. (and: yes, I gave the stock soldiers VIL_throw as well). EDIT: Strange enough, after respawning the grenades work again... ?!?
  4. dimitri_harkov

    VILAS addons release thread

    @vilas I fear I have to report a bug: P85 grenades only work in the editor. As soon as you export a mission to singleplayer or multiplayer, you can no longer throw grenades. They are still in the inventory, however. Cheers, D.
  5. dimitri_harkov

    VILAS addons release thread

    Thank you for your kind words. That reminds me: There are still some bugs in the group config (you remember the reports concerning very slow battles some pages back?). Would you mind if I have another look at the groups and try to solve the problem? If so, should I use your currently uploaded version or do you want to upload a newer version first? Cheers, D.
  6. dimitri_harkov

    VILAS addons release thread

    Indeed. Personally, I detest modern warfare and love 60s/70s era. Much more fun to play (only few sights, closer range, etc...). I would be lost without Vilas' packs! So: Many thanks for your addons, Vilas. Please keep it up and waste no more time to answer the rants of certain people. Cheers, D.
  7. dimitri_harkov

    Changing Class in MP Issue

    well, you could try to script a workaround using respawn = 5, which (as you will know for sure) enables team switch in multiplayer. Good luck & Cheers, D.
  8. dimitri_harkov

    Changing Class in MP Issue

    yes, this works, but there are more issues than just the two. e.g. ArmA keeps thinking you (the player) are still in control of the original unit even after the switch. This causes a whole lot of errors (like both you and the AI being in control of the same unit after respawn... !). After all, as stated in the biki, this is a single player feature. So I guess we will have to live with it. It's only weird that team switch works just fine when setting repawn to 5... Cheers, D.
  9. dimitri_harkov


    If you want some sort of campaign, why don't you set up your missions as 'mini-multiplayer-campaign'? Something like this: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=83962 Cheers, D.
  10. dimitri_harkov

    VILAS addons release thread

    Oh yes, and ammunition, fuel and supply trucks for P85 would be nice too... :)
  11. dimitri_harkov

    VILAS addons release thread

    Nice. thanks! btw, your standard Soviet RPK soldier has an RPK with the curved magazine on the RPK, but he carries drum magazines in his gear. Both magazines will work with the RPK of course, but I still wonder if you did this on purpose or if it's an oversight. I'm also investigating that 'nunits' issue. EDIT: As guessed before, your predefined groups are definitly the cause for this 'nunit' bug/ctd. I'll have a look again if you want. EDIT2: some more errors from the arma2.rpt: Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/p85_m60tank/Turrets/MainTurret/Turrets/loaderOptics/: Turret body OtocVez_2 not found while initializing the model p85_v\bds_m60a3.p3d Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/p85_m60tank/Turrets/MainTurret/Turrets/loaderOptics/: Turret gun OtocHlaven_2 not found while initializing the model p85_v\bds_m60a3.p3d Protocol bin\config.bin/RadioProtocolEN/: Missing word tank Protocol bin\config.bin/RadioProtocolRU/: Missing word Abrams Protocol bin\config.bin/RadioProtocolEN/: Missing word t72
  12. dimitri_harkov

    VILAS addons release thread

    Hey Vilas, I have 100s of lines of this error report in my arma2.rpt: Subgroup leader candidate did not found, NUnits() = 1, nUnits = 1 Subgroup leader candidate did not found, NUnits() = 1, nUnits = 1 Subgroup leader candidate did not found, NUnits() = 1, nUnits = 1 Subgroup leader candidate did not found, NUnits() = 1, nUnits = 1 Subgroup leader candidate did not found, NUnits() = 1, nUnits = 1 No leader I have no clue what causes this, but it slows down the game and can even lead to crashes. ----- EDIT: Hm... I think your predefined groups cause this bug... Could you upload your latest cfgGroups for me, Vilas? I'll check it again.
  13. dimitri_harkov

    VILAS addons release thread

    :) you're welcome, but we'll first have to see if my changes are ok for vilas.
  14. dimitri_harkov

    VILAS addons release thread

    @vilas: 2s1 Gvozdika now works with BIS' Artillery Module. Should it have SADARM and Laser guided artillery shells too? Not really, I guess. Starting work on 2S7 Pion and M109 now. ------- EDIT: Nevermind, finished the artillery now.
  15. dimitri_harkov

    VILAS addons release thread

    I would also like to use P'85 artillery with BIS' artillery module. I will try to add that feature for you, if you want, vilas.
  16. dimitri_harkov

    VILAS addons release thread

    It's the PG7V grenade. The launcher itself (RPG7V) can't be the problem as you are using the stock BIS launcher. It's not the soldier model either, I have tried with both your Soviets and original BIS models. When I use the BIS pg7 model for your PG7v grenade, everything's fine. Cheers, D.
  17. dimitri_harkov

    VILAS addons release thread

    @vilas: There is some misunderstanding: The RPG grenade on the RPG launcher (when shouldered) seems to have a mesh that is either not closed or penetrates the body, or has flipped normals or whatever and causes it's 3d-faces (you know: that area between the vertices... isn't that called 'face'?) to extend infinitly to all directions sometimes. The RPG soldier then looks like some piece of modern art that fills the whole screen. I have 1.04 official btw. Cheers!
  18. dimitri_harkov

    VILAS addons release thread

    Indeed, great work! I have just uploaded a multiplayer mission for Project '85 here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=87567 --- Some bug reports: -The RPG grenades on your RPG soldiers cause a sometimes horrible gfx bug (something like 'exploding faces'). -Missing damage texture for the M923 -US Army crew soldiers always complain about having 'no ammo'. In fact they have ammo, but their ammo is of 'pistol ammo' type, so they still think they have none. -RPK has no drum magazine on the model, but drum magazines in the inventory... intended or oversight? Many thanks vilas! Keep it up, one just has to love P'85 :) Cheers, D.
  19. dimitri_harkov

    CAA1 public release

    Some addons work straight ahead, some need a bit of tweaking, others won't work at all. Just try some and report back. bds tanks (t55 / m60) work great for example, Mig15bis works with some sound tweaks... I think there is even a list of working addons somewhere on this forum... Cheers, D.
  20. dimitri_harkov

    Arma 2 Addon request thread

    Su-7 variants! ...and other ground attack planes / fighter bombers from the 50s to 70s along with armor of that period.
  21. Just use subordinates with the high command feature. Then it will work. Cheers, D.
  22. dimitri_harkov

    CAA1 public release

    un-pbo the files, open the config, search for the line 'requiredVersion' and delete it, save, re-pbo, done. Sounds difficult, but it's easy and well worth the trouble. Cheers, D.
  23. dimitri_harkov

    CAA1 public release

    @Legislator: You must have an old or corrupted version of CAA1. There are no SLA vehicles under the 'Russia' tab. The ArmA1 vehicles that are part of CAA1 are in their correct 'SLA', 'US Army' and 'RACS' tabs. @CAA1-team/contributers: Thanks for the update and the great support. Cheers, D.
  24. dimitri_harkov

    CAA1 public release

    Many thanks to the CAA1 team! MiG-21 vs F-4 Phantom II dogfights over Chernarussia - thanks to you for making that possible in no time. Cheers, D.
  25. dimitri_harkov

    Removing Diary Entries

    I'd be interested in that too.