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Everything posted by thearies

  1. hmmm i know that the t-90AM is not planned so far but maybe this could be interesting for mod-teams like RHS, or ist there a better place to post technical-infos ? http://trishul-trident.blogspot.de/2011/09/t-90am-latest-avatar-of-t-90-mbt.html
  2. for all "armor-freaks" don´t know if this is from a book or collected documents, a lot of food... http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/856/apfsdstabelanowa.png/
  3. ...to avoid aimless armor diskussions go for ace armor-system, i can´t wait till ace-config release :D
  4. thearies

    P:UKF Challenger 2.

    one thing that i found, is that the ace script interact with the ballistic computer of other tanks. so if i´m using the ukf challenger2 all of the other tanks are no longer "cannon zeroed" and allways to short not for AI but for players... love this addon ;)
  5. thearies

    Robalo's ACE configs

    that sounds good :)
  6. thearies

    Robalo's ACE configs

    what i´m missing is ace configs for rhs t-80 (the vanilla armor is too weak) and for the new cz dlc is there anywhere an example for vehicle ace configs or i´m on the wrong way? greetings
  7. thearies

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    the dingos armored glass broken after a few assault rifle hits but without changing it´s "armorbility". the dingos get wrecked when a satchel explode near by... etc so we need ace config and j.s.r.s. sounds ;)
  8. great addon, but is it possible that enemys wan´t engage the ridgeback with rpg´s ??? i tried it several times with vanilla ai and asr ai and they only start to shoot at it with rifles or mg´s... can someone confirm this?
  9. thearies

    P:UKF Challenger 2.

    may found bug, the ace config for challenger 2 interacts with m1a1 from ace2. the "lasing" from m1a1 is too short when challenger2 ace config is activ... can someone reproduce this???
  10. thearies

    P:UKF Challenger 2.

    okay...im really fan of hardcore simulation like steel beast pro pe etc. ...but i would also be happy with approximation like ace2 ones for challenger1 and warrior just for armor and operability like laser-rangefinder vor chall1 so that they can "play" with ace t-72´s at eye level... that would be great:)
  11. thearies

    P:UKF Challenger 2.

    i love it, and ace2 integration...perfect!!! i really would like to see the challenger1 and warrior from "boar" with ace config... :rolleyes:
  12. that´s what im waiting for absolutely great, evolution to module would be perfect idea and support of ace2 please....;) ...does drone´s fly in "uncleaned antiair-regions" ?
  13. thearies

    ASR AI Skills

    hey folks, i really don´t know, cause i can´t isolate that phänomena exactly to the mod but: sometimes ai-soldiers in my squad freeze at their position and change to pistol there´s nothing to do they don´t move anymore did anyone notice that too???
  14. thearies

    Development Blog & Reveals

    mhhh... looks like the merkava on 002.jpg is equipt with trophy: http://defense-update.com/products/t/trophy.htm hope we can expect "APS" as part of the simulation... not just for the eye
  15. thearies

    US Marines

    ...x10... can´t wait for it :)
  16. thearies

    ACE for OA 1.11

    can anyone reproduce that?
  17. thearies

    ACE for OA 1.11

    the BAF automatic-gunner and machinegunner are missing their ear-plugs ?!
  18. thearies

    ACE for OA 1.11

    great... somehow i crashed my arma2 co so the videotrouble i got did not caused by ace2 ;)
  19. thearies

    ACE for OA 1.11

    the us-army machinegunner´s m240 is perma muzzleflashing without firing... arma co 1.59.79384 / cba 0.7.160 / ace ...further heavy graficproblems with flickering and or invisible vehicles like bmp3/bmp2d/brdm in 3d person view... can anyone reproduce that ???
  20. thearies

    M109A6 Paladin v1.1 (UPDATED)

    great addon !!! is it possible to control more then one m109 with the arty-computer, so that i can fire for eg. 4 m109´s the same time?
  21. thearies

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    for me best soundmod around !!!
  22. thearies


    :bounce3: great :bounce3:
  23. thearies

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    @beagle i think i will try this too... you mean you change the values in the cfg... so you use the same skills and acurracy for friendly and hostile AI...right?!
  24. thearies

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    hello folks, which pbo of the zeus-ace pbo´s are responsible for long-range detection? may i can isolate that feature cause i would like to test performance without too autonomous behavior of the AI like many before i thought that i loose control with the whole zeus-ace bundle... greetings