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Everything posted by d3lta

  1. Anyone know if the great R3F Arty and Log is compatible with ARMA 3?
  2. Thanks Mariodu62, but the problem that need's to run twice the script continues.... Why I need to run twice the script? server logic problem?
  3. Hi masters, How I full (cannon+turret) reammo the M2A1 Slammer ??? I used "setVehicleAmmo", but it fail.... =( best regards...
  4. Hi guys, here my little script about reammo MBT: _gen = _this select 0; _idmenu= _this select 2; _param = _this select 3; _Car = _param select 0; _supveic = _param select 1; _type = typeOf _Car; if (((_Car distance _supveic) < 6) && alive _Car && alive _supveic) then { if ( (isEngineOn _Car ) || (isEngineOn _supveic) ) then { hintSilent "Ambos os motores precisam estar desligados antes da manutenção se iniciar."; } else { ec = effectiveCommander _Car; if ( ec==player ) then { _gen removeAction _idmenu; hintSilent "Iniciando manutenção geral do veículo. Aguarde."; if (local _Car) then { hint "Reabastecendo e trocando peças com problemas."; sleep 15; //ec = effectiveCommander _Car; _Car setFuel 0; _supveic setFuel 0; sleep 5; _Car setDamage 0; //_Car setVehicleAmmoDef 1; // BLOCO ISOLADO DEVIDO A BUGS _Car setVehicleAmmo 0; _Car addMagazineTurret ["2000Rnd_65x39_Belt",[0]]; _Car addMagazineTurret ["500Rnd_127x99_mag_Tracer_Red",[0,0]]; _Car addMagazineTurret ["SmokeLauncherMag",[0,0]]; { _Car addMagazineTurret ["30Rnd_120mm_HE_shells_Tracer_Red",[0]]; sleep 0.1; _Car addMagazineTurret ["32Rnd_120mm_APFSDS_shells_Tracer_Red",[0]]; sleep 0.1; } forEach [0]; hint "Rearmando."; sleep 15; //_Car setVehicleAmmo 1; // torretas hint "Manutenção completa"; _Car setFuel 1; _supveic setFuel 1; [_Car,_supveic] call api_PermiteACM; }; } else { hint "Somente o comandante dentro do veículo pode autorizar o inicio da manutenção."; }; }; } else { hintSilent "Você precisa de um veículo de manutenção próximo para iniciar o procedimento."; };; I have a small problem with script, I need to run it twice to reammo the MBT. Why this? Ps. I'm using a addaction to fire the script. Ps. I'm using a dedserver to test. Best regards
  5. On the end of the script, I used : ec = effectiveCommander _Car; ec setVehicleAmmo 1; It's Ok now. Thanks guys!! Best regards .
  6. Ok mestoth, I understand, I will check this option. Very Thanks. Best regards.
  7. Great news mestoth. I stopped use my hd7970, now, temporarily, I'm using a nvcard, until the fix. My radeon is out of warranty. =(
  8. How I rearm the MBT turret with smoke? I'm using _car addMagazineTurret ["SmokeLauncherMag",[0,0]]; but is failing... =( Best regards
  9. Hi masters How I disable a opcom module using a script? Best regards Enviado de meu GT-N7100 usando Tapatalk
  10. Good work, but it's conflicting with TAW_VD Script. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19751&highlight=TAW_VD
  11. Hi masters, PublicVariable is failing when I use publicVariable. see: init.sqf: _actionId1 = lidergeral addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Falar</t>", { nul= [] execVM "FalarComLider.sqf" } ]; FalarComLider.sqf objtFOXTROT=1; publicVariable "objtFOXTROT"; <-------- don't broadcast to others PC.... What's the problem? obs 1.: I tested on dedicated (arma 3). best regards... D3lta
  12. YEAHHHHHH, I tested here now and bis_fnc_mp run's fine. THANKS A LOT Mariodu62, Iceman77 and Mikie Boy. Best regards!! :D:D:D
  13. The main problem is using addPublicVariableEventHandler with addaction. When I use with radio trigger , no problem.
  14. publicVariable "DisparadorDeEventoParaCliente"; and "DisparadorDeEventoParaCliente" addPublicVariableEventHandler does not broadcast to all clients? ---------- Post added at 11:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:26 AM ---------- hummm.. I will try.
  15. hint localize "SERVER XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"; Don't have HINT in my code, only localize that writes to arma's log. ---------- Post added at 03:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:39 AM ---------- Obs. Only HintSilent can to fire to display on client PC.
  16. Hi I'm testing in dedserver, not preview mode.
  17. Please, what's wrong with this code? init.sqf task4 = player createSimpleTask ["tskc4"]; task4 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Blah Blah Blah","Zamaks","Zamaks"]; task4 settaskstate "Created"; task4 setSimpleTaskDestination markerpos "obj4"; hand1= leaderSoldier addaction ["Speak","missaook.sqf"]; if (isServer || isDedicated) then { "DisparadorDeEventoGlobal" addPublicVariableEventHandler { localize "SERVER XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"; _NomeEvento = _this select 1 select 0; _ValEvento = _this select 1 select 1; DisparadorDeEventoParaCliente = [_NomeEvento,_ValEvento]; publicVariable "DisparadorDeEventoParaCliente"; }; } else { "DisparadorDeEventoParaCliente" addPublicVariableEventHandler { _params = _this select 1; _ne = _params select 0; hintSilent "MEH MEH MEH MEH"; }; }; missaook.sqf <------ FIRED BY ADDACTION DisparadorDeEventoGlobal=["facaAlgo","1"]; publicVariableServer "DisparadorDeEventoGlobal"; Here, using the speak menu on leader, don't show nothing, no hintSilent, no log info... :butbut:
  18. Thanks Mikie boy. But "isnil" isn't the problem, I tested. =( Is Arma3 introducing a new role security with addAction and publicvariable? Best regards.
  19. Hi masters, How I restrict usage of user markers on the map only to local view? I don't want global or side visualization of markers. Best regards D3lta
  20. Hummmmmm, it's cool... I will try this: disableChannels[]={0,1,2,3,5,6}; https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext Thx Iceman77
  21. sharing of markers is not much real. I think so.
  22. Thx Iceman77 but, I explain better: I want to lock the possibility of player to do global markers, side markers, vehicle markers, using dblclick on the map . The marker's player is visible only for the player. I think that is more real that global markers.... best regards
  23. I revised the instalation of directx redistributible on Windows 8 and now Windows 8.1. No problems. no mission specific. not in editor. menu yes but is rare. single or multiplayer crashs too.