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Everything posted by Stagler

  1. Stagler

    RHS Coop Pack

    Thanks for the reports lads. The trigger that frees the hostages worked when I tried it, did you clear the area of all enemies in both buildings? Brook Czechs is now Peace Talks Variable, there was no point in calling a mission something about talking to Czechs, when you are now fighting yanks. Nevertheless ill update the readme. cheers.
  2. Stagler

    RHS Coop Pack

    Well that has been fixed as well, I thought it was a duplicated radio message. The Radar however hasn't been moved and can probably still be destroyed with the bmp-2 atgm. But I guess it would be wise to occupy the town first before ALL the CDF turn up.
  3. Stagler

    RHS Coop Pack

    Nope the bug with the objective tick-off was fixed in the new pack. The convoy getting stuck is just AI though I guess.
  4. Stagler

    RHS Coop Pack

    The ones you said in the last thread. The messages at the start of Woodstocks, the tank blowing up (hopefully) in Beaten Track, and I moved the brdms slightly on CounterATGM so you might not be able to take them out from afar. I also made the breifings and tasks fully jip compatible and introduced the publicvariable commands so that triggers definitely fire. The ACR pack wont be updated anymore, this is the new and only version I will be working on for now. Besides I always liked chernarus better anyway.
  5. Stagler

    RHS:AFRF + ACR Coop Mission Pack

    This thread will be closed. Please go to the new thread http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?156035-RHS-Coop-Pack to download the latest version of the pack which has been converted to Chernarus and has removed ACR dependancies. Cheers lads.
  6. * Current version: v1.4, 12 missions * Inspired by Sander and his many mission packs I threw together this pack of coop missions to be played either in MP or in SP where the player takes the role of the squad leader. They utilise RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and the ACR (or ACR Lite) DLC by BIS. Current version includes twelve missions. Sendspace v1.4 Any bugs or anything post in here. As always, enjoy lads.
  7. Stagler

    RHS:AFRF + ACR Coop Mission Pack

    Okay buddy. Ill look into it today. Thanks for the reports. I understand the Beaten Track bug, its the tirgger that damages the tank to make it so it cant be driven away at the start and you have to wait for the repair vehicle. Sometimes it destroys the tank. If anyone can give me a way to just knock out both tracks without damaging it id appreicate it. :D
  8. Stagler

    CWR2 coop pack

    I have spoke with sander about this Tom. He is working on it :D
  9. Stagler

    ToraBora patrol (10COOP)

    No I mean like Takistani Army against Takistani insurgents. Syria style. :D
  10. Stagler

    ToraBora patrol (10COOP)

    OPFOR please :D Nice work though mate.
  11. W0lle, you will be missed as a great friend and colleague who put up with me and my rantings about the UK project. Im going to miss your help and knowledge, as well as your calm demeanour when I manage to fuck everything up. Sorry to see you leave mate but I understand sometimes you just gotta get away from it all. See you soon buddy.
  12. Yes. If you look in the units there is pilot in there. It is ready for me to plug a reskin of the CH-47 as the HC2 Chinook when its done. In the works for the next version is obviously fixes, and im working on a scimitar, scorpion and fv432 Rarden alongside Davids. Here are some from Williams planned assault website. I cant take screenshots because of Windows 8 (LOL). http://www.plannedassault.com/images/screenshots/a2_british_infantry_and_fv432.jpg http://www.plannedassault.com/images/screenshots/a2_sas_w_bergens_inserted.jpg http://www.plannedassault.com/images/screenshots/a2_british_infantry_moving_up_after_debussing.jpg
  13. As William has said. You can also change the smocks and pants too :)
  14. For anybody who is interested. It is now possible to add beret textures to the British units that are wearing them. The setobjecttexture command just needs the relevant path to the texture.paa in the files. There is a small list below. Enjoy.
  15. Stagler

    RHS:AFRF + ACR Coop Mission Pack

    Update time: v1.4 Quick update. Fixed convoy composition in Special Delivery. Sendspace v1.4
  16. Stagler

    RHS:AFRF + ACR Coop Mission Pack

    Update time: v1.3 Added 3 new missions. Fixed various bugs. Added PKP to most mission loadouts. I found the problem in Brook Czechs it was the trigger not firing on !alive when a static object was destroyed. RHS_ACR_co09_RadarDefeat.Woodland_ACR.pbo A mounted MSV squad must destroy a nearby counter-battery radar then draw out and defeat CDF mechanised reserves. RHS_ACR_co08_IndirectAttack.Woodland_ACR.pbo MSV troops must capture a town from USMC forces with the assistance of artillery support. RHS_ACR_co06_SpecialDelivery.Woodland_ACR.pbo A Special Operations unit must ambush a munitions convoy and destroy CDF materiel. Sendspace v1.3 ---------- Post added at 07:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:03 PM ---------- Fixed the duff links. Fucking filedropper.
  17. Stagler

    SJB Weapons Pack

    That's a damn lie and you know it!
  18. Stagler

    NATO Special Operations Command [BETA]

    Yes it is the Russian PMC faction camouflage.
  19. As of now there is no online resource for all CWR2 classnames like there was on the old site. There is a mission editing link, but none of the classname links on this page work. Just thought id let you guys know.
  20. First chechen war use my chechens and johncages chechen war russians. They are designed for that particular conflict. Anything past 2001 id use RHS AFRF.
  21. Its going fine as per. There has been some discussion on which direction to take with the mod over the next step and I think that has been decided now. You will hear soon.
  22. If anybody is going to take the shitty stick that is Chechnya, I am available for any special addons, advice, or requirements.
  23. Stagler


    Ifrit in plain field green with white numbering. Jizzin.
  24. Sometimes the first aid module provides moments of hilarity as you lie and bleed to death while the AI run about aimlessly and either do/don't try to heal you, and get killed in the same spot you did.
  25. The main gun barrel looks a bit thin like. Lookin good though.